package org.quattor.ant; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; /** * This task creates pan templates describing VO parameters from VO ID cards stored on CIC portal * * @author Michel Jouvin (based on C. Duprilot's implementation) */ public class VOConfigTask extends Task { // Variables /* List of directories containing a VO configuration description (templates) */ protected DirSet configDirs = null; /* Namespace (relative directory) to use for templates containing VO parameters */ protected String paramsTplNS = null; /* Namespace (relative directory) to use for templates containing VOMS server certificates */ protected String certsTplNS = null; /* Namespace (relative directory) to use for templates containing VO site-specific params */ protected String siteParamsTplNS = null; /* URI for VO ID card source */ protected String voIdCardsUri = null; /* Name of the template containing the list of all defined VOs */ protected String allVosTemplate = "allvos"; /* Name of the template containing the list of all defined VOs */ protected String vomsServerDNsTemplate = "voms_dn_list"; /* Algorithm used to generate account suffix. * The original one was very bad at ensuring suffix uniqueness, requiring several retries to get * a unique suffix and thus making the actual suffix dependent on the FQAN order which historicall was alphabetical. * With the new algorithm, there is a very small chance of suffix conflict and the FQAN order in the VO card is * maintained to limit side effect of generation retries (with the assumption that new FQAN are added at the end of * the list in the VO ID card. * Default is to use the new algorithm but the option must be passed explicitly to preserve account * backward compatibility (in term of account names and uids). */ protected boolean legacySuffixAlgorithm = false; /* Control printing of debugging messages in this task */ protected boolean debugTask = false; /* Configuration of VOs retrieved from VO ID cards. * This is a hash with one entry per VO : the key is the VO name. */ protected TreeMap voTable = new TreeMap();; /* Hash table of all defined VOMS servers. * Used to check consistency of VOMS server attributes across VOs. */ protected TreeMapvomsServers = new TreeMap();; /* HashSet of generated VO account prefix: used to detect potential clashes */ // accountPrefixes keeps track of the first VO to use a prefix protected Hashtable accountPrefixes = new Hashtable(); // accountPrefixConflicts keeps track of VOs using a conflicting prefix protected Hashtable accountPrefixConflicts = new Hashtable(); // Methods /** * Setting this flag will print debugging information from the task itself. * This is primarily useful if one wants to debug this task. Output can be * very verbose... * * @param debugTask * flag to print task debugging information */ public void setDebugTask(boolean debugTask) { this.debugTask = debugTask; } /** * Support nested dirset elements. This is called by ant only after all of * the children of the dirset have been processed. Collect all of the * selected directories from the dirset. * * @param dirset * a configured DirSet */ public void addConfiguredDirSet(DirSet configDirs) { this.configDirs = configDirs; } /** * Set the url to use to download VO ID cards (XML file). * * @param voIdCardsUrl * String containing the template form of the path of the url * */ public void setvoIdCardsUri(String voIdCardsUri) { this.voIdCardsUri = voIdCardsUri; } /** * Set the namespace (relative directory) for the generated VO templates. * * @param paramsTplNS * String containing full path of the directory * */ public void setparamsTplNS(String paramsTplNS) { this.paramsTplNS = paramsTplNS; } /** * Set the namespace (relative directory) for the generated templates containing certificates. * * @param certsTplNS * String containing the template form of the path of the * directory * */ public void setcertsTplNS(String certsTplNS) { this.certsTplNS = certsTplNS; } /** * Set the namespace (relative directory) for site-specific templates related to VO cnfiguration. * * @param siteParamsTplNS * String containing a template form of the path to the * customization directory * */ public void setsiteParamsTplNS(String siteParamsTplNS) { this.siteParamsTplNS = siteParamsTplNS; } /** * Set the version of the algorithm to use for generating account suffix. * * @param legacySuffixAlgorithm * if true, used the legacy algorithm for backward compatibility. * */ public void setlegacySuffixAlgorithm(boolean legacySuffixAlgorithm) { this.legacySuffixAlgorithm = legacySuffixAlgorithm; } // Possible FQAN for a Software Manager static final private String softwareManagerSuffix = "s"; static private HashSet fqanSWManager; static { fqanSWManager = new