package GaudiPolicy version v11r2 branches cmt doc # LCG debug libraries are not distributed (LOCAL) =========================== use LCG_Settings * use Python * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports # Add Google malloc replacement to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH use tcmalloc * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports # Note: Local installations except WinXP use the optimized versions of the AA # projects instead of the debug ones. macro LCG_platform "$(LCG_platform)" \ target-winxp "$(LCG_platform)" \ LOCAL&target-dbg "$(LCG_system)" \ LOCAL&target-cov "$(LCG_system)" # project strategies ======================================================== setup_strategy root # global patterns =========================================================== pattern -global include_none include_path none pattern -global packageDir \ macro Dir "${ROOT}/${BINDIR}" # include pattern ========================================================== pattern install_more_includes \ document install_more_includes install_more_includes more= offset= ; \ macro_prepend includes '' _without_installarea ' $(ppcmd)"$(_root)" ' ; \ private ; \ macro_prepend includes ' $(ppcmd)"$(_root)" ' _without_installarea '' ; \ end_private make_fragment install_more_includes -header=install_more_includes_header cmtpath_pattern \ macro _home "" cmtpath_pattern_reverse \ macro _install_include "" \ _without_installarea "" \ _with_installarea&target-unix " /$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)/include "\ _with_installarea&target-winxp ' "\$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)\include"' ; \ include_dirs ${_install_include} macro copyInclude "cp -Rup " \ host-winxp "xcopy /S/Q/Y/I/D " \ host-darwin "cp -Rp" macro ar "$(ar)" \ target-darwin "libtool -o" # This command is not needed on MacOSX, being replaced via the libtool # command (which is used instead of ar) macro ranlib "ranlib" \ target-darwin "touch" # standard patterns ================================================================ pattern Obj2Doth \ document obj2doth Obj2Doth ../xml/*.xml pattern packageOpts \ set OPTS "$(_root)/options" target-winxp "$(_root)\options" # coding conventions ======================================================== pattern RuleChecker \ document rule_checker Chk -group=RuleChecker ../src/*.cpp ../src/Lib/*.cpp ../src/component/*.cpp # library name dependent patterns============================================ # the library name is given as an argument # example: apply_pattern libraryShr library=GaudiKernel pattern libraryShr\ set Shr "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(Dir)/lib" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(Dir)\" pattern library_stamps \ macro _stamps "${ROOT}/${BINDIR}/.stamp " pattern library_shlibflags \ macro _shlibflags "$(libraryshr_linkopts)" pattern library_Cshlibflags \ private ; \ macro _shlibflags "$(componentshr_linkopts) $(cmt_installarea_linkopts) $(_use_linkopts) " ; \ end_private pattern library_Llinkopts \ macro_append _linkopts "" \ _with_installarea&target-unix " -l "\ _with_installarea&target-winxp " .lib "\ _without_installarea&target-unix " -L$(Dir) -l "\ _without_installarea&target-winxp " $(Dir)/.lib " pattern library_Lshlibflags \ private ; \ macro _shlibflags "$(libraryshr_linkopts) $(cmt_installarea_linkopts) $(_use_linkopts)" ; \ macro_append _shlibflags "" target-linux " -Wl,-soname=$(library_prefix).$(shlibsuffix) " ; \ macro_remove _use_linkopts "$(_linkopts)" ; \ end_private pattern library_Softlinks \ macro_append _libraries "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix " "\ target-winxp "" cmtpath_pattern \ path_prepend DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" _with_installarea&target-darwin "/$(_installarea_prefix)/$(tag)/lib" pattern library_path \ path_remove PATH "" target-winxp "\\" ; \ path_prepend PATH "" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "${_root}\${_tag}" ; \ path_remove DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" target-darwin "//" ; \ path_append DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" \ _without_installarea&target-darwin "${_root}/${_tag}" ; \ apply_pattern library_Softlinks library="" pattern component_library \ apply_pattern libraryShr library="" ; \ apply_pattern library_Cshlibflags library="" ;\ macro _dependencies "$(_linker_library) " ;\ apply_pattern generate_rootmap library= group= ; \ apply_pattern generate_configurables library= group= pattern linker_library \ apply_pattern library_path library="" ; \ apply_pattern library_Llinkopts library="" ; \ apply_pattern library_Lshlibflags library="" ; \ apply_pattern library_stamps library="" ; \ macro _linker_library "" ; \ private ; \ macro_append lib__pp_cppflags " -DGAUDI_LINKER_LIBRARY " ; \ macro exportsymb "-export_all_symbols" target-winxp "-export_all_symbols" \ GAUDI_V21 "" GAUDI_V22 "" G21_HIDE_SYMBOLS ""; \ macro installlib "yes" ; \ end_private #-------------------------------------------- # Patterns for specifically declaring and installing jobOptions files in the # current installation area #-------------------------------------------- make_fragment data_installer -header=data_installer_header pattern declare_joboptions \ macro_append _joboptions " -s=../share " ; \ document data_installer install_joboptions prefix=$(shared_install_subdir)/jobOptions $(_joboptions) ; \ macro_remove constituents " " target-winxp install_joboptions pattern declare_scripts \ macro_append _scripts " -s=$(ROOT)/share " ; \ document installer install_scripts $(_scripts) \ install_dir=$(CMTINSTALLAREA)/share/bin install_command="'$(symlinknew)'" #-------------------------------------------- # Patterns for specifically declaring and installing python files in the # current installation area #-------------------------------------------- cmtpath_pattern \ macro _install_python "" \ _without_installarea "" \ _with_installarea&target-unix&no-pyzip "/$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)/python"\ _with_installarea&target-winxp&no-pyzip "\$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)\python" \ _with_installarea&target-unix "/$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)/" \ _with_installarea&target-winxp "\$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)\" ; \ path_remove PYTHONPATH ${_install_python} ; \ path_prepend PYTHONPATH ${_install_python} pattern declare_python_modules \ macro_append _python_modules " -s=../python " ; \ document data_installer install_python_modules prefix=python $(_python_modules) ; \ macro_remove constituents " " target-winxp install_python_modules pattern install_python_modules \ macro _install_python "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(_root)/python" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(_root)\python" ; \ path_remove PYTHONPATH ${_install_python} ; \ path_prepend PYTHONPATH ${_install_python} ; \ document install_python _python ; \ apply_pattern genconfuser ; \ apply_pattern install_python_init ; \ macro_append _python_init_dependencies " _python " ; pattern install_custom_python_modules \ macro _install_python "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(_root)/" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(_root)\" ; \ path_remove PYTHONPATH ${_install_python} ; \ path_prepend PYTHONPATH ${_install_python} ; \ document install_python ___python source= offset= ; \ apply_pattern install_python_init ; \ macro_append _python_init_dependencies " ___python " ; make_fragment install_python -header=install_python_header pattern install_python_init \ document python_init _python_init -group= package= ; \ apply_pattern zip_python_modules package= group= ; \ macro_append zip__python_modules_dependencies " _python_init " make_fragment python_init -header=python_init_header #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pattern: pyd_module, pyd_boost_module # Creates a Python extension binary modules with the "so" (or "pyd" on Win) file extension. # The version 'pyd_boost_module' should be used in case the module # uses Boost.Python ( # # Parameters: # # module: name of the final python module # files: source files of the module # deps: targets to be build before the module (e.g. the linker library) # # Usage: # # use Python * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports # apply_pattern pyd_module module=MyPyModule files=MyPyModule/*.cpp deps=MyPackageLib # # use Python * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports # use Boost * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports # apply_pattern pyd_boost_module module=MyPyModule files=MyPyModule/*.cpp deps=MyPackageLib # # Notes: # # The python binary module is linked by default against the linker library # in the package, so, if there is one, it is mandatory either to specify # the 'deps' parameter or to remove the link options from _use_linkopts, # e.g.: # # macro_remove MyPyModule_use_linkopts '$(MyPackage_linkopts)' # # As well, additional libraries needed by the module (or link options) must be # added to the macro _shlibflags. # #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Macro used to define where Python binary modules have to be installed macro python_bin_module_dir '$(tag)/python/lib-dynload' \ target-winxp '$(tag)\python\lib-dynload' \ use-shared-dir&target-winxp '$(tag)\python' \ use-shared-dir '$(tag)/python' # Main pattern pattern pyd_module \ macro _install_pyd_module "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(_root)/$(tag)" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(_root)\$(tag)" ; \ path_remove PYTHONPATH $(_install_pyd_module) ; \ path_prepend PYTHONPATH $(_install_pyd_module) ; \ macro _shlibflags "$(libraryshr_linkopts) $(cmt_installarea_linkopts) $(_use_linkopts)" ;\ macro_append _dependencies " " ; \ private ; \ macro shlibsuffix "$(shlibsuffix)" target_&target-winxp "pyd" ; \ macro library_prefix "$(library_prefix)" target_ "" ; \ macro _install_dir "$(CMTINSTALLAREA)/$(python_bin_module_dir)" target-winxp "$(CMTINSTALLAREA)\$(python_bin_module_dir)" ; \ library -no_static -import=Python -target_tag install_dir="$(_install_dir)" ; \ end_private ; \ macro_append _cppflags " -ftemplate-depth-64" target-winxp "" ; # Boost version of the pattern pattern pyd_boost_module \ apply_pattern pyd_module module= files= deps= name= ; \ macro_append _use_linkopts " $(Boost_linkopts_python)" cmtpath_pattern \ macro _install_pyd_module "" \ _without_installarea "" \ _with_installarea&target-unix "/$(_installarea_prefix)/$(python_bin_module_dir)" \ _with_installarea&target-winxp "\$(_installarea_prefix)\$(python_bin_module_dir)" ; \ path_remove PYTHONPATH $(_install_pyd_module) ; \ path_prepend PYTHONPATH $(_install_pyd_module) ; #------------------------------------------------------------------- action CompilePython "python -m compileall $(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)/python $(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)/scripts" \ target-winxp "python -m compileall $(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)\python $(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)\scripts" macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents "CompilePython " macro_remove cmt_actions_constituentsclean "CompilePythonclean " #-------------------------------------------- # Patterns for specifically declaring and installing script files in the # current installation area #-------------------------------------------- cmtpath_pattern \ macro scripts_offset "." ; \ macro scripts_maindir "scripts" ; \ macro scripts_dir "$(scripts_maindir)" #cmtpath_pattern \ # macro scripts_offset "share" ; \ # macro scripts_maindir "bin" ; \ # macro scripts_dir "$(scripts_offset)/$(scripts_maindir)" target-winxp "$(scripts_offset)\$(scripts_maindir)" cmtpath_pattern \ macro _install_scripts "" \ _without_installarea "" \ _with_installarea&target-unix "/$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)/$(scripts_dir)"\ _with_installarea&target-winxp "\$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)\$(scripts_dir)" ; \ path_remove PATH ${_install_scripts} ; \ path_prepend PATH ${_install_scripts} pattern install_scripts \ macro _install_scripts "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(_root)/$(scripts_dir)" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(_root)\$(scripts_dir)" ; \ path_remove PATH ${_install_scripts} ; \ path_prepend PATH ${_install_scripts} ; \ document install_scripts install_scripts source=$(scripts_dir) offset=$(scripts_offset) make_fragment install_scripts -header=install_scripts_header #-------------------------------------------- # Patterns for declaring and installing run-time files in the ../run # directory of the current package # # Change in the syntax : the extras parameter is becoming obsolete and is # replaced with files extras is kept for backward compatibility but will # soon be made obsolete #-------------------------------------------- # # Some data files are specified using a directory. # macro install_command 'python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ -xCVS -x*~ -x*.stamp -x*.bak -x.* -x*.pyc -x*.pyo --log=./install.$(tag).history ' macro uninstall_command 'python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ -u --log=./install.$(tag).history ' macro remove_command "$(cmt_uninstallarea_command)" macro library_install_command "python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ -xCVS -x*~ -x*.stamp -x*.bak -x.* -x*.pyc -x*.pyo -s --log=./install.$(tag).history " \ host-winxp "copy " macro cmt_installarea_command "python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ -xCVS -x*~ -x*.stamp -x*.bak -x.* -x*.pyc -x*.pyo -s --log=./install.$(tag).history " \ host-winxp "xcopy /S /E /Y " pattern declare_runtime \ macro_append _runtime " -s=../share " ; \ macro_append use_runtime " $(_runtime) " ; \ document installer install_runtime $(_runtime) \ install_dir=$(CMTINSTALLAREA)/share pattern declare_runtime_extras \ apply_pattern declare_runtime files="" extras="" name="" pattern install_runtime \ macro data "$(use_runtime)" ; \ document get_files get_files install_dir=../run/ copymethod= make_fragment get_files -header=get_files_header pattern get_files \ macro jo "" ; \ macro scripts "" ; \ macro data "" ; \ macro xmls "" ; \ document get_files get_files install_dir=../run/ copymethod= name= # ===== special cases: the library name is derived from the package name ==== # and Lib # linker library patterns ========================================== pattern package_stamps \ apply_pattern library_stamps library="" pattern package_linkopts \ apply_pattern library_Llinkopts library="" pattern package_shlibflags \ apply_pattern library_Lshlibflags library="" pattern package_libraries \ apply_pattern library_Softlinks library=" Lib Dict" # component library patterns ======================================== pattern packageShr \ apply_pattern libraryShr library="" pattern package_Cshlibflags \ apply_pattern library_Cshlibflags library="" # Lib linker library built with a component library======== pattern package_Lstamps \ apply_pattern library_stamps library="Lib" pattern package_Llinkopts \ apply_pattern library_Llinkopts library="Lib" pattern package_Lshlibflags \ apply_pattern library_shlibflags library="Lib" # static library patterns ======================================== pattern package_Slinkopts \ macro _linkopts "$(Dir)/lib.a -u _loadRef"\ target-winxp "$(Dir)/.lib /include:__loadRef " # Fortran library patterns ======================================= pattern package_Flinkopts \ macro _linkopts "$(Dir)/lib.a "\ target-winxp "$(Dir)/.lib " macro dq '"' pattern package_fflags \ macro _fflags ' ' \ target-winxp '/fpp:$(dq)/I$(ROOT)$(dq) /fpp:$(dq)/I$(ROOT)/src$(dq)' # handle LD_LIBRARY_PATH ==================================================== pattern ld_library_path \ path_remove LD_LIBRARY_PATH "//" target-winxp "" ; \ path_append LD_LIBRARY_PATH ""\ _without_installarea&target-unix "${_root}/${_tag}" ; \ path_remove PATH "" target-winxp "\\" ; \ path_prepend PATH "" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "${_root}/${_tag}" ; \ path_remove DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" target-darwin "//" ; \ path_append DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "" \ _without_installarea&target-darwin "${_root}/${_tag}" # to add the application_path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH on target-unix pattern application_path \ path_remove LD_LIBRARY_PATH "//" target-winxp "" ; \ path_prepend LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "${_root}/$(_tag)" pattern generate_rootmap \ document genmap RootMap -group= LIBNAME= ; \ macro_append RootMap_dependencies " " ; \ private ; \ apply_pattern application_path ; \ macro merge_rootmap_tag "--do-merge" \ do_merge_rootmap "--do-merge" \ no_merge_rootmap "--un-merge" ; \ document merge_rootmap MergeMap -group= \ library= \ merge_rootmap_switch=$(merge_rootmap_tag) \ $(bin)$(library_prefix).$(shlibsuffix) ; \ macro_append MergeMap_dependencies " RootMap " ; \ end_private # Tags and Global macros===================================================== macro BINDIR "$(tag)" # Specify Common Unix tag associations tag host-darwin host-unix # SL5 to SLC5 mapping (should go in LCG_Settings in LCG 57b) tag sl51 host-slc5 tag sl52 host-slc5 tag sl53 host-slc5 tag sl54 host-slc5 tag sl55 host-slc5 tag sl56 host-slc5 tag sl57 host-slc5 # Atlas uses shared directories tag ATLAS use-shared-dir # Fragments ================================================================= # MS DeveloperStudio make_fragment dsp_application_header make_fragment dsp_library_header make_fragment dsp_all # make fragment for the rule checker make_fragment rule_checker -header=rule_checker_header -trailer=rule_checker_trailer -suffix=viol make_fragment rule_checker_trailer # vsnet fragments, which override premature efforts now in