######################################################################## # File: GaudiTest.py # Author: Marco Clemencic CERN/PH-LBC ######################################################################## __author__ = 'Marco Clemencic CERN/PH-LBC' ######################################################################## # Imports ######################################################################## import os import sys import re import tempfile import shutil import string import difflib from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import qm from qm.test.classes.command import ExecTestBase from qm.test.result_stream import ResultStream ### Needed by the re-implementation of TimeoutExecutable import qm.executable import time, signal # The classes in this module are implemented differently depending on # the operating system in use. if sys.platform == "win32": import msvcrt import pywintypes from threading import * import win32api import win32con import win32event import win32file import win32pipe import win32process else: import cPickle import fcntl import select import qm.sigmask ######################################################################## # Utility Classes ######################################################################## class TemporaryEnvironment: """ Class to changes the environment temporarily. """ def __init__(self, orig = os.environ, keep_same = False): """ Create a temporary environment on top of the one specified (it can be another TemporaryEnvironment instance). """ #print "New environment" self.old_values = {} self.env = orig self._keep_same = keep_same def __setitem__(self,key,value): """ Set an environment variable recording the previous value. """ if key not in self.old_values : if key in self.env : if not self._keep_same or self.env[key] != value: self.old_values[key] = self.env[key] else: self.old_values[key] = None self.env[key] = value def __getitem__(self,key): """ Get an environment variable. Needed to provide the same interface as os.environ. """ return self.env[key] def __delitem__(self,key): """ Unset an environment variable. Needed to provide the same interface as os.environ. """ if key not in self.env : raise KeyError(key) self.old_values[key] = self.env[key] del self.env[key] def keys(self): """ Return the list of defined environment variables. Needed to provide the same interface as os.environ. """ return self.env.keys() def items(self): """ Return the list of (name,value) pairs for the defined environment variables. Needed to provide the same interface as os.environ. """ return self.env.items() def __contains__(self,key): """ Operator 'in'. Needed to provide the same interface as os.environ. """ return key in self.env def restore(self): """ Revert all the changes done to the orignal environment. """ for key,value in self.old_values.items(): if value is None: del self.env[key] else: self.env[key] = value self.old_values = {} def __del__(self): """ Revert the changes on destruction. """ #print "Restoring the environment" self.restore() def gen_script(self,shell_type): """ Generate a shell script to reproduce the changes in the environment. """ shells = [ 'csh', 'sh', 'bat' ] if shell_type not in shells: raise RuntimeError("Shell type '%s' unknown. Available: %s"%(shell_type,shells)) out = "" for key,value in self.old_values.items(): if key not in self.env: # unset variable if shell_type == 'csh': out += 'unsetenv %s\n'%key elif shell_type == 'sh': out += 'unset %s\n'%key elif shell_type == 'bat': out += 'set %s=\n'%key else: # set variable if shell_type == 'csh': out += 'setenv %s "%s"\n'%(key,self.env[key]) elif shell_type == 'sh': out += 'export %s="%s"\n'%(key,self.env[key]) elif shell_type == 'bat': out += 'set %s=%s\n'%(key,self.env[key]) return out class TempDir: """Small class for temporary directories. When instantiated, it creates a temporary directory and the instance behaves as the string containing the directory name. When the instance goes out of scope, it removes all the content of the temporary directory (automatic clean-up). """ def __init__(self, keep = False, chdir = False): self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._keep = keep self._origdir = None if chdir: self._origdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.name) def __str__(self): return self.name def __del__(self): if self._origdir: os.chdir(self._origdir) if self.name and not self._keep: shutil.rmtree(self.name) def __getattr__(self,attr): return getattr(self.name,attr) class TempFile: """Small class for temporary files. When instantiated, it creates a temporary directory and the instance behaves as the string containing the directory name. When the instance goes out of scope, it removes all the content of the temporary directory (automatic clean-up). """ def __init__(self, suffix='', prefix='tmp', dir=None, text=False, keep = False): self.file = None self.name = None self._keep = keep self._fd, self.name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix,prefix,dir,text) self.file = os.fdopen(self._fd,"r+") def __str__(self): return self.name def __del__(self): if self.file: self.file.close() if self.name and not self._keep: os.remove(self.name) def __getattr__(self,attr): return getattr(self.file,attr) class CMT: """Small wrapper to call CMT. """ def __init__(self,path=None): if path is None: path = os.getcwd() self.path = path def _run_cmt(self,command,args): # prepare command line if type(args) is str: args = [args] cmd = "cmt %s"%command for arg in args: cmd += ' "%s"'%arg # go to the execution directory olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) # run cmt result = os.popen4(cmd)[1].read() # return to the old directory os.chdir(olddir) return result def __getattr__(self,attr): return lambda args=[]: self._run_cmt(attr, args) def runtime_env(self,env = None): """Returns a dictionary containing the runtime environment produced by CMT. If a dictionary is passed a modified instance of it is returned. """ if env is None: env = {} for l in self.setup("-csh").splitlines(): l = l.strip() if l.startswith("setenv"): dummy,name,value = l.split(None,3) env[name] = value.strip('"') elif l.startswith("unsetenv"): dummy,name = l.split(None,2) if name in env: del env[name] return env def show_macro(self,k): r = self.show(["macro",k]) if r.find("CMT> Error: symbol not found") >= 0: return None else: return self.show(["macro_value",k]).strip() ## Locates an executable in the executables path ($PATH) and returns the full # path to it. # If the executable cannot be found, None is returned def which(executable): if os.path.isabs(executable): return executable for d in os.environ.get("PATH").split(os.pathsep): fullpath = os.path.join(d,executable) if os.path.exists(fullpath): return fullpath return None def rationalizepath(p): p = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars(p)) if os.path.exists(p): p = os.path.realpath(p) return p ######################################################################## # Output Validation Classes ######################################################################## class BasicOutputValidator: """Basic implementation of an option validator for Gaudi tests. This implementation is based on the standard (LCG) validation functions used in QMTest. """ def __init__(self,ref,cause,result_key): self.reference = ref self.cause = cause self.result_key = result_key def __call__(self, out, result): """Validate the output of the program. 