HashSet(); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=lcgadmin"); fqanSWManager.add("/admin"); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=swadmin"); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=sgmadmin"); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=sgm"); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=SoftwareManager"); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=VO-Software-Manager"); fqanSWManager.add("/Role=SW-Admin"); } // Possible FQAN for production role (required for backward compatibility) static final private String productionManagerSuffix = "p"; static private HashSet fqanProductionManager; static { fqanProductionManager = new HashSet(); fqanProductionManager.add("/Role=production"); fqanProductionManager.add("/Role=Production"); fqanProductionManager.add("/Role=prod"); fqanProductionManager.add("/Role=ProductionManager"); } // Possible FQAN for pilot role (required for backward compatibility) static final private String pilotSuffix = "pilot"; static private HashSet fqanPilot; static { fqanPilot = new HashSet(); fqanPilot.add("/Role=pilot"); } /* * Class method to generate a string representing a number in a base26-like representation. * Base26 digits are normally from 0 (zero) to P but the returned string is containing only * letters: digits from 0 to 9 are replaced by letters from q to z. * The returned string is in lowercase. */ public static String toBase26(int i) { // i must be converted to an unsigned long, else the string will contain the '-' sign long unsignedI = i & 0xffffffffL; StringBuilder string26 = new StringBuilder(Long.toString(unsignedI,26)); final int numberOffset = 'P' - '0' + 1; for (int k = 0; k < string26.length(); k++) { if ( (string26.charAt(k) >= '0') && (string26.charAt(k) <= '9') ) { string26.setCharAt(k, (char) (string26.charAt(k)+numberOffset)); } } return (string26.toString().toLowerCase()); } /* * Method used by ant to execute this task. */ @Override public void execute() throws BuildException { // Parse VO ID cards SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); try { URL voIdCardsUrl = new URL(voIdCardsUri); InputStream urlstream = voIdCardsUrl.openStream(); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); parser.parse(urlstream, new VOCardHandler()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Invalid format used for specifying the source of VO ID cards (voIdCardsUri): "+voIdCardsUri); throw new BuildException("BUILD FAILED : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to open VO ID card source ("+voIdCardsUri+")"); throw new BuildException("BUILD FAILED : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error parsing VO ID cars ("+voIdCardsUri+")"); throw new BuildException("BUILD FAILED : " + e.getMessage()); } // Retrieve list of template branches to update DirectoryScanner ds = configDirs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); File templateBasedir = ds.getBasedir(); // Write templates Set> voTableEntries = voTable.entrySet(); Set> vomsServersEntries = vomsServers.entrySet(); for (String branch : ds.getIncludedDirectories()) { System.out.println("Updating templates in branch "+branch); String templateBranch = templateBasedir+"/"+branch; // Write VO configurations to templates for (Entry vo : voTableEntries) { vo.getValue().writeVOTemplate(templateBranch); } // Write VOMS server certificate templates for (Entry server : vomsServersEntries) { server.getValue().updateVOMSServerTemplate(templateBranch); } // Write template containing the list all defined VOs writeVOList(templateBranch); // Write subject name and issuer of all valid VOMS server certificates // in template used to produce .lsc files writeDNList(templateBranch); } // Warn about VO account prefix conflicts if any if ( accountPrefixConflicts.size() > 0 ) { System.out.println("\nWARNING: the following account prefixes are used by several VOs:"); Set> conflictEntries = accountPrefixConflicts.entrySet(); for (Entry entry : conflictEntries) { System.out.println(" "+entry.getKey()+": "+entry.getValue()); } System.out.println("Should you use several conflicting VOs, be sure to define their account prefix explicitly."); } } /* * Write template containing a list of all defined VOs */ protected void writeVOList(String templateBranch) { String voListNS = paramsTplNS + "/" + allVosTemplate; String voListTpl = templateBranch + "/" + voListNS + ".tpl"; System.out.println("Writing the list of defined VOs ("+voListNS+")"); try { FileWriter template = new FileWriter(voListTpl); template.write("unique template "+voListNS+";\n\n"); template.write("variable ALLVOS ?