CMT v1r14 make_fragment vcproj_library_header make_fragment vcproj_application_header make_fragment vcproj_all make_fragment vcproj_trailer make_fragment vcproj_contents make_fragment vcproj_directory_header make_fragment vcproj_directory_trailer make_fragment sln_header make_fragment sln_project make_fragment sln_trailer make_fragment sln_project_config make_fragment sln_dependency_project make_fragment sln_dependency_header make_fragment sln_dependency_trailer # C++ # The cpp fragments for enhanced computation of dependencies are not available on Windows macro cpp_fragment "cpp" target-winxp "" make_fragment $(cpp_fragment) macro cpp_library_fragment "cpp_library" target-winxp "" make_fragment $(cpp_library_fragment) macro cmt_compiler_version "${cmt_compiler_version}" \ target-gcc43 "gcc43" macro cppcomp "$(cpp) -c $(cppdebugflags) $(cppflags) $(pp_cppflags) $(includes)" \ VisualC "cl.exe $(cppdebugflags) $(cppflags) $(pp_cppflags)" # Local copy of the dependencies fragment to allow a "QUICK" option that # completely ignores dependencies (useful to speed up builds from scratch). macro dep_fragment "" CMTp20070208 "dependencies" make_fragment $(dep_fragment) # Local copy of the application fragment to be able to use VC9 (embed manifest in executables) macro app_fragment "" target-winxp&target-vc9 "application" make_fragment $(app_fragment) macro vsCONFIG "Release" target-dbg "Debug" macro vsDebug "2" target-dbg "1" macro vsOptimize "2" target-dbg "0" # The vsnet generated files are not correct for VC++9, so it is better # to claim that they are for VC++7.1 and let VC++9 do the conversion macro vsVersion "" vc++7.1 "7.10" vc++7.0 "7.00" vc++9 "7.10" macro package_GUID "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}" macro GUID_all "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC955}" macro make_shlib "echo" \ HP-UX "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ OSF1 "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ noextract" \ host-linux "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ CYGWIN "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ SunOS "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ host-darwin "${CMTROOT}/mgr/ extract" \ host-visualc "$(GAUDIPOLICYROOT)\cmt\cmt_make_shlib.bat" macro merge_rootmap_cmd "python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/" \ target-winxp "$(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/" make_fragment merge_rootmap -header=merge_rootmap_header macro libdirname "lib" # defaults for fragments of libs and bins macro bindirname "bin" # defaults for fragments of libs and bins # Override library fragment # Needed only for Windows, but it must be present for Unix too, so we included # a version working for CMT v1r20p20070208 and v1r20p20090520 (only on WinXP) macro lib_fragment "" \ CMTp20070208 "library -header=library_header -dependencies" \ CMTp20090520&target-winxp "library -header=library_header -dependencies" make_fragment $(lib_fragment) macro lib_no_static_fragment "" \ CMTp20070208&target-winxp "library_no_static" \ CMTp20090520&target-winxp "library_no_static" \ CMTr20&target-unix "" \ target-unix "library_no_static" make_fragment $(lib_no_static_fragment) # Compilation and Linking flags============================================== # C++ compiler macro_prepend cpp_name "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc&CERNDISTCC "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gccmax "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc "lcg-" macro_append cpp_name "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc&CERNDISTCC "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gccmax "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc "-$(gcc_config_version)" macro cpp_name "$(cpp_name)" target-icc "icpc" # C compiler macro_prepend cc_name "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc&CERNDISTCC "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gccmax "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc "lcg-" macro_append cc_name "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc&CERNDISTCC "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gccmax "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc "-$(gcc_config_version)" # FORTRAN compiler macro_prepend for_name "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc&CERNDISTCC "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gccmax "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc "lcg-" macro_append for_name "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc&CERNDISTCC "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gccmax "" \ lcg-compiler&target-gcc "-$(gcc_config_version)" # C++ debug, optimized and profiled options macro cppdebugflags "" \ target-dbg "$(cppdebugflags_s)"\ target-opt "$(cppoptimized_s)" macro cppdebugflags_s "-g" \ target-winxp "/Od /Z7" macro cppoptimized_s "-O2 -DNDEBUG" \ target-winxp "" macro cppprofiled_s "-pg" \ target-winxp "" macro_append cppdebugflags "" \ target-pro " $(cppprofiled_s)" # C debug, optimized and profiled options macro cdebugflags "" \ target-dbg "$(cdebugflags_s)" \ target-dbg "$(coptimized_s)" macro cdebugflags_s "-g" \ target-winxp "/Od /Z7" macro coptimized_s "-O2 -DNDEBUG" \ target-winxp "" # Fortran debug, optimized and profiled options macro fdebugflags "" \ target-dbg "$(fdebugflags_s)" macro fdebugflags_s "-g"\ target-winxp "/nopdbfile /debug:full /optimize:0" macro foptimized_s "-O2 -DNDEBUG" \ target-winxp "" macro_append fdebugflags "" \ target-opt " $(foptimized_s)" macro fprofiled_s "-pg" \ target-winxp "" macro_append fdebugflags "" \ target-pro " $(fprofiled_s)" # Link debug options macro linkdebugflags "" \ target-dbg "$(linkdebugflags_s)" macro linkdebugflags_s "" \ target-winxp "/debug /verbose:lib " # gcov special option (added to LCG_Platforms_linkopts because it is the last macro in the # link options and --coverage must appear very late on the command line). macro_append LCG_Platforms_linkopts "" \ target-cov " --coverage" macro_append LCG_Platforms_cppflags "" \ target-cov " --coverage" macro_append LCG_Platforms_cflags "" \ target-cov " --coverage" macro_append LCG_Platforms_fflags "" \ target-cov " --coverage" macro cppflags " -fmessage-length=0 -Df2cFortran -fPIC -shared -D_GNU_SOURCE -Dlinux -Dunix -pipe -ansi -Wall -Wextra -pthread " \ target-mac105 " -Df2cFortran -fPIC -D_GNU_SOURCE -Dunix -pipe -ansi -Wall -Wextra -Wno-long-double " \ target-mac106 " -Df2cFortran -fPIC -D_GNU_SOURCE -Dunix -pipe -ansi -Wall -Wextra " \ target-vc9 '$(includes) /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD /c /nologo /W3 /EHsc /MD /GR /Zm500' \ target-vc7 '$(includes) /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD /c /nologo /W3 /GX /MD /GR /Zm500' ############################################################################## # Intel compiler support macro_remove cppflags "" target-icc "-pedantic" macro_remove cppflags "" target-icc "-Wextra" macro_remove cppflags "" target-icc "-Wno-long-long" ### Disable some non interesting "remarks" (inspired by CoolKernel) # Permanently disabled # - remark #383: valued copied to temporary, reference to temporary macro_append cppflags '' target-icc '-wd383 ' # - remark #981: operands are evaluated in unspecified order macro_append cppflags '' target-icc '-wd981 ' # - remark #1418: external function definition with no prior declaration macro_append cppflags '' target-icc '-wd1418 ' # - remark #1419: external declaration in primary source file # (triggers on forward declarations in a .cpp) macro_append cppflags '' target-icc '-wd1419 ' # Non permanent # - remark #82: storage class is not first # (appears only once in ROOT) macro_append cppflags '' no-hide-warnings '' target-icc '-wd82 ' # - remark #522: function "X" redeclared "inline" after being called # (fixed those in Gaudi, but a lot are coming from ROOT, Reflex and HepPDT) macro_append cppflags '' no-hide-warnings '' target-icc '-wd522 ' # - remark #444: destructor for base class "X" is not virtual # (gives a lot of fals positives, e.g. std::unary_function) macro_append cppflags '' no-hide-warnings '' target-icc '-wd444 ' # - remark #304: access control not specified ("public/private" by default) # (fixed one in GaudiKernel, but most are from Boost) macro_append cppflags '' no-hide-warnings '' target-icc '-wd304 ' # - Hide deprecation warnings (due to the usage of hash_map, unavoidable because of gccxml) macro_append cppflags '' no-hide-warnings '' target-icc '-Wno-deprecated ' ### Special link option to avoid the warning: # ' warning: warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail' # Note: we use this macro because it is the only one that is used in the # right place in the command line options of (every) executable macro_append GaudiKernel_linkopts '' target-icc '-limf -lm ' ############################################################################## # macro_append cppflags " -msse2 -mfpmath=sse" \ # target-winxp " /arch:SSE2" macro_append cppflags "" \ GAUDI_V21&target-gcc4 " -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden " \ G21_HIDE_SYMBOLS&target-gcc4 " -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden " # Use Gaudi v20 compatibility mode unless we have the extra tag GAUDI_V21 macro_append pp_cppflags " -DGAUDI_V20_COMPAT " \ GAUDI_V21 "" \ GAUDI_V22 " -DGAUDI_V22_API " macro_append pp_cppflags "" \ G21_NEW_INTERFACES " -DG21_NEW_INTERFACES " macro_append pp_cppflags "" \ G21_HIDE_SYMBOLS " -DG21_HIDE_SYMBOLS " macro_append pp_cppflags "" \ G21_NO_ENDREQ " -DG21_NO_ENDREQ " macro_append pp_cppflags "" \ G21_NO_DEPRECATED " -DG21_NO_DEPRECATED " macro_append pp_cppflags "" \ G22_NEW_SVCLOCATOR " -DG22_NEW_SVCLOCATOR " macro_append cppflags "" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" # ---- Disable warnings coming from external libraries # the hacks can be disabled with the tag "no-hide-warnings". # FIXME: (MCl) Temporary work-around until gccxml understands unordered_map macro_append cppflags "" \ no-hide-warnings "" \ target-gcc43 " -Wno-deprecated" # FIXME: (MCl) macro_append cppflags "" \ no-hide-warnings "" \ target-gcc43 " -Wno-empty-body" # ppcmd=-I can be used on Windows as on Linux macro ppcmd "-I" # Fortran compiler macro for_name "gfortran" \ target-slc4 "g77" \ target-darwin "gfortran -ff2c" \ target-winxp "f77.exe" macro for "$(for_name)" macro_append shlibflags ""\ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" macro fflags "-fmessage-length=0 -O2 -fdollar-ok -ff90 -w -fPIC" \ target-gcc4 "-fmessage-length=0 -O2 -fdollar-ok -w -fPIC" \ target-darwin "-fno-automatic -fdollar-ok -w" \ target-winxp '/compile_only /nologo /warn:nofileopt /warn:nouncalled /fpp:"/m" /fpp:"/I.." ' macro_append fflags "" \ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" # macro_append fflags " -msse2 -mfpmath=sse" \ # target-winxp " " macro fcomp "$(for) -c $(fincludes) $(fdebugflags) $(fflags) $(pp_fflags)" \ target-winxp "$(for) $(fdebugflags) $(fflags) $(pp_fflags)" # C compiler macro_append cflags " -fmessage-length=0 -fPIC " \ target-winxp " " macro_append cflags "" \ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" # macro_append cflags " -msse2 -mfpmath=sse" \ # target-winxp " /arch:SSE2" # Link options # Note that we can't perform strict static linking since some external # packages do not provide static libraries. Thus the only possible # strategy is to use a dynamic link strategy, but to link against the # explicit static libraries (using /lib.a) where feasible. # The following allows for potential platform-specific overrides of the # defaults. macro makeLinkMap ""\ target-linux "-Wl,-Map,"\ target-winxp "/map" macro cpplinkflags "" \ target-linux "-Wl,-Bdynamic $(linkdebugflags) -ldl -Wl,--as-needed " \ target-vc "/nologo /machine:ix86 $(linkdebugflags) $(makeLinkMap) /nodefaultlib kernel32.