'stdout' -- A string containing the data written to the standard output stream. 'stderr' -- A string containing the data written to the standard error stream. 'result' -- A 'Result' object. It may be used to annotate the outcome according to the content of stderr. returns -- A list of strings giving causes of failure.""" causes = [] # Check to see if theoutput matches. if not self.__CompareText(out, self.reference): causes.append(self.cause) result[self.result_key] = result.Quote(self.reference) return causes def __CompareText(self, s1, s2): """Compare 's1' and 's2', ignoring line endings. 's1' -- A string. 's2' -- A string. returns -- True if 's1' and 's2' are the same, ignoring differences in line endings.""" # The "splitlines" method works independently of the line ending # convention in use. return s1.splitlines() == s2.splitlines() class FilePreprocessor: """ Base class for a callable that takes a file and returns a modified version of it.""" def __processLine__(self, line): return line def __call__(self, input): if hasattr(input,"__iter__"): lines = input mergeback = False else: lines = input.splitlines() mergeback = True output = [] for l in lines: l = self.__processLine__(l) if l: output.append(l) if mergeback: output = '\n'.join(output) return output def __add__(self, rhs): return FilePreprocessorSequence([self,rhs]) class FilePreprocessorSequence(FilePreprocessor): def __init__(self, members = []): self.members = members def __add__(self, rhs): return FilePreprocessorSequence(self.members + [rhs]) def __call__(self, input): output = input for pp in self.members: output = pp(output) return output class LineSkipper(FilePreprocessor): def __init__(self, strings = [], regexps = []): import re self.strings = strings self.regexps = map(re.compile,regexps) def __processLine__(self, line): for s in self.strings: if line.find(s) >= 0: return None for r in self.regexps: if r.search(line): return None return line class BlockSkipper(FilePreprocessor): def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = start self.end = end self._skipping = False def __processLine__(self, line): if self.start in line: self._skipping = True return None elif self.end in line: self._skipping = False elif self._skipping: return None return line class RegexpReplacer(FilePreprocessor): def __init__(self, orig, repl = "", when = None): if when: when = re.compile(when) self._operations = [ (when, re.compile(orig), repl) ] def __add__(self,rhs): if isinstance(rhs, RegexpReplacer): res = RegexpReplacer("","",None) res._operations = self._operations + rhs._operations else: res = FilePreprocessor.__add__(self, rhs) return res def __processLine__(self, line): for w,o,r in self._operations: if w is None or w.search(line): line = o.sub(r, line) return line # Common preprocessors maskPointers = RegexpReplacer("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4,16}","0x########") normalizeDate = RegexpReplacer("[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9] [0-9]{4}[-/][01][0-9][-/][0-3][0-9] *(CES?T)?", "00:00:00 1970-01-01") normalizeEOL = FilePreprocessor() normalizeEOL.__processLine__ = lambda line: str(line).rstrip() + '\n' skipEmptyLines = FilePreprocessor() # FIXME: that's ugly skipEmptyLines.__processLine__ = lambda line: (line.strip() and line) or None ## Special preprocessor sorting the list of strings (whitespace separated) # that follow a signature on a single line class LineSorter(FilePreprocessor): def __init__(self, signature): self.signature = signature self.siglen = len(signature) def __processLine__(self, line): pos = line.find(self.signature) if pos >=0: line = line[:(pos+self.siglen)] lst = line[(pos+self.siglen):].split() lst.sort() line += " ".join(lst) return line # Preprocessors for GaudiExamples normalizeExamples = maskPointers + normalizeDate for w,o,r in [ #("TIMER.TIMER",r"[0-9]", "0"), # Normalize time output ("TIMER.TIMER",r"\s+[+-]?[0-9]+[0-9.]*", " 0"), # Normalize time output ("release all pending",r"^.*/([^/]*:.*)",r"\1"), ("0x########",r"\[.*/([^/]*.*)\]",r"[\1]"), ("^#.*file",r"file '.*[/\\]([^/\\]*)$",r"file '\1"), ("^JobOptionsSvc.*options successfully read in from",r"read in from .*[/\\]([^/\\]*)$",r"file \1"), # normalize path to options # Normalize UUID, except those ending with all 0s (i.e. the class IDs) (None,r"[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}(?!-0{12})-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), # Absorb a change in ServiceLocatorHelper ("ServiceLocatorHelper::", "ServiceLocatorHelper::(create|locate)Service", "ServiceLocatorHelper::service"), # Remove the leading 0 in Windows' exponential format (None, r"e([-+])0([0-9][0-9])", r"e\1\2"), ]: #[ ("TIMER.TIMER","[0-9]+[0-9.]*", "") ] normalizeExamples += RegexpReplacer(o,r,w) normalizeExamples = LineSkipper(["//GP:", "Time User", "Welcome to", "This machine has a speed", "TIME:", "running on", "ToolSvc.Sequenc... INFO", "DataListenerSvc INFO XML written to file:", "[INFO]","[WARNING]", "DEBUG No writable file catalog found which contains FID:", "0 local", # hack for ErrorLogExample "DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully", # changed between v20 and v21 "DEBUG Incident timing:", # introduced with patch #3487 # This comes from ROOT, when using GaudiPython 'Note: (file "(tmpfile)", line 2) File "set" already loaded', # The signal handler complains about SIGXCPU not defined on some platforms 'SIGXCPU', ],regexps = [ r"^#", # Ignore python comments r"(Always|SUCCESS)\s*(Root f|[^ ]* F)ile version:", # skip the message reporting the version of the root file r"0x[0-9a-fA-F#]+ *Algorithm::sysInitialize\(\) *\[", # hack for ErrorLogExample r"0x[0-9a-fA-F#]* *__gxx_personality_v0 *\[", # hack for ErrorLogExample r"File '.*.xml' does not exist", r"INFO Refer to dataset .* by its file ID:", r"INFO Referring to dataset .* by its file ID:", r"INFO Disconnect from dataset", r"INFO Disconnected from dataset", r"INFO Disconnected data IO:", r"IncidentSvc\s*(DEBUG (Adding|Removing)|VERBOSE Calling)", # I want to ignore the header of the unchecked StatusCode report r"^StatusCodeSvc.