= list(\n"); for (String vo : voTable.keySet()) { template.write(" '"+vo+"',\n"); } template.write(");\n\n"); template.close(); } catch (IOException e){ throw new BuildException("Error writing the VO list ("+voListTpl+")\n"+e.getMessage()); } } /* * Write template containing subject/issuer of all valid VOMS server certificates */ protected void writeDNList(String templateBranch) { String dnListNS = certsTplNS + "/" + vomsServerDNsTemplate; String dnListTpl = templateBranch + "/" + dnListNS + ".tpl"; System.out.println("Writing the list of defined VOs ("+dnListNS+")"); try { FileWriter template = new FileWriter(dnListTpl); template.write("unique template "+dnListNS+";\n\n"); if ( vomsServers != null ) { template.write("variable VOMS_SERVER_DN ?= list(\n"); TreeSet serverList = new TreeSet(); for (String server : vomsServers.keySet()) { serverList.add(server); } for (String server : serverList) { vomsServers.get(server).writeCertInfo(template); } template.write(");\n\n"); } else { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" No VOMS server defined in any VO"); } } template.close(); } catch (IOException e){ throw new BuildException("Error writing the VO list ("+dnListTpl+")\n"+e.getMessage()); } } // SAX content handler for VO cards public class VOCardHandler extends DefaultHandler { /* Configuration of VO currently being processed */ protected VOConfig voConfig = null; /* Context variables */ protected boolean sectionVOMSServers = false; protected boolean sectionGroupsRoles = false; protected VOMSServer vomsServer = null; protected VOMSEndpoint vomsEndpoint = null; protected VOMSFqan fqan = null; protected String data = null; /** * Start of new element */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if ( qName.equals("VO") ) { String voName = attributes.getValue("Name"); if ( voName == null ) { throw new SAXException("Invalid configuration: VO has no name"); } voName = voName.toLowerCase(); System.out.println("Retrieving configuration for VO "+voName); voConfig = new VOConfig(); String voId = attributes.getValue("ID"); if ( voId == null ) { throw new SAXException("Invalid configuration: VO has no Id"); } voConfig.setName(voName); voConfig.setId(Integer.parseInt(voId)); } else if ( qName.equals("VOMSServers") ) { sectionVOMSServers = true; } else if ( qName.equals("GroupsAndRoles") ) { sectionGroupsRoles = true; } else if ( sectionVOMSServers ) { if ( qName.equals("VOMSServer") ) { vomsServer = new VOMSServer(); vomsEndpoint = new VOMSEndpoint(); } else { // This will enable collection/concatenation of data in characters() data = ""; } } else if ( sectionGroupsRoles ) { if ( qName.equals("GroupAndRole") ) { fqan = new VOMSFqan(); } else { // This will enable collection/concatenation of data in characters() data = ""; } } } /** * End of an element */ @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if ( qName.equals("VO") ) { if ( voConfig.getName() != null ) { try { voTable.put(voConfig.getName(), voConfig); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new SAXException("Internal error: voTable or voConfig undefined at the end of VO "+voConfig.getName()+" configuration"); } if ( debugTask ) { System.out.println("Finished processing VO "+voConfig.getName()); } } else { throw new SAXException("Parsing error: end of VO configuration found before start"); } } else if ( qName.equals("VOMSServers") ) { sectionVOMSServers = false; } else if ( qName.equals("GroupsAndRoles") ) { sectionGroupsRoles = false; } else if ( sectionVOMSServers ) { // Check the VOMS server has not been defined yet by another VO or that attributes are consistent // A unique VOMS server is identified by host+port combination String VOMSServerKey = vomsServer.getHost() + ":" + Integer.toString(vomsServer.getPort()); if ( qName.equals("VOMSServer") ) { if ( vomsServers.containsKey(VOMSServerKey) ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" VOMS server '"+VOMSServerKey+"' already defined: checking attribute consistency."); } if ( (vomsServer.getCertExpiry() != null) && (vomsServer.getCert() != vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey).getCert()) ) { if ( vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey).getCert().length() == 0 ) { System.err.println(" WARNING: VOMS server '"+VOMSServerKey+"' already defined but without certificate, updating it."); vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey).setCert(vomsServer.getCert()); } else { if ( vomsServer.getCertExpiry().after(vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey).getCertExpiry())) { System.err.println(" WARNING: VOMS server '"+VOMSServerKey+"' already defined with an older certificate, updating it."); vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey).setCert(vomsServer.getCert()); } else if ( vomsServer.getCertExpiry().before(vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey).getCertExpiry())) { System.err.println(" WARNING: VOMS server '"+VOMSServerKey+"' already defined with a newer certificate, keeping