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib msvcrt.lib msvcprt.lib oldnames.lib " macro_append cpplinkflags "" \ target-linux "-Wl,--no-undefined " macro_remove shlibflags "" \ target-mac "-undefined suppress" macro_append cpplinkflags "" \ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" macro_append cpplinkflags "" \ target-cov " $(linkdebugflags) " macro_append cpplinkflags "" \ target-pro " $(cppprofiled_s)" macro cpplink "$(cpp) $(cpplinkflags)" \ target-winxp "link.exe $(cpplinkflags)" macro componentshr_linkopts "" \ target-linux "-fPIC -ldl -Wl,--as-needed " \ target-winxp "/DLL " macro_append componentshr_linkopts "" \ target-linux "-Wl,--no-undefined " macro_append componentshr_linkopts "" \ target-linux&target-opt&strip-symbols "-Wl,-s " macro_append componentshr_linkopts "" \ target-cov " $(linkdebugflags) " macro_append componentshr_linkopts "" \ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" macro libraryshr_linkopts "" \ target-linux "-fPIC -ldl -Wl,--as-needed " \ target-winxp "/DLL" macro_append libraryshr_linkopts "" \ target-linux "-Wl,--no-undefined " macro_append libraryshr_linkopts "" \ target-cov " $(linkdebugflags) " macro_append libraryshr_linkopts "" \ host-x86_64&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-x86_64&target-i686 " -m32" \ host-darwin&target-i386 " -m32" \ host-i686&target-x86_64 " -m64" \ host-i386&target-x86_64 " -m64" # Add 64-bit link options for SLC5. This overrides the default library segment # alignment of 1MB macro_append componentshr_linkopts "" \ target-gcc&host-slc5&target-x86_64 " -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 " macro_append libraryshr_linkopts "" \ target-gcc&host-slc5&target-x86_64 " -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 " macro application_linkopts "" \ target-linux "-Wl,--export-dynamic " macro shlibsuffix "so" \ target-winxp "dll" #cmtpath_pattern \ # path_prepend PATH /$(cmt_installarea_prefix)/share/bin #private #apply_pattern get_files name=GaudiPolicy #macro GaudiPolicy_CMT_files "../src/" #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shared installation options # if the extra tag use-shared-dir is specified, the # platform-independent files will be installed in shared # directories in the InstallArea #------------------------------------------------------------------- macro shared_install_subdir '/$(tag)' \ target-winxp '\$(tag)' \ use-shared-dir '' #------------------------------------------------------------------- # begin of genconf #------------------------------------------------------------------- public # # to disable genconf for a package add to the requirements file: # # private # apply_tag no_genconf # end_private # # Conversely, to explicitly enable the configurable generation for a package: # private # apply_tag do_genconf # end_private # macro genconfDir "/genConf/" \ target-winxp "\genConf\" cmtpath_pattern \ macro genconfInstallDir "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(_root)/python" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(_root)\python" \ _with_installarea&target-unix "/$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)/python"\ _with_installarea&target-winxp '"\$(_installarea_prefix)$(shared_install_subdir)\python"' make_fragment genconfig -header=genconfig_header macro merge_genconfDb_cmd "python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/" make_fragment merge_genconfDb -header=merge_genconfDb_header ## genconf configuration defaults macro genconfig_configurableModuleName "GaudiKernel.Proxy" macro genconfig_configurableDefaultName "Configurable.DefaultName" macro genconfig_configurableAlgorithm "ConfigurableAlgorithm" macro genconfig_configurableAlgTool "ConfigurableAlgTool" macro genconfig_configurableAuditor "ConfigurableAuditor" macro genconfig_configurableService "ConfigurableService" ## add pattern and macro for library preloading for genconf macro genconfig_preload "" pattern genconfig_add_preload \ macro_append genconfig_preload "--load-library= " ; # this pattern creates the helper library pattern genconf_helper_lib \ library GenConfHelperLib ; \ macro _genconfig_preload_lib "$(_root)/$(tag)/$(library_prefix)GenConfHelperLib.$(shlibsuffix)" \ target-winxp "$(_root)\$(tag)\$(library_prefix)GenConfHelperLib.$(shlibsuffix)" ; \ macro GenConfHelperLib_shlibflags "$(GenConfHelperLib_use_linkopts)" ; \ apply_pattern linker_library library=GenConfHelperLib ; \ macro_remove _linkopts " -lGenConfHelperLib" \ target-winxp " GenConfHelperLib.lib" ; \ macro_append Conf_dependencies " GenConfHelperLib " # this pattern uses the helper library. the "pkg" argument is the package # containing the helper lib pattern use_genconf_helper_lib \ private ; \ apply_pattern genconfig_add_preload library=$(_genconfig_preload_lib) ; \ end_private # this use statement is here only to get the building order right # ie: tell CMT that genconf needs (at runtime) the GaudiSvc component # library to be available for loading. macro use_GaudiSvc "GaudiSvc * -no_auto_imports" \ no_genconf "" \ do_genconf "GaudiSvc * -no_auto_imports" \ ATLAS "GaudiSvc * -no_auto_imports" # if one wants to modify this pattern, the correction has to be made also # in the GaudiSvc requirements file since it is using directly # generate_configurables_internal to avoid infinite recursion # with "use GaudiSvc" pattern generate_configurables \ private ; \ use $(use_GaudiSvc) ;\ apply_pattern generate_configurables_internal library= group= ; \ end_private pattern generate_configurables_internal \ macro _genConf_python "" \ _without_installarea&target-unix "$(genconfInstallDir)" \ _without_installarea&target-winxp "$(genconfInstallDir)" ; \ path_remove PYTHONPATH ${_genConf_python} ; \ path_prepend PYTHONPATH ${_genConf_python} ; \ private ; \ macro run_genconfig_cmd "do_real_genconfig" \ no_genconf "do_null_genconfig" \ do_genconf "do_real_genconfig" \ ATLAS "do_real_genconfig" ; \ apply_pattern $(run_genconfig_cmd) library= group= ; \ end_private pattern do_real_genconfig \ document genconfig Conf -s=../$(tag) -group= \ outdir=$(_root)$(genconfDir) \ library= \ library_preload=$(genconfig_preload) \ conf_destdir=$(genconfInstallDir) \ confModuleName=$(genconfig_configurableModuleName) \ confDefaultName=$(genconfig_configurableDefaultName) \ confAlgorithm=$(genconfig_configurableAlgorithm) \ confAlgTool=$(genconfig_configurableAlgTool) \ confAuditor=$(genconfig_configurableAuditor) \ confService=$(genconfig_configurableService) \ $(library_prefix).