*listing all unchecked return codes:", r"^StatusCodeSvc\s*INFO\s*$", r"Num\s*\|\s*Function\s*\|\s*Source Library", r"^[-+]*\s*$", # Hide the fake error message coming from POOL/ROOT (ROOT 5.21) r"ERROR Failed to modify file: .* Errno=2 No such file or directory", # Hide unckeched StatusCodes from dictionaries r"^ +[0-9]+ \|.*ROOT", r"^ +[0-9]+ \|.*\|.*Dict", # Remove ROOT TTree summary table, which changes from one version to the other r"^\*.*\*$", # Remove Histos Summaries r"SUCCESS\s*Booked \d+ Histogram\(s\)", r"^ \|", r"^ ID=", ] ) + normalizeExamples + skipEmptyLines + \ normalizeEOL + \ LineSorter("Services to release : ") class ReferenceFileValidator: def __init__(self, reffile, cause, result_key, preproc = normalizeExamples): self.reffile = os.path.expandvars(reffile) self.cause = cause self.result_key = result_key self.preproc = preproc def __call__(self, stdout, result): causes = [] if os.path.isfile(self.reffile): orig = open(self.reffile).xreadlines() if self.preproc: orig = self.preproc(orig) else: orig = [] new = stdout.splitlines() if self.preproc: new = self.preproc(new) #open(self.reffile + ".test","w").writelines(new) diffs = difflib.ndiff(orig,new,charjunk=difflib.IS_CHARACTER_JUNK) filterdiffs = map(lambda x: x.strip(),filter(lambda x: x[0] != " ",diffs)) #filterdiffs = [x.strip() for x in diffs] if filterdiffs: result[self.result_key] = result.Quote("\n".join(filterdiffs)) result[self.result_key] += result.Quote(""" Legend: -) reference file +) standard output of the test""") causes.append(self.cause) return causes ######################################################################## # Useful validation functions ######################################################################## def findReferenceBlock(reference, stdout, result, causes, signature_offset=0, signature=None, id = None): """ Given a block of text, tries to find it in the output. The block had to be identified by a signature line. By default, the first line is used as signature, or the line pointed to by signature_offset. If signature_offset points outside the block, a signature line can be passed as signature argument. Note: if 'signature' is None (the default), a negative signature_offset is interpreted as index in a list (e.g. -1 means the last line), otherwise the it is interpreted as the number of lines before the first one of the block the signature must appear. The parameter 'id' allow to distinguish between different calls to this function in the same validation code. """ # split reference file, sanitize EOLs and remove empty lines reflines = filter(None,map(lambda s: s.rstrip(), reference.splitlines())) if not reflines: raise RuntimeError("Empty (or null) reference") # the same on standard output outlines = filter(None,map(lambda s: s.rstrip(), stdout.splitlines())) res_field = "GaudiTest.RefBlock" if id: res_field += "_%s" % id if signature is None: if signature_offset < 0: signature_offset = len(reference)+signature_offset signature = reflines[signature_offset] # find the reference block in the output file try: pos = outlines.index(signature) outlines = outlines[pos-signature_offset:pos+len(reflines)-signature_offset] if reflines != outlines: msg = "standard output" # I do not want 2 messages in causes if teh function is called twice if not msg in causes: causes.append(msg) result[res_field + ".observed"] = result.Quote("\n".join(outlines)) except ValueError: causes.append("missing signature") result[res_field + ".signature"] = result.Quote(signature) if len(reflines) > 1 or signature != reflines[0]: result[res_field + ".expected"] = result.Quote("\n".join(reflines)) return causes def countErrorLines(expected = {'ERROR':0, 'FATAL':0}, **kwargs): """ Count the number of messages with required severity (by default ERROR and FATAL) and check if their numbers match the expected ones (0 by default). The dictionary "expected" can be used to tune the number of errors and fatals allowed, or to limit the number of expected warnings etc. """ stdout = kwargs["stdout"] result = kwargs["result"] causes = kwargs["causes"] # prepare the dictionary to record the extracted lines errors = {} for sev in expected: errors[sev] = [] outlines = stdout.splitlines() from math import log10 fmt = "%%%dd - %%s" % (int(log10(len(outlines))+1)) linecount = 0 for l in outlines: linecount += 1 words = l.split() if len(words) >= 2 and words[1] in errors: errors[words[1]].append(fmt%(linecount,l.rstrip())) for e in errors: if len(errors[e]) != expected[e]: causes.append('%s(%d)'%(e,len(errors[e]))) result["GaudiTest.lines.%s"%e] = result.Quote('\n'.join(errors[e])) result["GaudiTest.lines.%s.expected#"%e] = result.Quote(str(expected[e])) return causes def _parseTTreeSummary(lines, pos): """ Parse the TTree summary table in lines, starting from pos. Returns a tuple with the dictionary with the digested informations and the position of the first line after the summary. """ result = {} i = pos + 1 # first line is a sequence of '*' count = len(lines) splitcols = lambda l: [ f.strip() for f in l.strip("*\n").split(':',2) ] def parseblock(ll): r = {} cols = splitcols(ll[0]) r["Name"], r["Title"] = cols[1:] cols = splitcols(ll[1]) r["Entries"] = int(cols[1]) sizes = cols[2].split() r["Total size"] = int(sizes[2]) if sizes[-1] == "memory": r["File size"] = 0 else: r["File size"] = int(sizes[-1]) cols = splitcols(ll[2]) sizes = cols[2].split() if cols[0] == "Baskets": r["Baskets"] = int(cols[1]) r["Basket size"] = int(sizes[2]) r["Compression"] = float(sizes[-1]) return r if i < (count - 3) and lines[i].startswith("*Tree"): result = parseblock(lines[i:i+3]) result["Branches"] = {} i += 4 while i < (count - 3) and lines[i].startswith("*Br"): branch = parseblock(lines[i:i+3]) result["Branches"][branch["Name"]] = branch i += 4 return (result, i) def findTTreeSummaries(stdout): """ Scan stdout to find ROOT TTree summaries and digest them. """ stars = re.compile(r"^\*+$") outlines = stdout.splitlines() nlines = len(outlines) trees = {} i = 0 while i < nlines: #loop over the output # look for while i < nlines and not stars.match(outlines[i]): i += 1 if i < nlines: tree, i = _parseTTreeSummary(outlines, i) if tree: trees[tree["Name"]] = tree return trees def cmpTreesDicts(reference, to_check, ignore = None): """ Check that all the keys in reference are in to_check too, with the same value. If the value is a dict, the function is called recursively. to_check can contain more keys than reference, that will not be tested. The function returns at the first difference found. """ fail_keys = [] # filter the keys in the reference dictionary if ignore: ignore_re = re.compile(ignore) keys = [ key for key in reference if not ignore_re.match(key) ] else: keys = reference.keys() # loop over the keys (not ignored) in the reference dictionary for k in keys: if k in to_check: # the key must be in the dictionary to_check if (type(reference[k]) is dict) and (type(to_check[k]) is dict): # if both reference and to_check values are dictionaries, recurse failed = fail_keys = cmpTreesDicts(reference[k], to_check[k], ignore) else: # compare the two values failed = to_check[k] != reference[k] else: # handle missing keys in the dictionary to check (i.e. failure) to_check[k] = None failed = True if failed: fail_keys.insert(0, k) break # exit from the loop at the first failure return fail_keys # return the list of keys bringing to the different values def getCmpFailingValues(reference, to_check, fail_path): c = to_check r = reference for k in fail_path: c = c.get(k,None) r = r.get(k,None) if c is None or r is None: break # one of the dictionaries is not deep enough return (fail_path, r, c) # signature of the print-out of the histograms h_count_re = re.compile(r"^(.*)SUCCESS\s+Booked (\d+) Histogram\(s\) :\s+(.*)") def parseHistosSummary(lines, pos): """ Extract the histograms infos from the lines starting at pos. Returns the position of the first line after the summary block. """ global h_count_re h_table_head = re.compile(r'SUCCESS\s+List of booked (1D|2D|3D|1D profile|2D profile) histograms in directory\s+"(\w*)"') h_short_summ = re.compile(r"ID=([^\"]+)\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s+(.*)") nlines = len(lines) # decode header m = h_count_re.search(lines[pos]) name = m.group(1).strip() total = int(m.group(2)) header = {} for k, v in [ x.split("=") for x in m.group(3).split() ]: header[k] = int(v) pos += 1 header["Total"] = total summ = {} while pos < nlines: m = h_table_head.search(lines[pos]) if m: t, d = m.groups(1) # type and directory t = t.replace(" profile", "Prof") pos += 1 if pos < nlines: l = lines[pos] else: l = "" cont = {} if l.startswith(" | ID"): # table format titles = [ x.strip() for x in l.split("|")][1:] pos += 1 while pos < nlines and lines[pos].startswith(" |"): l = lines[pos] values = [ x.strip() for x in l.split("|")][1:] hcont = {} for i in range(len(titles)): hcont[titles[i]] = values[i] cont[hcont["ID"]] = hcont pos += 1 elif l.startswith(" ID="): while pos < nlines and lines[pos].startswith(" ID="): values = [ x.strip() for x in h_short_summ.search(lines[pos]).groups() ] cont[values[0]] = values pos += 1 else: # not interpreted raise RuntimeError("Cannot understand line %d: '%s'" % (pos, l)) if not d in summ: summ[d] = {} summ[d][t] = cont summ[d]["header"] = header else: break if not summ: # If the full table is not present, we use only the header summ[name] = {"header": header} return summ, pos def findHistosSummaries(stdout): """ Scan stdout to find ROOT TTree summaries and digest them. """ outlines = stdout.splitlines() nlines = len(outlines) - 1 summaries = {} global h_count_re pos = 0 while pos < nlines: summ = {} # find first line of block: match = h_count_re.search(outlines[pos]) while pos < nlines and not match: pos += 1 match = h_count_re.search(outlines[pos]) if match: summ, pos = parseHistosSummary(outlines, pos) summaries.update(summ) return summaries class GaudiFilterExecutable(qm.executable.Filter): def __init__(self, input, timeout = -1): """Create a new 'Filter'. 'input' -- The string containing the input to provide to the child process. 'timeout' -- As for 'TimeoutExecutable.__init__'.""" super(GaudiFilterExecutable, self).__init__(input, timeout) self.__input = input self.__timeout = timeout self.stack_trace_file = None # Temporary file to pass the stack trace from one process to the other # The file must be closed and reopened when needed to avoid conflicts # between the processes tmpf = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(tmpf[0]) self.stack_trace_file = tmpf[1] # remember only the name def __UseSeparateProcessGroupForChild(self): """Copied from TimeoutExecutable to allow the re-implementation of _HandleChild. """ if sys.platform == "win32": # In Windows 2000 (or later), we should use "jobs" by # analogy with UNIX process groups. However, that # functionality is not (yet) provided by the Python Win32 # extensions. return 0 return self.__timeout >= 0 or self.__timeout == -2 ## # Needs to replace the ones from RedirectedExecutable and TimeoutExecutable def _HandleChild(self): """Code copied from both FilterExecutable and TimeoutExecutable. """ # Close the pipe ends that we do not need. if self._stdin_pipe: self._ClosePipeEnd(self._stdin_pipe[0]) if self._stdout_pipe: self._ClosePipeEnd(self._stdout_pipe[1]) if self._stderr_pipe: self._ClosePipeEnd(self._stderr_pipe[1]) # The pipes created by 'RedirectedExecutable' must be closed # before the monitor process (created by 'TimeoutExecutable') # is created. Otherwise, if the child process dies, 'select' # in the parent will not return if the monitor process may # still have one of the file descriptors open. super(qm.executable.TimeoutExecutable, self)._HandleChild() if self.__UseSeparateProcessGroupForChild(): # Put the child into its own process group. This step is # performed in both the parent and the child; therefore both # processes can safely assume that the creation of the process # group has taken place. child_pid = self._GetChildPID() try: os.setpgid(child_pid, child_pid) except: # The call to setpgid may fail if the child has exited, # or has already called 'exec'. In that case, we are # guaranteed that the child has already put itself in the # desired process group. pass # Create the monitoring process. # # If the monitoring process is in parent's process group and # kills the child after waitpid has returned in the parent, we # may end up trying to kill a process group other than the one # that we intend to kill. Therefore, we put the monitoring # process in the same process group as the child; that ensures # that the process group will persist until the monitoring # process kills it. self.__monitor_pid = os.fork() if self.__monitor_pid != 0: # Make sure that the monitoring process is placed into the # child's process group before the parent process calls # 'waitpid'. In this way, we are guaranteed that the process # group as the child os.setpgid(self.__monitor_pid, child_pid) else: # Put the monitoring process into the child's process # group. We know the process group still exists at # this point because either (a) we are in the process # group, or (b) the parent has not yet called waitpid. os.setpgid(0, child_pid) # Close all open file descriptors. They are not needed # in the monitor process. Furthermore, when the parent # closes the write end of the stdin pipe to the child, # we do not want the pipe to remain open; leaving the # pipe open in the monitor process might cause the child # to block waiting for additional input. try: max_fds = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX") except: max_fds = 256 for fd in xrange(max_fds): try: os.close(fd) except: pass try: if self.