previous one."); } } } } else { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Adding VOMS server '"+VOMSServerKey+"' to global VOMS server list."); } vomsServers.put(VOMSServerKey,vomsServer); } vomsEndpoint.setServer(vomsServers.get(VOMSServerKey)); voConfig.addVomsEndpoint(vomsEndpoint); } else { if ( qName.equals("HOSTNAME") ) { vomsServer.setHost(data); } else if ( qName.equals("HTTPS_PORT") ) { vomsServer.setPort(data); } else if ( qName.equals("VOMS_PORT") ) { vomsEndpoint.setPort(data); } else if ( qName.equals("ServerEndpoint") ) { vomsEndpoint.setEndpoint(data); } else if ( qName.equals("CertificatePublicKey") ) { vomsServer.setCert(data); } else if ( qName.equals("IS_VOMSADMIN_SERVER") ) { vomsEndpoint.setVomsAdminEnabled(data); } // Disable collection of data data = null; } } else if ( sectionGroupsRoles ) { if ( qName.equals("GroupAndRole") ) { fqan.setReservedRoles(voConfig); // An empty value for the FQAN means this FQAN must not be added to the list. if ( fqan.getFqan().length() != 0 ) { if ( fqan.isPilotRole() ) { voConfig.setPilotRoleFQAN(fqan.getFqan()); } voConfig.fqanList.put(fqan.getFqan(),fqan); } } else { if ( qName.equals("GROUP_ROLE") ) { fqan.setFqan(data,voConfig.getName()); } else if ( qName.equals("DESCRIPTION") ) { fqan.setDescription(data); } else if ( qName.equals("IS_GROUP_USED") ) { fqan.setMappingRequested(data); } else if ( qName.equals("GROUP_TYPE") ) { fqan.setReservedRoles(data); } // Disable collection of data data = null; } } } /* * Retrieve element data: data can be splitted into several chunks that must be concatenated to get the actual data */ @Override public void characters (char[] chars, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if ( data != null ) { String chunk = new String(chars,start,length); data += chunk; } } } // Class representing a VO private class VOConfig { /* VO name */ protected String name = null; /* VO ID number */ protected int id = 0; /* Account prefix */ protected String accountPrefix = null; /* List of VOMS servers */ protected LinkedList vomsEndpointList = new LinkedList(); /* List of defined FQANs */ protected LinkedHashMap fqanList = new LinkedHashMap(); /* FQAN corresponding to pilot role */ protected String pilotRoleFQAN = null; /* HashSet of generated account suffix: used to enforce uniqueness */ protected HashSet accountSuffixes = new HashSet(); // Methods public void addVomsEndpoint(VOMSEndpoint vomsEndpoint) { vomsEndpointList.add(vomsEndpoint); } public void addAccountSuffix(String suffix) { accountSuffixes.add(suffix); } public boolean accountSuffixUnique(String suffix) { return (!accountSuffixes.contains(suffix)); } public String getAccountPrefix() { if ( this.accountPrefix == null ) { setAccountPrefix(); } return (this.accountPrefix); } public int getBaseUid() throws BuildException { if ( getId() == 0 ) { throw new BuildException("VO "+getName()+": VO ID undefined, base_uid cannot be computed"); } return (getId() * 1000); } public int getId() { return (; } public String getName() { return (; } public String getPilotRoleFQAN() { return (this.pilotRoleFQAN); } public LinkedList getVomsEndpointList() { return (this.vomsEndpointList); } /* * Method to generate account prefix for the VO. * The account prefix is made of the first 3 letters of the VO name (after removal of all non alphanumeric * characters and the 'vo.' prefix if any) followed by letters generated from base26-like conversion of * the VO id. * In case of clash between 2 VOs, no attempt is made to solve it but a warning is displayed that if using * several of the conflicting VOS, some VO prefix must be defined explicitly. */ public void setAccountPrefix() throws BuildException { if ( (getName() == null) || (getId() == 0) ) { throw new BuildException("VO name or ID undefined: cannot generate account prefix"); } this.accountPrefix = getName().replaceFirst("^vo\\.", "").replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "").substring(0,3); this.accountPrefix += VOConfigTask.toBase26(getId()); // Check uniqueness and keep track of potential conflicts if ( accountPrefixes.containsKey(this.accountPrefix) ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" VO "+getName()+": generated account prefix ("+this.accountPrefix+") already used by another VO"); } AccountPrefixConflict conflicts; if ( accountPrefixConflicts.containsKey(this.accountPrefix) ) { conflicts = accountPrefixConflicts.get(this.accountPrefix); } else { conflicts = new AccountPrefixConflict(); conflicts.addVO(accountPrefixes.get(this.accountPrefix)); accountPrefixConflicts.put(this.accountPrefix, conflicts); } conflicts.addVO(getName()); } else { accountPrefixes.put(this.accountPrefix,getName()); } } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setPilotRoleFQAN(String