Package: RootHistCnv Package manager : David Quarrie ============================= RootHistCnv v10r7 ============================== ! 2011-03-23 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed VC9 warnings. - Replaced C-style string manipulation and formatting with C++ (and Boost) implementations. - Disabled some warnings. ============================= RootHistCnv v10r6 ============================== ! 2011-01-11 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed some ICC remarks. ============================= RootHistCnv v10r5 ============================== ! 2010-09-22 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed bug #71216: Gaudi crashes when output nTuple file cannot be written ============================= RootHistCnv v10r4 ============================== ! 2010-01-29 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed icc remark #1599: declaration hides variable ! 2010-01-28 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed icc remark #424: extra ";" ignored - Fixed icc remark #111: statement is unreachable - Fixed icc remark #593: variable "X" was set but never used ============================= RootHistCnv v10r3 ============================== ! 2009-11-19 - Marco Clemencic - Removed run-time dependency on PCRE (which has been removed from LCGCMT). ================ RootHistCnv v10r2 ==================================== ! 2009-07-30 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed some doxygen warnings. ! 2009-07-21 - Hubert Degaudenzi - Fixed typo in the -no_static usage. ! 2009-07-20 - Marco Clemencic - Added '-no_static' to the declaration of the libraries (implemented since CMT v1r20p20081118). ================ RootHistCnv v10r1 ==================================== ! 2009-06-26 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed bug #52316: Silence WARNINGS from RootHistSvc Added the boolean property OutputEnabled to be able to disable the output of histograms on ROOT files without warnings. ! 2009-06-15 - Hubert Degaudenzi - use the new LCG tag convention. ! 2009-06-10 - Marco Clemencic - Removed _dll.cpp and _load.cpp files (not needed anymore). ================ RootHistCnv v10r0 ==================================== ! 2009-04-07 - Marco Clemencic - Moved back the namespace MSG to the global namespace. ! 2009-04-06 - Marco Clemencic - Renamed back the namespace Msg to MSG and moved it into the namespace Gaudi. ! 2009-03-13 - Marco Clemencic - Task #9061: Introduction of component managers - Adapted to use the changes in the ISvcLocator, ISvcManager and IAlgManager interfaces. ! 2009-02-19 - Marco Clemencic - Patch #2790: Rename the namespace MSG to Msg ! 2009-02-07 - Marco Clemencic - Fixed uninitialized variable (RootHistCnv::PersSvc::m_hfile). ! 2009-01-30 - Marco Clemencic - Replaced all the occurrences of endreq with endmsg. ! 2009-01-22 - Marco Clemencic - Adapted to the new IInterface functionalities (see GaudiKernel release.notes) ================ RootHistCnv v9r17 ==================================== ! 2008-01-29 - Marco Clemencic - Modified the fix for libNet on OSX to be compatible with LCGCMT 53. ================ RootHistCnv v9r16 ==================================== ! 2007-12-12 - Marco Clemencic - patch #1585. Fixed warnings about breaking of strict-aliasing rules (gcc 4.1 optimized). ================= RootHistCnv v9r15 ===================================== ! 2007-07-16 - Marco Clemencic - changed the syntax for specialization of templated function in namespace for gcc 4.1 future use ================= RootHistCnv v9r14 ===================================== ! 2007-05-15 - Pere Mato - Added extra argument needed in constructor of TBranch. This is new in version 5.15.06 of ROOT. ================= RootHistCnv v9r13 ===================================== ! 2007-03-15 - Hubert Degaudenzi - fixed bug #24769. use of the TFile::Open method instead of the TFile constructor to open a file. This enable the use of the ROOT plugins (castor, rfio, gfal, ...) ================= RootHistCnv v9r11 ===================================== ! 2007-01-08 Markus Frank - Fix histogram converters to automatically convert THxF to THxD when reading from file. ! 