__timeout >= 0: # Give the child time to run. time.sleep (self.__timeout) ####################################################### ### This is the interesting part: dump the stack trace to a file if sys.platform == "linux2": # we should be have /proc and gdb cmd = ["gdb", os.path.join("/proc", str(child_pid), "exe"), str(child_pid), "-batch", "-n", "-x", "'%s'" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "stack-trace.gdb")] # FIXME: I wanted to use subprocess.Popen, but it doesn't want to work # in this context. o = os.popen(" ".join(cmd)).read() open(self.stack_trace_file,"w").write(o) ####################################################### # Kill all processes in the child process group. os.kill(0, signal.SIGKILL) else: # This call to select will never terminate. select.select ([], [], []) finally: # Exit. This code is in a finally clause so that # we are guaranteed to get here no matter what. os._exit(0) elif self.__timeout >= 0 and sys.platform == "win32": # Create a monitoring thread. self.__monitor_thread = Thread(target = self.__Monitor) self.__monitor_thread.start() if sys.platform == "win32": def __Monitor(self): """Code copied from FilterExecutable. Kill the child if the timeout expires. This function is run in the monitoring thread.""" # The timeout may be expressed as a floating-point value # on UNIX, but it must be an integer number of # milliseconds when passed to WaitForSingleObject. timeout = int(self.__timeout * 1000) # Wait for the child process to terminate or for the # timer to expire. result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self._GetChildPID(), timeout) # If the timeout occurred, kill the child process. if result == win32con.WAIT_TIMEOUT: self.Kill() ######################################################################## # Test Classes ######################################################################## class GaudiExeTest(ExecTestBase): """Standard Gaudi test. """ arguments = [ qm.fields.TextField( name="program", title="Program", not_empty_text=1, description="""The path to the program. This field indicates the path to the program. If it is not an absolute path, the value of the 'PATH' environment variable will be used to search for the program. If not specified, $GAUDIEXE or Gaudi.exe are used. """ ), qm.fields.SetField(qm.fields.TextField( name="args", title="Argument List", description="""The command-line arguments. If this field is left blank, the program is run without any arguments. Use this field to specify the option files. An implicit 0th argument (the path to the program) is added automatically.""" )), qm.fields.TextField( name="options", title="Options", description="""Options to be passed to the application. This field allows to pass a list of options to the main program without the need of a separate option file. The content of the field is written to a temporary file which name is passed the the application as last argument (appended to the field "Argument List". """, verbatim="true", multiline="true", default_value="" ), qm.fields.TextField( name="workdir", title="Working Directory", description="""Path to the working directory. If this field is left blank, the program will be run from the qmtest directory, otherwise from the directory specified.""", default_value="" ), qm.fields.TextField( name="reference", title="Reference Output", description="""Path to the file containing the reference output. If this field is left blank, any standard output will be considered valid. If the reference file is specified, any output on standard error is ignored.""" ), qm.fields.TextField( name="error_reference", title="Reference for standard error", description="""Path to the file containing the reference for the standard error. If this field is left blank, any standard output will be considered valid. If the reference file is specified, any output on standard error is ignored.""" ), qm.fields.SetField(qm.fields.TextField( name = "unsupported_platforms", title = "Unsupported Platforms", description = """Platform on which the test must not be run. List of regular expressions identifying the platforms on which the test is not run and the result is set to UNTESTED.""" )), qm.fields.TextField( name = "validator", title = "Validator", description = """Function to validate the output of the test. If defined, the function is used to validate the products of the test. The function is called passing as arguments: self: the test class instance stdout: the standard output of the executed test stderr: the standard error of the executed test result: the Result objects to fill with messages The function must return a list of causes for the failure. If specified, overrides standard output, standard error and reference files. """, verbatim="true", multiline="true", default_value="" ), qm.fields.BooleanField( name = "use_temp_dir", title = "Use temporary directory", description = """Use temporary directory. If set to true, use a temporary directory as working directory. """, default_value="false" ), ] def PlatformIsNotSupported(self, context, result): platform = self.GetPlatform() unsupported = [ re.compile(x) for x in [ str(y).strip() for y in self.unsupported_platforms ] if x ] for p_re in unsupported: if p_re.search(platform): result.SetOutcome(result.UNTESTED) result[result.CAUSE] = 'Platform not supported.' return True return False def GetPlatform(self): """ Return the platform Id defined in CMTCONFIG or SCRAM_ARCH. """ arch = "None" # check architecture name if "CMTCONFIG" in os.environ: arch = os.environ["CMTCONFIG"] elif "SCRAM_ARCH" in os.environ: arch = os.environ["SCRAM_ARCH"] return arch def isWinPlatform(self): """ Return True if the current platform is Windows. This function was needed because of the change in the CMTCONFIG format, from win32_vc71_dbg to i686-winxp-vc9-dbg. """ platform = self.GetPlatform() return "winxp" in platform or platform.startswith("win") def _expandReferenceFileName(self, reffile): # if no file is passed, do nothing if not reffile: return "" # function to split an extension in constituents parts platformSplit = lambda p: set(p.split('-' in p and '-' or '_')) reference = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars(reffile)) # old-style platform-specific reference name spec_ref = reference[:-3] + self.GetPlatform()[0:3] + reference[-3:] if os.path.isfile(spec_ref): reference = spec_ref else: # look for new-style platform specific reference files: # get all the files whose name start with the reference filename dirname, basename = os.path.split(reference) if not dirname: dirname = '.' head = basename + "." head_len = len(head) platform = platformSplit(self.GetPlatform()) candidates = [] for f in os.listdir(dirname): if f.startswith(head): req_plat = platformSplit(f[head_len:]) if platform.issuperset(req_plat): candidates.append( (len(req_plat), f) ) if candidates: # take the one with highest matching # FIXME: it is not possible to say if x86_64-slc5-gcc43-dbg # has to use ref.x86_64-gcc43 or ref.slc5-dbg candidates.sort() reference = os.path.join(dirname, candidates[-1][1]) return reference def CheckTTreesSummaries(self, stdout, result, causes, trees_dict = None, ignore = r"Basket|.