fqan) { this.pilotRoleFQAN = fqan; } public String toString() { String configStr = ""; for (VOMSEndpoint endpoint : vomsEndpointList) { if ( configStr.length() > 0 ) { configStr += "\n"; } configStr += " VOMS Server: "+endpoint.getEndpoint()+" (VOMS port="+endpoint.getPort()+ ", voms-admin="+endpoint.getVomsAdminEnabled()+")"; } return (configStr); } private void writeVOTemplate(String templateBranch) throws BuildException { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println("VO configuration for VO "+getName()+" (ID="+getId()+"):\n"+this); } String voParamsNS = paramsTplNS + "/" + getName(); String voParamsTpl = templateBranch + "/" + voParamsNS + ".tpl"; System.out.println("Writing template for VO "+getName()+" ("+voParamsTpl+")"); try { FileWriter template = new FileWriter(voParamsTpl); template.write("structure template "+voParamsNS+";\n"); template.write("\n"); template.write("'name' ?= '"+getName()+"';\n"); template.write("'account_prefix' ?= '"+getAccountPrefix()+"';\n"); template.write("\n"); template.write("'voms_servers' ?= list(\n"); boolean forceVomsAdmin = false; if ( getVomsEndpointList().isEmpty() ) { System.err.println(" WARNING: VO "+getName()+" has no VOMS endpoint defined"); } else if ( getVomsEndpointList().size() == 1 ) { forceVomsAdmin = true; } for (VOMSEndpoint vomsEndpoint : getVomsEndpointList()) { vomsEndpoint.writeTemplate(template,forceVomsAdmin); } template.write(");\n"); template.write("\n"); template.write("'voms_mappings' ?= list(\n"); if ( debugTask && fqanList.isEmpty() ) { System.err.println(" INFO: VO "+getName()+" has no specific FQAN defined"); } // Pilot role if defined must be written first to ensure it uses the first available UID // after reserved UIDs. if ( getPilotRoleFQAN() != null ) { fqanList.get(getPilotRoleFQAN()).writeTemplate(template,this); } for (String key : fqanList.keySet()) { VOMSFqan fqan = fqanList.get(key); if ( !fqan.isPilotRole() ) { fqan.writeTemplate(template,this); } } template.write(");\n"); template.write("\n"); template.write("'base_uid' ?= "+getBaseUid()+";\n"); template.close(); } catch (IOException e){ throw new BuildException("Error writing template for VO "+getName()+" ("+voParamsTpl+")\n"+e.getMessage()); } } } // Class representing a VOMS server endpoint (used by a specific V0) private class VOMSEndpoint { protected VOMSServer server = null; protected int port; protected String endpoint = null; protected boolean vomsAdminEnabled = true; // Methods public VOMSServer getServer() { return (this.server); } public int getPort() { return (this.port); } public String getEndpoint() { return (this.endpoint); } public boolean getVomsAdminEnabled() { return (this.vomsAdminEnabled); } public void setServer(VOMSServer server) { this.server = server; } public void setPort (String port) { this.port = Integer.parseInt(port); } public void setEndpoint (String endpoint) { this.endpoint = endpoint; } public void setVomsAdminEnabled(String vomsAdminEnabled) { if ( (vomsAdminEnabled != null) && !vomsAdminEnabled.contentEquals("0") ) { vomsAdminEnabled = "true"; } this.vomsAdminEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(vomsAdminEnabled); } public void writeTemplate(FileWriter template, boolean forceVomsAdmin) throws IOException { template.write(" nlist('name', '"+getServer().getHost()+"',\n"); template.write(" 'host', '"+getServer().getHost()+"',\n"); template.write(" 'port', "+getPort()+",\n"); template.write(" 'adminport', "+getServer().getPort()+",\n"); if ( !getVomsAdminEnabled() ) { if ( !forceVomsAdmin ) { template.write(" 'type', list('voms-only'),\n"); } else { System.out.println(" WARNING: voms-admin enabled on "+getServer().getHost()+" as this is the only VOMS server (VO card inconsistency)"); } } template.write(" ),\n"); } } // Class representing a VOMS server private class VOMSServer { protected String host = null; protected int port = 8443; protected VOMSServerCertificate cert = null; protected VOMSServerCertificate oldCert = null; protected boolean oldCertRetrieved = false; protected Pattern certDeclarationPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*('|\")(old)?cert\\1\\s*\\??