package Gaudi version v22r2 branches doc cmt use GaudiSys * # Provide the processing module to be able to run gaudi parallel. use pytools * LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports apply_pattern ProjectVersionHeader apply_pattern install_scripts apply_pattern install_python_modules set GAUDIEXE $(GAUDIROOT)/$(tag)/Gaudi.exe \ GAUDI_with_installarea $(Gaudi_cmtpath)/$(GAUDI_installarea_prefix)/$(tag)/bin/Gaudi.exe # don't need to put the full path for the executable # they are on the path alias Gaudi "Gaudi.exe" alias GaudiRun "" private application Gaudi main.cpp path_remove JOBOPTSEARCHPATH "/Gaudi/" target-winxp "\Gaudi\" path_prepend JOBOPTSEARCHPATH "$(GAUDIROOT)/options" target-winxp "$(GAUDIROOT)\options" apply_pattern QMTest path_prepend JOBOPTSEARCHPATH "" \ QMTest&target-winxp "$(GAUDIROOT)\tests\pyjobopts" \ QMTest "$(GAUDIROOT)/tests/pyjobopts" path_prepend PYTHONPATH "" \ QMTest&target-winxp "$(GAUDIROOT)\tests\python" \ QMTest "$(GAUDIROOT)/tests/python"