$(shlibsuffix) ; \ macro_append Conf_dependencies " " ; \ apply_pattern install_python_init package= group= ; \ macro_append _python_init_dependencies " Conf " ; \ private ; \ macro merge_genconfDb_tag "--do-merge" \ do_merge_genconfDb "--do-merge" \ no_merge_genconfDb "--un-merge" ; \ document merge_genconfDb ConfDbMerge -group= \ inDir=$(_root)$(genconfDir) \ library= \ merge_genconfDb_switch=$(merge_genconfDb_tag) \ $(bin)$(library_prefix).$(shlibsuffix) ; \ macro_append ConfDbMerge_dependencies " Conf " ; \ macro_append zip__python_modules_dependencies " ConfDbMerge " ; \ end_private pattern do_null_genconfig \ private ; \ macro dummy_for_Conf " " ; \ end_private #------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of genconf #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- # QMTest (Marco Clemencic) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow to execute the qmtest actions on packages not applying the # correct patterns (QMTest or QMTestSummarize) action qmtest_run "echo This package does not provide QMTest-based tests" action qmtest_summarize "echo You need to apply the pattern QMTestSummarize to use this action" action TestPackage "echo This package does not provide QMTest-based tests" action TestProject "echo You need to apply the pattern QMTestSummarize to use this action" # Pattern used internally by the 2 main patterns pattern QMTestCommon \ private ; \ macro use_qmtest "" QMTest "QMtest * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports" ; \ use $(use_qmtest) ; \ macro use_pytools "" QMTest "pytools * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports" ; \ use $(use_pytools) ; \ set QMTESTRESULTS "" QMTest "../../$(tag)/results.qmr" ; \ end_private # Pattern defining the structure for QMTest-based tests. # # The user must: # 1 - apply the pattern QMTest (in the requirements file) # 2 - provide the directory /tests/qmtest with the xml files # describing the tests (files .qmt, examples can be found in GaudiKerenel # and GaudiExamples) # 2b- (optional) provide a test suite (file .qms) with the same name of the # package (all lowercase) to specify which tests to run (if not all) # 3 - make CMTEXTRATAGS=QMTest tests # 4 - cmt -tag_add=QMTest qmtest_run # # Note: Instead of adding CMTEXTRATAGS= or -tag_add=, one can define the # environment variable CMTEXTRATAGS. # # Suggestion: add a .cvsignore file in /tests/qmtest containing # the 2 lines: # QMTest # results.qmr # This will avoid auto-generated files to go into CVS. # pattern QMTest \ apply_pattern QMTestCommon ; \ private ; \ macro qmtest_local_dir "../tests/qmtest" target-winxp "..\tests\qmtest" ; \ set QMTESTLOCALDIR "" QMTest "$(qmtest_local_dir)" ; \ action qmtest_run "cmt -tag_add=QMTest run python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ $(package) $(cmt_args)" ; \ macro_append qmtest_run_dependencies " tests " ; \ action TestPackage "cmt qmtest_run $(cmt_args)" ; \ action QMTestTestsDatabase "cmt qmtest_run --no-output --dry-run" ; \ action QMTestGUI "cmt -tag_add=QMTest run 'cd $(qmtest_local_dir) ; qmtest gui'" ; \ end_private # Pattern allowing a package to generate a summary of the results run in the # packages it depends on (for container packages like GaudiRelease) pattern QMTestSummarize \ apply_pattern QMTestCommon ; \ private ; \ macro qmtest_summarize_script "$(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/" ; \ action qmtest_summarize "cmt -tag_add=QMTest run python $(qmtest_summarize_script) $(cmt_args)" ; \ action TestProject "cmt br cmt TestPackage ; cmt qmtest_summarize" \ target-winxp "cmt br cmt TestPackage & cmt qmtest_summarize" ; \ end_private # Add the Gaudi specialized test extension to the QMTest path path_append QMTEST_CLASS_PATH "" QMTest "$(GAUDIPOLICYROOT)/qmtest_classes" # These three lines are needed to avoid that "make all_groups" triggers the # actions it should not trigger. macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'make' macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'qmtest_run' macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'qmtest_summarize' macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'TestPackage' macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'TestProject' macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'QMTestTestsDatabase' macro_remove cmt_actions_constituents 'QMTestGUI' #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pattern to disable a package on ath given platform or combination of tags. # To be used with something like: # # apply_pattern disable_package_on platform=Darwin # apply_pattern disable_package_on platform=slc4-amd64&gcc41 # # (Marco Clemencic) #------------------------------------------------------------------- pattern disable_package_on \ private ; \ macro_remove_regexp all_constituents "" \ ".*" ; \ macro_remove_regexp _stamps "" \ ".