=\\s*\\{*\\s*<<(\\w+)\\s*\\}*\\s*;(?:\\n|\\r)+"); // Methods public String getCert() { if ( this.cert == null ) { return (""); } else { return (this.cert.getCert()); } } public Date getCertExpiry () { if ( this.cert == null ) { return(null); } else { return (this.cert.getExpiry()); } } protected String getCertParamsNS() { return (certsTplNS + "/" + getHost()); } protected String getCertParamsTpl(String templateBranch) { return (templateBranch + "/" + getCertParamsNS() + ".tpl"); } public String getHost() { return (; } protected String getOldCert(String templateBranch) { if ( !oldCertRetrieved ) { setOldCert(templateBranch); oldCertRetrieved = true; } if ( this.oldCert == null ) { return (""); } else { return (this.oldCert.getCert()); } } public int getPort() { return (this.port); } public void setCert(String cert) { try { this.cert = new VOMSServerCertificate(cert); } catch (CertificateException e) { this.cert = null; } } public void setHost(String host) { = host; } public void setPort (String port) { this.port = Integer.parseInt(port); } /* * If a previous version of the template exists, retrieve the certificates defined ('cert' * and 'oldcert') and define 'oldCert' to the certificate not matching the one in VO ID card. * If not existing certificate can be retrieved, return an empty string. */ protected void setOldCert(String templateBranch) throws BuildException { if ( this.cert == null ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" VOMS server "+getHost()+" has no certificate defined in VO ID card. Ignoring existing certificate."); } return; } String certParamsTpl = getCertParamsTpl(templateBranch); File templateFile = new File(certParamsTpl); Hashtable existingCerts = new Hashtable(); if ( templateFile.exists() ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Retrieving VOMS server "+getHost()+" existing certificate"); } try { Scanner templateScanner = new Scanner(templateFile); String certStartTag; boolean certFound = false; while ( (certStartTag = templateScanner.findWithinHorizon(certDeclarationPattern,0)) != null ) { certFound = true; Matcher delimiterMatcher = certDeclarationPattern.matcher(certStartTag); if ( delimiterMatcher.matches() ) { String certType = "cert"; if ( != null ) { certType = "oldcert"; } String delimiter =; //if ( debugTask ) { // System.err.println("Certificate delimiter="+delimiter); //} templateScanner.useDelimiter(delimiter+"\\s*;*"); String certValue =; if ( certValue != null ) { try { existingCerts.put(certType, new VOMSServerCertificate(certValue)); } catch (CertificateException e) { System.out.println(" Existing certificate ('"+certType+"') no longer valid, ignoring it."); } } else { System.out.println(" WARNING: invalid format of certificate declaration ('"+certType+"') in existing template"); } } else { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" WARNING: failed to match certificate delimiter in existing template"); } } } if ( !certFound ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Failed to match '"+certDeclarationPattern+"' in existing template"); }; } else if ( existingCerts.size() > 0 ) { // If 'cert' was defined and is not matching the cert in VO ID card, use it for 'oldcert' if ( existingCerts.containsKey("cert") && !existingCerts.get("cert").equals(this.cert) ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Existing certificate ('cert') found and different from VO ID card: 'oldcert' defined"); } this.oldCert = existingCerts.get("cert"); } else if ( existingCerts.containsKey("oldcert") && !existingCerts.get("oldcert").equals(this.cert) ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Existing certificate ('oldcert') found and different from VO ID card: 'oldcert' defined"); } this.oldCert = existingCerts.get("oldcert"); } else { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Existing certificates match the new certificate: 'oldcert' not defined"); } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Should not happen as file existence was tested just before throw new BuildException("Internal error: file not found in VOMSServer.updateVOMSServerTemplate()"); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Failed to retrieve current certificate in exiting template "); } } } else { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" No certificate previously defined for VOMS server "+getHost()+": 'oldcert' not defined"); } } } public void updateVOMSServerTemplate(String templateBranch) throws BuildException { String certParamsTpl = getCertParamsTpl(templateBranch); System.out.println("Updating template for VOMS server "+getHost()+" ("+certParamsTpl+")"); // Existing certificate must be retrieved before creating new template String oldCert = getOldCert(templateBranch); try { FileWriter template = new FileWriter(certParamsTpl); template.write("structure template "+getCertParamsNS()+";\n\n"); template.write("'cert' ?= < 0 ) { template.write("'oldcert' ?