*size|Compression"): """ Compare the TTree summaries in stdout with the ones in trees_dict or in the reference file. By default ignore the size, compression and basket fields. The presence of TTree summaries when none is expected is not a failure. """ if trees_dict is None: reference = self._expandReferenceFileName(self.reference) # call the validator if the file exists if reference and os.path.isfile(reference): trees_dict = findTTreeSummaries(open(reference).read()) else: trees_dict = {} from pprint import PrettyPrinter pp = PrettyPrinter() if trees_dict: result["GaudiTest.TTrees.expected"] = result.Quote(pp.pformat(trees_dict)) if ignore: result["GaudiTest.TTrees.ignore"] = result.Quote(ignore) trees = findTTreeSummaries(stdout) failed = cmpTreesDicts(trees_dict, trees, ignore) if failed: causes.append("trees summaries") msg = "%s: %s != %s" % getCmpFailingValues(trees_dict, trees, failed) result["GaudiTest.TTrees.failure_on"] = result.Quote(msg) result["GaudiTest.TTrees.found"] = result.Quote(pp.pformat(trees)) return causes def CheckHistosSummaries(self, stdout, result, causes, dict = None, ignore = None): """ Compare the TTree summaries in stdout with the ones in trees_dict or in the reference file. By default ignore the size, compression and basket fields. The presence of TTree summaries when none is expected is not a failure. """ if dict is None: reference = self._expandReferenceFileName(self.reference) # call the validator if the file exists if reference and os.path.isfile(reference): dict = findHistosSummaries(open(reference).read()) else: dict = {} from pprint import PrettyPrinter pp = PrettyPrinter() if dict: result["GaudiTest.Histos.expected"] = result.Quote(pp.pformat(dict)) if ignore: result["GaudiTest.Histos.ignore"] = result.Quote(ignore) histos = findHistosSummaries(stdout) failed = cmpTreesDicts(dict, histos, ignore) if failed: causes.append("histos summaries") msg = "%s: %s != %s" % getCmpFailingValues(dict, histos, failed) result["GaudiTest.Histos.failure_on"] = result.Quote(msg) result["GaudiTest.Histos.found"] = result.Quote(pp.pformat(histos)) return causes def ValidateWithReference(self, stdout, stderr, result, causes, preproc = None): """ Default validation action: compare standard output and error to the reference files. """ # set the default output preprocessor if preproc is None: preproc = normalizeExamples # check standard output reference = self._expandReferenceFileName(self.reference) # call the validator if the file exists if reference and os.path.isfile(reference): result["GaudiTest.output_reference"] = reference causes += ReferenceFileValidator(reference, "standard output", "GaudiTest.output_diff", preproc = preproc)(stdout, result) # Compare TTree summaries causes = self.CheckTTreesSummaries(stdout, result, causes) causes = self.CheckHistosSummaries(stdout, result, causes) if causes: # Write a new reference file for stdout try: newref = open(reference + ".new","w") # sanitize newlines for l in stdout.splitlines(): newref.write(l.rstrip() + '\n') del newref # flush and close except IOError: # Ignore IO errors when trying to update reference files # because we may be in a read-only filesystem pass # check standard error reference = self._expandReferenceFileName(self.error_reference) # call the validator if we have a file to use if reference and os.path.isfile(reference): result["GaudiTest.error_reference"] = reference newcauses = ReferenceFileValidator(reference, "standard error", "GaudiTest.error_diff", preproc = preproc)(stderr, result) causes += newcauses if newcauses: # Write a new reference file for stdedd newref = open(reference + ".new","w") # sanitize newlines for l in stderr.splitlines(): newref.write(l.rstrip() + '\n') del newref # flush and close else: causes += BasicOutputValidator(self.stderr, "standard error", "ExecTest.expected_stderr")(stderr, result) return causes def ValidateOutput(self, stdout, stderr, result): causes = [] # if the test definition contains a custom validator, use it if self.validator.strip() != "": class CallWrapper(object): """ Small wrapper class to dynamically bind some default arguments to a callable. """ def __init__(self, callable, extra_args = {}): self.callable = callable self.extra_args = extra_args # get the list of names of positional arguments from inspect import getargspec self.args_order = getargspec(callable)[0] # Remove "self" from the list of positional arguments # since it is added automatically if self.args_order[0] == "self": del self.args_order[0] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Check which positional arguments are used positional = self.args_order[:len(args)] kwargs = dict(kwargs) # copy the arguments dictionary for a in self.extra_args: # use "extra_args" for the arguments not specified as # positional or keyword if a not in positional and a not in kwargs: kwargs[a] = self.extra_args[a] return apply(self.callable, args, kwargs) # local names to be exposed in the script exported_symbols = {"self":self, "stdout":stdout, "stderr":stderr, "result":result, "causes":causes, "findReferenceBlock": CallWrapper(findReferenceBlock, {"stdout":stdout, "result":result, "causes":causes}), "validateWithReference": CallWrapper(self.ValidateWithReference, {"stdout":stdout, "stderr":stderr, "result":result, "causes":causes}), "countErrorLines": CallWrapper(countErrorLines, {"stdout":stdout, "result":result, "causes":causes}), "checkTTreesSummaries": CallWrapper(self.CheckTTreesSummaries, {"stdout":stdout, "result":result, "causes":causes}), "checkHistosSummaries": CallWrapper(self.CheckHistosSummaries, {"stdout":stdout, "result":result, "causes":causes}), } exec self.validator in globals(), exported_symbols else: self.ValidateWithReference(stdout, stderr, result, causes) return causes def DumpEnvironment(self, result): """ Add the content of the environment to the result object. Copied from the QMTest class of COOL. """ vars = os.environ.keys() vars.sort() result['GaudiTest.environment'] = \ result.Quote('\n'.join(["%s=%s"%(v,os.environ[v]) for v in vars])) def Run(self, context, result): """Run the test. 