JobOptionsSvc INFO //GP:================================================================================ //GP: include "/afs/" (0,0) AuditorSvc.Auditors = [ "ChronoAuditor" ] ; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = [ "THistRead" ] ; //GP: (1,1) MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3; //GP: (1,1) MessageSvc.UseColors = 1; //GP: (1,1) THistSvc.OutputLevel = 2; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.OutputLevel = 1; //GP: (1,1) ServiceManager.OutputLevel = 2; //GP: (1,1) StatusCodeSvc.OutputLevel = 1; //GP: (1,1) THistSvc.Input = [ "read1 DATAFILE='tuple2.rt' TYP='ROOT' OPT='READ'" ] ;//GP: (1,1) THistSvc.Input += [ "read2 DATAFILE='tuple3.rt' TYP='ROOT' OPT='READ'" ] ;//GP: (1,1) THistSvc.PrintAll = 1; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 20; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"; //GP: (1,1) //GP: end "/afs/" (35,1) //GP:================================================================================ JobOptionsSvc INFO Job options successfully read in from /afs/ ApplicationMgr SUCCESS ==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.77 $ running on on Wed Mar 16 14:20:13 2011 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service EvtDataSvc/EventDataSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service DetDataSvc/DetectorDataSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service HistogramSvc/HistogramDataSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service HbookCnv::PersSvc/HbookHistSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service RootHistCnv::PersSvc/RootHistSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service DetPersistencySvc/DetectorPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service HistogramPersistencySvc/HistogramPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr DEBUG Loading declared DLL's ApplicationMgr VERBOSE addMultiSvc: added service EventLoopMgr/EventLoopMgr ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully THistSvc DEBUG Opening TFile "tuple2.rt" stream: "read1" mode: "O" comp level: 1 THistSvc DEBUG Opening TFile "tuple3.rt" stream: "read2" mode: "O" comp level: 1 THistSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully THistSvc DEBUG Read in TH1F "1Dgauss" from file tuple2.rt TH1.Print Name = 1Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19984 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TH1F title: "1D Gaussian" id: "/read1/xxx/1Dgauss" dir: tuple2.rt:/xxx file: tuple2.rt THistRead INFO 1Dgauss: 20000 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TH2F "2Dgauss" from file tuple3.rt TH1.Print Name = 2Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19978 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TH2F title: "2D Gaussian" id: "/read2/2Dgauss" dir: tuple3.rt:/ file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO 2Dgauss: 20000 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TH3F "3Dgauss" from file tuple3.rt TH1.Print Name = 3Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19944 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TH3F title: "3D Gaussian" id: "/read2/3Dgauss" dir: tuple3.rt:/ file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO 3Dgauss: 20000 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TProfile "profile" from file tuple3.rt TH1.Print Name = profile, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TProfile title: "profile" id: "/read2/profile" dir: tuple3.rt:/ file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO profile: 0 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TTree "treename" from file tuple3.rt ****************************************************************************** *Tree :treename : tree title * *Entries : 1000 : Total = 14021 bytes File Size = 2333 * * : : Tree compression factor = 6.63 * ****************************************************************************** *Br 0 :branch1 : point1/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 1521 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.68 * *............................................................................* *Br 1 :branch2 : point2/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 164 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 24.87 * *............................................................................* *Br 2 :branch3 : point3/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 160 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 25.49 * *............................................................................* THistSvc DEBUG Registering TTree title: "tree title" id: "/read2/trees/stuff/treename" dir: tuple3.rt:/trees/stuff file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO treename: 1000 EventLoopMgr WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"  EventLoopMgr WARNING No events will be processed from external input. HistogramPersis... INFO 'CnvServices':[ 'HbookHistSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' ] HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required. ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully EventLoopMgr INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request. THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::finalize THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::write()::List of Files connected in ROOT  THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::write()::List of Files connected in ROOT: "tuple2.rt" THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::write()::List of Files connected in ROOT: "tuple3.rt" THistSvc INFO Listing contents of ROOT files:  THistSvc INFO ==> File: tuple2.rt stream: read1 TFile: name=tuple2.rt, title=upd, option=READ TH1.Print Name = 1Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19984 Title = 1D Gaussian NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=50 THistSvc INFO ==> File: tuple3.rt stream: read2 TFile: name=tuple3.rt, title=rec, option=READ TH1.Print Name = 2Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19978 Title = 2D Gaussian NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=50, NbinsY= 100, ymin= -50, ymax=50 TH1.Print Name = 3Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19944 Title = 3D Gaussian NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=50, NbinsY= 100, ymin= -50, ymax=50, NbinsZ= 100, zmin= -50, zmax=50 TH1.Print Name = profile, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0 Title = profile NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=-50 ****************************************************************************** *Tree :treename : tree title * *Entries : 1000 : Total = 14021 bytes File Size = 2333 * * : : Tree compression factor = 6.63 * ****************************************************************************** *Br 0 :branch1 : point1/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 1521 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.68 * *............................................................................* *Br 1 :branch2 : point2/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 164 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 24.87 * *............................................................................* *Br 2 :branch3 : point3/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 160 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 25.49 * *............................................................................* ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully