Basic Data Management

How to use the data management command-line tools to store, copy and delete files.

The following examples assume that you have already created a proxy, that you are using a User Interface (UI) which has been configured in a standard way, that you are using a Bourne-type shell and that your VO name is myvo. The commands will also work inside a running job, since the environment there satisfies the same requirements.

Useful references:

Data Management Terminology

In the Grid, a file is stored in a Storage Element (SE). Files cannot be modified once written, only deleted. One logical file may have several identical replicas in different SEs. Files are identified by a Logical File Name (LFN), and a file catalogue stores the connection between the LFN and pointers to any replicas. Such a pointer is known as a Site URL (SURL). The SURL may be partly specified by the user, but it can be generated automatically so for simple cases there is no need to worry about it.

Files are also identified by a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), which is a fixed-format string generated by the middleware and guaranteed to be absolutely unique. However, this is not very human-friendly, and for most purposes you can ignore it and just use the LFN.


The file catalogue technology currently used in the EGEE Grid is called the LCG File Catalogue (LFC).

For some purposes you need to know the host name of the LFC for your VO. This information can be obtained with the lcg-infosites command, e.g.:

lcg-infosites --vo myvo lfc

If it is not defined by default, it should be stored in the environment variable LFC_HOST, e.g.:

export LFC_HOST=`lcg-infosites --vo myvo lfc`

LFNs follow a Unix-style naming system. The namespace can be explored with the lfc-ls command, which works in a similar way to the standard ls, although you should bear in mind that the underlying technology is quite different from a Unix file system. In particular, recursive listings from high up in the namespace hierarchy should be avoided, as this can place a large load on the server.

The top of the LFN namespace is normally /grid/myvo. The organisation of the namespace is defined by each VO, so you may need to consult VO-specific documentation to see if users are expected to create files in a particular area. You may also be able to see how the hierarchy is structured by browsing the directory tree with lfc-ls, e.g. user files might typically be created under a directory called /grid/myvo/users in subdirectories named for the user in question. It is also possible that your UI configuration may have predefined the LFC_HOME environment variable with the path of your home directory; when using the commands described below the content of this variable is prefixed to LFNs which do not start with a "/".

Alternatively, for testing purposes, a temporary directory with a distinctive name can be created and deleted afterwards. This can be done using the lfc-mkdir and lfc-rm commands respectively, but don't use lfc-rm to delete files, use lcg-del as described below, as this deletes the file itself as well as the catalogue entry.


The following examples assume that LFC_HOME points to a suitable directory in which to create test files. Directories are not created automatically, so this needs to be done first if necessary, e.g.:

lfc-mkdir -p /grid/myvo/user/`id -nu`/test
export LFC_HOME=/grid/myvo/user/`id -nu`/test

which creates a directory path named for the current Unix user ID and sets LFC-HOME to point to it.

The following examples illustrate simple cases for storing, replicating, retrieving and deleting Grid files. A -v option can be given to the lcg-* commands to get a more verbose description of what the command is doing.

The commands all need to know the name of the your VO. Recent versions of the tools can take this from a VOMS proxy, or it can be specified explicitly with a --vo option. It can also be set as a default via the LCG_GFAL_VO environment variable, e.g.:

export LCG_GFAL_VO=myvo

The examples assume that a default VO is available in one way or another.

Write a file to the Grid

To begin with, create a test file called hw, containing the string "Hello World":

echo "Hello World" | cat > hw

Store the file on the Grid with the lcg-cr command (cr = copy and register), using an LFN of test1 relative to the home directory:

lcg-cr file:`pwd`/hw -l lfn:test1

where the response from the command shows the allocated GUID. Note that local files must be referred to as file: URLs using an absolute path; the format is also picky about the number of leading "/" characters.

Technically, the LFN is optional and the file can be referred to using the GUID, but normally you should use an LFN. You can check that the LFN has been created using the lfc-ls command as before:

lfc-ls -l
-rw-rw-r--   1 19277    2688                     12 Sep 07 16:15 test1

This form of the lcg-cr command will use a standard default SE, usually at your own site, to store the file. To get a list of all SEs available to your VO you can again use the lcg-infosites command:

lcg-infosites --vo myvo -v 1 se

You can store a file on a specific SE by adding a -d option to lcg-cr followed by the name of the SE.

Replicating a Grid file

Alternatively, an existing file can be replicated to another SE:

lcg-rep lfn:test1 -d

You can see the SURLs of all replicas registered under a given LFN with the lcg-lr command (lr = list replicas):

lcg-lr lfn:test1

The response shows one line per replica, with a URL containing the hostname of the SE and an internal file name. In this example the part of the name after /myvo/ has been generated automatically; it is possible for the user to specify this part of the name but this is not needed for simple applications. These SURLs can be used in place of the LFN or GUID if you want to refer to a specific replica, otherwise the tools will choose a replica for you.

Reading a file from the Grid

To retrieve a local copy of a file, use the lcg-cp command:

lcg-cp lfn:test1 file:`pwd`/hw2

Check the content of hw2:

cat hw2
Hello World

Deleting a file from the Grid

To delete files there are two variants of the lcg-del command, depending on whether you want to delete just a single replica, or every instance plus the LFN. To delete an individual SURL (as obtained from lcg-lr):

lcg-del srm://

You can verify the deletion by listing the replicas again:

lcg-lr lfn:test1

Alternatively, with the -a option you can delete all replicas and the LFN itself, i.e. the file is completely removed from the Grid:

lcg-del -a lfn:test1

This can again be verified with lcg-lr and lfc-ls:

lcg-lr lfn:test1 /grid/myvo/user/johndoe/test/test1: No such file or directory
lcg_lr: No such file or directory
lfc-ls test1
test1: No such file or directory

Finally, if necessary clean up by deleting the LFC directory in which the test files were created (only if the directory is empty):

lfc-rm -r /grid/myvo/user/`id -nu`/test