'context' -- A 'Context' giving run-time parameters to the test. 'result' -- A 'Result' object. The outcome will be 'Result.PASS' when this method is called. The 'result' may be modified by this method to indicate outcomes other than 'Result.PASS' or to add annotations.""" # Check if the platform is supported if self.PlatformIsNotSupported(context, result): return # Prepare program name and arguments (expanding variables, and converting to absolute) if self.program: prog = rationalizepath(self.program) elif "GAUDIEXE" in os.environ: prog = os.environ["GAUDIEXE"] else: prog = "Gaudi.exe" self.program = prog dummy, prog_ext = os.path.splitext(prog) if prog_ext not in [ ".exe", ".py", ".bat" ] and self.isWinPlatform(): prog += ".exe" prog_ext = ".exe" prog = which(prog) or prog # Convert paths to absolute paths in arguments and reference files args = map(rationalizepath, self.args) self.reference = rationalizepath(self.reference) self.error_reference = rationalizepath(self.error_reference) # check if the user provided inline options tmpfile = None if self.options.strip(): ext = ".opts" if re.search(r"from\s*Gaudi.Configuration\s*import\s*\*", self.options): ext = ".py" tmpfile = TempFile(ext) tmpfile.writelines("\n".join(self.options.splitlines())) tmpfile.flush() args.append(tmpfile.name) result["GaudiTest.options"] = result.Quote(self.options) # if the program is a python file, execute it through python if prog_ext == ".py": args.insert(0,prog) if self.isWinPlatform(): prog = which("python.exe") or "python.exe" else: prog = which("python") or "python" # Change to the working directory if specified or to the default temporary origdir = os.getcwd() if self.workdir: os.chdir(str(os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars(self.workdir)))) elif self.use_temp_dir == "true": if "QMTEST_TMPDIR" in os.environ: os.chdir(os.environ["QMTEST_TMPDIR"]) elif "qmtest.tmpdir" in context: os.chdir(context["qmtest.tmpdir"]) if "QMTEST_IGNORE_TIMEOUT" not in os.environ: self.timeout = max(self.timeout,600) else: self.timeout = -1 try: # Generate eclipse.org debug launcher for the test self._CreateEclipseLaunch(prog, args, destdir = origdir) # Run the test self.RunProgram(prog, [ prog ] + args, context, result) # Record the content of the enfironment for failing tests if result.GetOutcome() not in [ result.PASS ]: self.DumpEnvironment(result) finally: # revert to the original directory os.chdir(origdir) def RunProgram(self, program, arguments, context, result): """Run the 'program'. 'program' -- The path to the program to run. 'arguments' -- A list of the arguments to the program. This list must contain a first argument corresponding to 'argv[0]'. 'context' -- A 'Context' giving run-time parameters to the test. 'result' -- A 'Result' object. The outcome will be 'Result.PASS' when this method is called. The 'result' may be modified by this method to indicate outcomes other than 'Result.PASS' or to add annotations. @attention: This method has been copied from command.ExecTestBase (QMTest 2.3.0) and modified to keep stdout and stderr for tests that have been terminated by a signal. (Fundamental for debugging in the Application Area) """ # Construct the environment. environment = self.MakeEnvironment(context) # Create the executable. if self.timeout >= 0: timeout = self.timeout else: # If no timeout was specified, we sill run this process in a # separate process group and kill the entire process group # when the child is done executing. That means that # orphaned child processes created by the test will be # cleaned up. timeout = -2 e = GaudiFilterExecutable(self.stdin, timeout) # Run it. exit_status = e.Run(arguments, environment, path = program) # Get the stack trace from the temporary file (if present) if e.stack_trace_file and os.path.exists(e.stack_trace_file): stack_trace = open(e.stack_trace_file).read() os.remove(e.stack_trace_file) else: stack_trace = None if stack_trace: result["ExecTest.stack_trace"] = result.Quote(stack_trace) # If the process terminated normally, check the outputs. if sys.platform == "win32" or os.WIFEXITED(exit_status): # There are no causes of failure yet. causes = [] # The target program terminated normally. Extract the # exit code, if this test checks it. if self.exit_code is None: exit_code = None elif sys.platform == "win32": exit_code = exit_status else: exit_code = os.WEXITSTATUS(exit_status) # Get the output generated by the program. stdout = e.stdout stderr = e.stderr # Record the results. result["ExecTest.exit_code"] = str(exit_code) result["ExecTest.stdout"] = result.Quote(stdout) result["ExecTest.stderr"] = result.Quote(stderr) # Check to see if the exit code matches. if exit_code != self.exit_code: causes.append("exit_code") result["ExecTest.expected_exit_code"] \ = str(self.exit_code) # Validate the output. causes += self.ValidateOutput(stdout, stderr, result) # If anything went wrong, the test failed. if causes: result.Fail("Unexpected %s." % string.join(causes, ", ")) elif os.WIFSIGNALED(exit_status): # The target program terminated with a signal. Construe # that as a test failure. signal_number = str(os.WTERMSIG(exit_status)) if not stack_trace: result.Fail("Program terminated by signal.") else: # The presence of stack_trace means tha we stopped the job because # of a time-out result.Fail("Exceeded time limit (%ds), terminated." % timeout) result["ExecTest.signal_number"] = signal_number result["ExecTest.stdout"] = result.Quote(e.stdout) result["ExecTest.stderr"] = result.Quote(e.stderr) elif os.WIFSTOPPED(exit_status): # The target program was stopped. Construe that as a # test failure. signal_number = str(os.WSTOPSIG(exit_status)) if not stack_trace: result.Fail("Program stopped by signal.") else: # The presence of stack_trace means tha we stopped the job because # of a time-out result.Fail("Exceeded time limit (%ds), stopped." % timeout) result["ExecTest.signal_number"] = signal_number result["ExecTest.stdout"] = result.Quote(e.stdout) result["ExecTest.stderr"] = result.Quote(e.stderr) else: # The target program terminated abnormally in some other # manner. (This shouldn't normally happen...) result.Fail("Program did not terminate normally.") # Marco Cl.: This is a special trick to fix a "problem" with the output # of gaudi jobs when they use colors esc = '\x1b' repr_esc = '\\x1b' result["ExecTest.stdout"] = result["ExecTest.stdout"].replace(esc,repr_esc) # TODO: (MCl) improve the hack for colors in standard output # may be converting them to HTML tags def _CreateEclipseLaunch(self, prog, args, destdir = None): # Find the