unique template glite/lb/variables; #define *hardcoded middleware stuff variable WMS_LOCATION_ETC = "/etc/glite-wms"; #this is *hardcoded* in middleware variable LB_KBSERVER_DB_INIT_SCRIPT ?= '/etc/glite-lb/glite-lb-dbsetup.sql'; variable LB_KBSERVER_DB_NAME ?= 'lbserver20'; # Default is not to use a password as LB doesn't allow to specify it in its configuration variable LB_DB_PWD ?= ''; variable LB_DB_USER ?= 'lbserver'; # Use LB_MYSQL_ADMINUSER/PWD both on WMS and LB to ensure consistency if they are on the same node variable LB_MYSQL_ADMINUSER ?= 'root'; variable LB_MYSQL_ADMINPWD ?= 'myclearpass'; variable LB_MYSQL_SERVER ?= FULL_HOSTNAME; variable LB_SERVICES = list('locallogger','bkserverd'); variable LB_HARVESTER_ENABLED ?= false; variable LB_SERVICES = if ( LB_HARVESTER_ENABLED ) { push('harvester'); } else { SELF; }; variable LB_LOG_DIR ?= GLITE_LOCATION_LOG + '/wms'; variable LB_SUPER_USERS_FILE ?= GLITE_LOCATION + '/etc/LB-super-users'; variable LB_AUTHZ_FILE ?= GLITE_LOCATION + '/etc/glite-lb/glite-lb-authz.conf'; # LB_SUPER_USERS and LB_TRUSTED_WMS are equivalent and just provided for convenience. # Both may contain a list of DN that can act as LB super users, typically WMS. variable LB_SUPER_USERS ?= list(); variable LB_TRUSTED_WMS ?= list(); variable LB_ADMIN_ACCESS ?= merge(LB_TRUSTED_WMS,LB_SUPER_USERS); variable LB_READ_ALL ?= list('.*'); variable LB_STATUS_FOR_MONITORING ?= list(); variable LB_GENERAL_EVENTS ?= list('.*'); variable LB_REGISTER_JOBS ?= list('.*'); variable LB_PURGE ?= LB_TRUSTED_WMS; variable LB_GET_STATISTICS ?= list(); variable LB_LOG_WMS_EVENTS ?= LB_TRUSTED_WMS; variable LB_LOG_CE_EVENTS ?= list('.*'); # Configure WMS not to use LB proxy if LB is running on the same machine. variable WMS_USE_LB_PROXY = false;