Setting up the UI environment

How to configure the files, permissions and paths of the UI Environment to provide an optimal environment for Grid use and for running applications on the Grid.

Installing Your Certificate

Once an account on a user interface has been created, the user certificate must be installed. The recommended procedure is to create a directory named .globus under the user home directory to contain your grid credentials. After installation, you can check that it has been done properly with the voms-proxy-init command.

PKCS12 (*.p12) Formatted Certificates

If you have your credential in PKCS12 format (a file with either p12 or pfx extension), then copy your credential to the .globus directory and name the file usercred.p12. You need to change the file permission to make sure only you have access to it:

$ chmod 0400 usercred.p12

The listing of the directory should be similar to:

$ ls -l $HOME/.globus
-r--------    1 doe   xy           2935 Feb  1 10:49 usercred.p12

PEM (*.pem) Formatted Certificates

If you have your credential in PEM format (two files with pem extension) then put the certificate and key files in the .globus directory, naming them usercert.pem and userkey.pem respectively, with global read-only permissions for the former, and owner-read permissions for the latter, like so:

$ chmod 444 usercert.pem
$ chmod 400 userkey.pem

A listing of the directory should be similar to:

$ ls -l $HOME/.globus
-r--r--r--    1 doe      xy           4541 Aug 23  2006 usercert.pem
-r--------    1 doe      xy            963 Aug 23  2006 userkey.pem

Access to Grid Client Commands

The PATH and other environment variables may need to be set to use grid client commands. This varies depending on which UI you are using. You should contact the system administrator of the UI to find out if anything special needs to be done to have access to the grid commands.

For example at CERN, the following scripts need to be sourced to setup the grid environment on the lxplus nodes:

Bourne shell users (including bash users):

$ source  /afs/

C Shell (including tcsh):

$ source  /afs/

This setup can be used at any site that has access to AFS.