*" ; \ end_private #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pattern defining a Gaudi application. # It sets two environment variables that are checked by to set # the properties AppName and AppVersion of ApplicationMgr. # # Usage: # # apply_pattern GaudiApp # # (Marco Clemencic) #------------------------------------------------------------------- pattern GaudiApp \ use Gaudi * ; \ set GAUDIAPPNAME "" ; \ set GAUDIAPPVERSION "" #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic pattern to call a command. # It is driven by macros. # E.g: # # macro MyCommandTarget_output "output.file" # macro MyCommandTarget_deps "input.file" # macro MyCommandTarget_command "python -o $(MyCommandTarget_output) $(MyCommandTarget_deps)" # # apply_pattern CallCommand target=MyCommandTarget # # (Marco Clemencic) #------------------------------------------------------------------- make_fragment call_command -header=call_command_header pattern CallCommand \ document call_command -group= name="" # Empty pattern to be able to have a conditional apply of "CallCommand" pattern NullCommand \ private ; \ macro dummy_for_NullCommand " " ; \ end_private #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pattern to create a Version.h header file in the InstallArea/include. # Usage: # # apply_pattern ProjectVersionHeader proj=Gaudi # # (Marco Clemencic) #------------------------------------------------------------------- pattern ProjectVersionHeader \ private ; \ macro ProjectVersionHeader_output "$(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)/include/_VERSION.h" ; \ macro ProjectVersionHeader_deps "../cmt/requirements" ; \ macro ProjectVersionHeader_command "python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ $(ProjectVersionHeader_output)" \ _without_installarea "" ; \ apply_pattern CallCommand target=ProjectVersionHeader ; \ end_private ; \ set VERS "" #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic cmt template processing # take "fichier.tmpl" as input and outputs "fichier" with all # cmt macros expanded. E.g: # # document template DoxyTemplate -s=../doc *.tmpl # #------------------------------------------------------------------- make_fragment template -header=template_header -dependencies #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path cleaner #------------------------------------------------------------------- macro strip_script "$(GAUDIPOLICYROOT)/scripts/StripPath" \ no-strip-path "" \ target-winxp "$(GAUDIPOLICYROOT)\scripts\StripPath" cmtpath_pattern \ setup_script $(strip_script) ; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # genconfuser (Marco Clemencic) # Create a file for ConfigurableUser specializations # #------------------------------------------------------------------- macro GenConfUser_script "" \ target-winxp "genconfuser.bat" pattern real_genconfuser \ private ; \ macro GenConfUser_output "$(_root)$(genconfDir)/" \ target-winxp "$(_root)$(genconfDir)\" ; \ macro GenConfUser_python "$(_root)/python" \ target-winxp "$(_root)\python" ; \ macro GenConfUser_deps "FORCE" ; \ macro GenConfUser_command "$(GenConfUser_script) --lockerpath $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts -r $(GenConfUser_python) -o $(GenConfUser_output) $(ConfUserModules)" ; \ apply_pattern CallCommand target=GenConfUser ; \ document merge_genconfDb ConfUserDbMerge -group= \ inDir=$(_root)$(genconfDir) \ library=_user \ merge_genconfDb_switch="--do-merge" ; \ macro_append _python_init_dependencies " GenConfUser " ; \ macro_append ConfUserDbMerge_dependencies " GenConfUser _python " ; \ end_private pattern fake_genconfuser pattern genconfuser \ private ; \ macro do_genconfuser "real_genconfuser" \ skip_genconfuser "fake_genconfuser" ; \ apply_pattern $(do_genconfuser) ; \ end_private #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pattern to flag a package as "container package". # The container package must have the line: # # apply_pattern container_package # # Global patterns that needs to behave differently in a container # package can use the tag "containter-package" (private). #------------------------------------------------------------------- pattern container_package \ private ; \ apply_tag container-package ; \ end_private #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Zip Python modules #------------------------------------------------------------------- pattern zip_python_modules \ private ; \ macro zip__python_modules_output "$(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)/" ; \ macro zip__python_modules_deps "FORCE" ; \ macro zip__python_modules_command "python $(GaudiPolicy_root)/scripts/ $(CMTINSTALLAREA)$(shared_install_subdir)/python" ; \ macro zip__python_modules_pattern_applied "CallCommand" \ no-pyzip&container-package "CallCommand" \ no-pyzip "NullCommand" ; \ apply_pattern $(zip__python_modules_pattern_applied) target=zip__python_modules group= ; \ end_private pattern -global zip_python_modules_container_fallback \ private ; \ macro zip_python_modules_container_fallback_pattern "" \ no-pyzip&container-package "zip_python_modules" ; \ apply_pattern $(zip_python_modules_container_fallback_pattern) ; \ end_private #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Doxygen business #------------------------------------------------------------------- make_fragment doxygen -header=doxygen_header -dependencies pattern doxy_vers_set \ set VERS "$(_config_version)" apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=POOL apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=COOL apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=CORAL apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=ROOT apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=Boost apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=uuid apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=GCCXML apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=AIDA apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=XercesC apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=GSL apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=Python apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=HepMC apply_pattern doxy_vers_set external=QMtest # This one is special set LCGCMTVERS "$(LCG_config_version)" # Base directory of doxygen documentation set GAUDI_DOXY_HOME $(GAUDI_home)/GaudiRelease/doc # pattern -global CppCheck \ # action CppCheck "cppcheck --all --quiet $(includes) ../src || echo 'No Cpp files' " #------------------------------------------------------------------- # ATLAS specific stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------- # don't create zipped python files for ATLAS tag ATLAS no-pyzip macro_append pp_cppflags "" \ ATLAS " -DATLAS_GAUDI_V21 "