2006-11-30 - Pere Mato Adpated package to the new PluginSvc - Removed protected from constructor/destructors and fiendship of Factory class ! 2006-11-13 Markus Frank -- patch #908 - Simplify histogram conversion. Take advantage of the fact that the underlying implementation is realized using ROOT. ================= RootHistCnv v9r10 ===================================== ! 2006-03-13 - Hubert Degaudenzi - changed the default tile for trees form "Athena Trees" to "Gaudi Trees". ================= RootHistCnv v9r9 ===================================== ! 2006-03-13 - Hubert Degaudenzi - fix for patches #691-694 by Markus Frank which allow support for objects in Evt collections ================= RootHistCnv v9r8 ===================================== ! 2006-01-10 - Hubert Degaudenzi - use of the DECLARE_XXX_FACTORY macros. replacement of the corresponding code. ================= RootHistCnv v9r7 ===================================== ! 2005-12-20 - Hubert Degaudenzi - PI has been replaced by GaudiPI. ================= RootHistCnv v9r6 ===================================== ! 2005-10-27 - Hubert Degaudenzi - modified requirements file for future use of the new package GaudiPI. ================= RootHistCnv v9r5 ===================================== ! 2005-08-15 - Hubert Degaudenzi - patch #506. Creating H2D and H3D histograms (function createPersistent) was creating wrong values for weights in some cases. This patch removes all the implementation code and calls the Aida Root histogram converter (from pi) instead (Stephan Roiser). Remarks: -> this fix adds a dependency on PI in RootHistConv -> it also calls the conversion routine for H1D (to be consistent) - RFileCnv.cpp: Fixed small bug concerning checking output level before printing (Leggett) ================= RootHistCnv v9r4 ===================================== ! 2005-01-11 - Pere Mato - Added profile histograms converters (Charles Leggett) ================= RootHistCnv v9r3 ===================================== ! 2004-07-22 - Pere Mato - HxDCnv.cpp, PersSvc.cpp, RConverter.*: added the option to prefix histograms id with "h" when they are numerical (mandatoty for HBOOK). This faciliates the interaction with them from the ROOT application. RootHistSvc.ForceAlphaIds = true; ================= RootHistCnv v9r2 ===================================== ! 2004-07-05 - Pere Mato - requirements: changed to use the new LCGCMT interface packages ================= RootHistCnv v9r1p1 ===================================== ! 2004-05-07 - Pere Mato - RConverter.cpp: Fixed a problem that affected reading histogram files from Windows. Probably due to ":" or "\" in file name. Replaced gDirectory->cd() by TFile::cd() ================= RootHistCnv v9r1 ===================================== ! 2003-01-14 - Charles Leggett - RNTuple.cpp deal with empty ntuples ================= RootHistCnv v9r0 ===================================== ! 2003-11-28 - Pere Mato - Fixed: [ Bug #1772 ] RootHistCnv produces too many INFO messages Changed from INFO to DEBUG messages related to conversion of histograms Changed names from YYY::XXXX to XXXX to allow easy control with job options ! 2003-10-28 - Grigori Rybkine - Adapted for use with the version of HistogramSvc using (instead of HTL) the ROOT based AIDA histograms implementation from the LCG PI project This includes: - change to the new AIDA version 3.0.0 - the modified histogram converter classes H1DCnv, H2DCnv, H3DCnv, each responsible now for conversion of the corresponding fixed and variable bin size histograms (classes H1DVarCnv, H2DVarCnv, H3DVarCnv removed) - Added setting of statistics for 1D, 2D, 3D histograms being made persistent - Made changes (in particular, to RDirectoryCnv.cpp) so as to make reading of 1D variable bin size histograms and 2D fixed bin size histograms possible - Added ability to read in 2D variable bin size histograms ! 2003-11-26 - Pere Mato - Changes for Mac OSX (Guy Barrand) ! 2003-08-05 - Pere Mato - Removed warnings produced by VC7 - Adapted to new version of GaudiKernel (POOL integration) ================= RootHistCnv v8r2p3 ===================================== ! 