project name used in ecplise. # The name is in a file called ".project" in one of the parent directories projbasedir = os.path.normpath(destdir) while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(projbasedir, ".project")): oldprojdir = projbasedir projbasedir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(projbasedir, os.pardir)) # FIXME: the root level is invariant when trying to go up one level, # but it must be cheched on windows if oldprojdir == projbasedir: # If we cannot find a .project, so no point in creating a .launch file return # Use ElementTree to parse the XML file from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET t = ET.parse(os.path.join(projbasedir, ".project")) projectName = t.find("name").text # prepare the name/path of the generated file destfile = "%s.launch" % self._Runnable__id if destdir: destfile = os.path.join(destdir, destfile) if self.options.strip(): # this means we have some custom options in the qmt file, so we have # to copy them from the temporary file at the end of the arguments # in another file tempfile = args.pop() optsfile = destfile + os.path.splitext(tempfile)[1] shutil.copyfile(tempfile, optsfile) args.append(optsfile) # prepare the data to insert in the XML file from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr # useful to quote XML special chars data = {} # Note: the "quoteattr(k)" is not needed because special chars cannot be part of a variable name, # but it doesn't harm. data["environment"] = "\n".join(['' % (quoteattr(k), quoteattr(v)) for k, v in os.environ.iteritems()]) data["exec"] = which(prog) or prog if os.path.basename(data["exec"]).lower().startswith("python"): data["stopAtMain"] = "false" # do not stop at main when debugging Python scripts else: data["stopAtMain"] = "true" data["args"] = " ".join(map(rationalizepath, args)) if not self.use_temp_dir: data["workdir"] = os.getcwd() else: # If the test is using a tmporary directory, it is better to run it # in the same directory as the .launch file when debugged in eclipse data["workdir"] = destdir data["project"] = projectName.strip() # Template for the XML file, based on eclipse 3.4 xml = """ %(environment)s """ % data # Write the output file open(destfile, "w").write(xml) #open(destfile + "_copy.xml", "w").write(xml) try: import json except ImportError: # Use simplejson for LCG import simplejson as json class HTMLResultStream(ResultStream): """An 'HTMLResultStream' writes its output to a set of HTML files. The argument 'dir' is used to select the destination directory for the HTML report. The destination directory may already contain the report from a previous run (for example of a different package), in which case it will be extended to include the new data. """ arguments = [ qm.fields.TextField( name = "dir", title = "Destination Directory", description = """The name of the directory. All results will be written to the directory indicated.""", verbatim = "true", default_value = ""), ] def __init__(self, arguments = None, **args): """Prepare the destination directory. Creates the destination directory and store in it some preliminary annotations and the static files found in the template directory 'html_report'. """ ResultStream.__init__(self, arguments, **args) self._summary = [] self._summaryFile = os.path.join(self.dir, "summary.json") self._annotationsFile = os.path.join(self.dir, "annotations.json") # Prepare the destination directory using the template templateDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "html_report") if not os.path.isdir(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir) # Copy the files in the template directory excluding the directories for f in os.listdir(templateDir): src = os.path.join(templateDir, f) dst = os.path.join(self.dir, f) if not os.path.isdir(src) and not os.path.exists(dst): shutil.copy(src, dst) # Add some non-QMTest attributes if "CMTCONFIG" in os.environ: self.WriteAnnotation("cmt.cmtconfig", os.environ["CMTCONFIG"]) import socket self.WriteAnnotation("hostname", socket.gethostname()) def _updateSummary(self): """Helper function to extend the global summary file in the destination directory. """ if os.path.exists(self._summaryFile): oldSummary = json.load(open(self._summaryFile)) else: oldSummary = [] ids = set([ i["id"] for i in self._summary ]) newSummary = [ i for i in oldSummary if i["id"] not in ids ] newSummary.extend(self._summary) json.dump(newSummary, open(self._summaryFile, "w"), sort_keys = True) def WriteAnnotation(self, key, value): """Writes the annotation to the annotation file. If the key is already present with a different value, the value becomes a list and the new value is appended to it, except for start_time and end_time. """ # Initialize the annotation dict from the file (if present) if os.path.exists(self._annotationsFile): annotations = json.load(open(self._annotationsFile)) else: annotations = {} # hack because we do not have proper JSON support key, value = map(str, [key, value]) if key == "qmtest.run.start_time": # Special handling of the start time: # if we are updating a result, we have to keep the original start # time, but remove the original end time to mark the report to be # in progress. if key not in annotations: annotations[key] = value if "qmtest.run.end_time" in annotations: del annotations["qmtest.run.end_time"] else: # All other annotations are added to a list if key in annotations: old = annotations[key] if type(old) is list: if value not in old: annotations[key].append(value) elif value != old: annotations[key] = [old, value] else: annotations[key] = value # Write the new annotations file json.dump(annotations, open(self._annotationsFile, "w"), sort_keys = True) def WriteResult(self, result): """Prepare the test result directory in the destination directory storing into it the result fields. A summary of the test result is stored both in a file in the test directory and in the global summary file. """ summary = {} summary["id"] = result.GetId() summary["outcome"] = result.GetOutcome() summary["cause"] = result.GetCause() summary["fields"] = result.keys() summary["fields"].sort() # Since we miss proper JSON support, I hack a bit for f in ["id", "outcome", "cause"]: summary[f] = str(summary[f]) summary["fields"] = map(str, summary["fields"]) self._summary.append(summary) # format: # testname/summary.json # testname/field1 # testname/field2 testOutDir = os.path.join(self.dir, summary["id"]) if not os.path.isdir(testOutDir): os.makedirs(testOutDir) json.dump(summary, open(os.path.join(testOutDir, "summary.json"), "w"), sort_keys = True) for f in summary["fields"]: open(os.path.join(testOutDir, f), "w").write(result[f]) self._updateSummary() def Summarize(self): # Not implemented. pass