= < certs = new LinkedList(); if ( this.cert != null ) { certs.add(cert); } if ( this.oldCert != null ) { certs.add(oldCert); } String entrySuffix = ""; String subject = null; String issuer = null; for (VOMSServerCertificate cert: certs) { boolean writeEntry = false; if ( (subject == null) || !subject.equals(cert.getDN()) ) { if ( (entrySuffix.length() > 0) ) { System.out.println("New cert subject found: old="+subject+", new="+cert.getDN()); } subject = cert.getDN(); writeEntry = true; } if ( (issuer == null) || !issuer.equals(cert.getIssuer()) ) { if ( (entrySuffix.length() > 0) ) { System.out.println("New cert issuer found: old="+issuer+", new="+cert.getIssuer()); } issuer = cert.getIssuer(); writeEntry = true; } if ( writeEntry ) { template.write(String.format("%-36s%s\n", " '"+getHost()+entrySuffix+"', ", "nlist('subject', '"+subject+"',")); template.write(String.format("%-42s%s\n","", "'issuer', '"+issuer+"',")); template.write(String.format("%-41s%s\n","", "),")); entrySuffix = "_2"; } } } } // Class to represent a VOMS server certificate private class VOMSServerCertificate { // An empty string for base64 means that the certificate is not valid and must be ignored private String base64 = null; private BigInteger serial = null; private String dn = null; private String issuer= null; private Date expiry = null; // Constructor: retrieve main informations from certificate public VOMSServerCertificate (String base64) throws CertificateException { this.base64 = base64; try { CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(base64.getBytes())); cert.checkValidity(); this.expiry = cert.getNotAfter(); this.serial = cert.getSerialNumber(); this.dn = ldapDN(cert.getSubjectDN().getName()); this.issuer = ldapDN(cert.getIssuerDN().getName()); } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) { System.out.println(" VOMS server certificate expired: ignoring it"); throw e; } catch (CertificateException e) { System.out.println(" Invalid VOMS server certificate: "+e.getMessage()); throw e; } } public boolean equals (VOMSServerCertificate cert) { if ( getSerial().equals(cert.getSerial()) ) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public String getCert() { return (this.base64); } public String getDN() { return (this.dn); } public Date getExpiry() { return (this.expiry); } public String getIssuer() { return (this.issuer); } public BigInteger getSerial() { return (this.serial); } // Convert the java standard representation of a DN to LDAP one. // Revert order of attribues, '/' instead of ',' as a separator protected String ldapDN (String dn) { String[] tokens = dn.split(",\\s*"); String ldapDN = ""; for (int i=Array.getLength(tokens)-1; i>=0; i--) { ldapDN += "/" + tokens[i]; } return (ldapDN); } } // VOMS FQAN private class VOMSFqan { protected String fqan = null; protected String description = null; protected String legacySuffix = null; protected String suffix = null; protected boolean mappingRequested = false; protected boolean isSWManager = false; protected boolean isProductionManager = false; protected boolean isPilotRole = false; // Methods public String getDescription() { return (this.description); } public String getFqan() { return (this.fqan); } public boolean getMappingRequested() { return (this.mappingRequested); } public boolean isSWManager() { return (this.isSWManager); } public boolean isProductionManager() { return (this.isProductionManager); } public boolean isPilotRole() { return (this.isPilotRole); } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public void setFqan(String fqan, String voName) { // Remove leading/trailing spaces if any added by mistake... this.fqan = fqan.trim(); // Remove /Role=NULL if speciied in VO ID card this.fqan = this.fqan.replaceFirst("/Role=NULL$", ""); // If the relative FQAN corresponds to the VO name without any role, set it to an empty string. // An empty FQAN must not be added to the FQAN list as it is not a real FQAN. if ( this.fqan.replaceFirst("^/"+voName,"").length() == 0 ) { this.fqan = ""; } } public void setMappingRequested(String mappingRequested) { if ( (mappingRequested != null) && !mappingRequested.contentEquals("0") ) { mappingRequested = "true"; } this.mappingRequested = Boolean.parseBoolean(mappingRequested); } // Set flags used to mark roles processed specifically based VO card data public void setReservedRoles(String fqanType) { if ( fqanType.equals("Software Manager") ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" FQAN "+getFqan()+" is declared as the VO software manager"); } this.isSWManager = true; } else if ( fqanType.equals("Production Manager") ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" FQAN "+getFqan()+" is declared as the VO production manager"); } this.isProductionManager = true; } else if ( fqanType.equals("Pilot") ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" FQAN "+getFqan()+" is declared as the VO pilot role"); } this.isPilotRole = true; } } // Set flags used to mark roles processed specifically based on FQAN value. // This method does nothing if FQAN is already flagged (based on VO ID card for example) public void setReservedRoles(VOConfig voConfig) { String relativeFqan = getFqan().replaceFirst("^/"+voConfig.getName(), ""); if ( this.isSWManager || this.isProductionManager() || this.isPilotRole ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" FQAN "+getFqan()+" specific role already set (probably from VO ID card)"); } } else { if ( fqanSWManager.contains(relativeFqan) ) { this.isSWManager = true; } else if ( fqanProductionManager.contains(relativeFqan) ) { this.isProductionManager = true; } else if ( fqanPilot.contains(relativeFqan) ) { this.isPilotRole = true; } } } // Check if current FQAN is flagged as a specific FQAN using an explicit suffix. private String checkSpecificSuffix() { String suffix = null; if ( isSWManager() ) { suffix = softwareManagerSuffix; } else if ( isProductionManager() ) { suffix = productionManagerSuffix; } else if ( isPilotRole() ) { suffix = pilotSuffix; } return (suffix); } /* Remarks on algorithms used to generate account suffix. * The original one (implemented in generateLegacyAccountSuffix) was very bad at ensuring suffix uniqueness, * requiring several retries to get a unique suffix and thus making the actual suffix dependent on the FQAN * order which historicall was alphabetical. * With the new algorithm (implemented in generateAccountSuffix), there is a very small chance of suffix conflict. * Note that changing from old to new suffix is disruptive for the configuration as the accounts must be regenerated. */ private String getAccountSuffix(VOConfig voConfig) throws BuildException { if ( this.suffix == null ) { // New algorithm is based on relative FQAN to avoid characters similar in every FQAN. // This generates a 3-character suffix corresponding to the base26-like encoding of the FQAN hashcode. this.suffix = checkSpecificSuffix(); if ( this.suffix == null ) { String relativeFqan = getFqan().replaceFirst("^/"+voConfig.getName(), ""); this.suffix = VOConfigTask.toBase26(relativeFqan.hashCode()); // In (unlikely) case, the suffix is not unique, add the VO name at the end of the relative FQAN if ( ! voConfig.accountSuffixUnique(this.suffix) ) { if ( debugTask ) { System.err.println(" Suffix '"+this.suffix+"' not unique for FQAN '"+relativeFqan+"': retrying adding VO name"); } this.suffix = VOConfigTask.toBase26((relativeFqan+"/"+voConfig.getName()).hashCode()); } if ( ! voConfig.accountSuffixUnique(this.suffix) ) { throw new BuildException("VO "+voConfig.getName()+" FQAN '"+getFqan()+"': failed to generate a unique account suffix"); } voConfig.addAccountSuffix(this.suffix); } } return this.suffix; } private String getLegacyAccountSuffix(VOConfig voConfig) { if ( this.legacySuffix == null ) { // Generated suffix is based on base26-like conversion of FQAN length and VO ID. // Despite this is a very bad choice for uniqueness, it is impossible to change // without breaking backward compatibility of generated accounts. // New algorithm is implemented as a distinct method. this.legacySuffix = checkSpecificSuffix(); if ( this.legacySuffix == null ) { boolean suffixUnique = false; int j = 0; while ( !suffixUnique ) { if ( debugTask && (j > 0) ) { System.err.println(" Suffix '"+this.legacySuffix+"' not unique for FQAN "+getFqan()+" (attempt "+j+")"); } this.legacySuffix = VOConfigTask.toBase26(getFqan().length()+(j*100)) + VOConfigTask.toBase26(voConfig.getId()); j++; suffixUnique = voConfig.accountSuffixUnique(this.legacySuffix); } voConfig.addAccountSuffix(this.legacySuffix); } } return (this.legacySuffix); } public void writeTemplate(FileWriter template, VOConfig voConfig) throws IOException { String prefix = ""; if ( !getMappingRequested() ) { prefix = "#"; } String description = getDescription(); if ( isSWManager() ) { // SW manager role must have an explicit description, whatever is in the VO card description = "SW manager"; } else if ( isProductionManager() ) { // Production manager role must have an explicit description, whatever is in the VO card description = "production"; } else if ( isPilotRole() ) { // Pilot role must have an explicit description, whatever is in the VO card description = "pilot"; } template.write(prefix+" nlist('description', '"+description+"',\n"); template.write(prefix+" 'fqan', '"+getFqan()+"',\n"); // Both old and new suffix are present in the template as different attributes. // The one to use can be choosen at compilation time. template.write(prefix+" 'suffix', '"+getLegacyAccountSuffix(voConfig)+"',\n"); template.write(prefix+" 'suffix2', '"+getAccountSuffix(voConfig)+"',\n"); template.write(prefix+" ),\n"); } } // Class to keep track of VOs using the same accounting prefix private class AccountPrefixConflict { protected LinkedList vos = new LinkedList(); // Methods public void addVO (String vo) { vos.add(vo); } public LinkedList getVOs() { return (this.vos); } public String toString() { String voListStr = ""; for (String vo : getVOs()) { if ( voListStr.length() > 0 ) { voListStr += " "; } voListStr += vo; } return (voListStr); } } }