2003-06-10 - Charles Leggett - Added ability to read in Matrices, and fixed size Arrays ================= RootHistCnv v8r2p2 ===================================== ! 2003-06-04 - Charles Leggett - fixed bug in RCWNtupleCnv::book, where was setting range for non integer TLeaf - FIXME: when next version of ROOT appears, add TLeafI->SetMinimum() call ================= RootHistCnv v8r2p1 ===================================== ! 2003-05-19 - Charles Leggett - fixed bug in analyzeItem (Bug #576 Matrices in CWN not filled correctly) ================= RootHistCnv v8r2 ======================================= ! 2003-03-10 - Charles Leggett - Added ability to read H1D, H2D, H1DVar - added direct accessor to TObject* in RootObjAddress (ipar[2]) - Added bool flag to PersSvc, so warning of "undefined output file name" only gets printed once. ! 2003-02-13 - Charles Leggett - Added ability to read in CWNT - Added RootObjAddress to keep track of TObject* ptr (m_ipar[2]) - got rid of regNTuple as functionality is supplanted by RootObjAddress - block names are part of full variable names, as BLK::var[size]/Type - fix core dump on destruct of PersSvc if hist output file not set - fix Write() so only one copy of ntuples gets written ================= RootHistCnv v8r1p2 ======================================= ! 2002-11-29 - Pere Mato - Corrections to support linking applications statically ================= v8r1p1 ======================================= ! 2002-10-29 - Pere Mato ================= v8r0p2 ======================================= ! 2002-10-10 - Pere Mato - Corrected bug reported by Thomas Ruf concerning the filling of underflow and overflow contents for 2D and 3D histograms. ================= v8r1 ========================================= ================= v8r0p1 ======================================= ! 2002-09-23 - Florence Ranjard - requirements - use v* ===================v8r0========================================== ! 20020717 - Pere Mato - Change of the ROOT version to v3.03 (3.03/06) ! 20020703 - Paolo Calafiura - PersSvc.cpp: disambiguate method overload for SmartDataPtr - RCWNtupleCnv.cpp: removed static parseName qualifier ===================v7r0========================================== ! 20020618 - Pere Mato - Change of the ROOT version to v3.02 (v3.02.07) ===================v6r0========================================== ! 20020405 - Markus Frank - Adapted to the new version of Gaudi - Removal of all global static storage - Major cleanup ! 20020327 - Pere Mato - Adapted to use the new AIDA interfaces (2.2) - Added converters for 3D histograms support ===================v5r0========================================== ! 20011122 - Pere Mato (v5) - Adapted to use the new GaudiKernel and the re-design of the data sore classes ! 20010626 - Pere Mato - Changed to use AIDA interfaces - Modified to not create a directory (/stat) if histograms are at top level ! 20010618 - v4 (Flr) requirements - use ROOT v3r01 ! 20010508 - Pere Mato - Using GaudiKernel v10 ! 20010315 - David Quarrie Fix problems when using ROOT for both event and histogram persistency. ! 20010223 - David Quarrie Tweaks to NTupleINfo.h for template handling on Solaris. ! 20010119 - Pere Mato Accomodate to the changes in GaudiKernel. Removed the extern declarations to access IIDs. !20001128 RootHistCnv v1 (P.Mato) Adapted to new version of CMT and NMake for NT !20001106 RootHistCnv v1 Marco Cattaneo - removed unneccessary dependence on CERNLIB, and explicit dependence on EXTLIB (implicit through dependence on Gaudi) !20001027 Pere Mato - Removed compilations problems for NT !20001020 Pere Mato - Few changes needed to be compatible with current head revision of Gaudi and fixes to compilation problems in Windows !20001013 David Quarrie - New package developed by Charles Leggett to support Histogram Persistency based on ROOTsupport. As far as the user is concerned, They need to add to their jobOptions.txt file the following lines: // Specify Share Library for ROOT persistency support ApplicationMgr.DLLs += "RootHistSvc"; // Specify ROOT or HBOOK persistency (HBOOK is default) ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"; // Specify Histogram Persistency Output File HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "histo.rt"