-v --dry-run conf_dict = eval('\n'.join(stdout.splitlines())) expected = {'MyAlg1': {'AnotherTest': 'AValue', 'TestProperty': 'AValue'}, 'MyAlg2': {'TestProperty': 'AValue'}} if conf_dict != expected: causes.append("configuration result") from pprint import PrettyPrinter pp = PrettyPrinter() result["GaudiTest.configuration.expected"] = result.Quote(pp.pformat(expected)) result["GaudiTest.configuration.found"] = result.Quote(pp.pformat(conf_dict)) warnings = [ "WARNING: property 'testproperty' was requested for MyAlg1, but the correct spelling is 'TestProperty'", "WARNING: Option 'testproperty' was used for MyAlg2, but the correct spelling is 'TestProperty'"] # extract all the warning messages all_warnings = filter(lambda l: "warning" in l.lower(), stdout.splitlines()) result["GaudiTest.configuration.missing_warnings"] = "" result["GaudiTest.configuration.unexpected_warnings"] = "" for ow in all_warnings: found = None for w in warnings: if w in ow: found = w break if found: warnings.remove(found) else: result["GaudiTest.configuration.unexpected_warnings"] += result.Quote("\n" + ow.strip()) for w in warnings: result["GaudiTest.configuration.missing_warnings"] += result.Quote("\n" + w) if result["GaudiTest.configuration.missing_warnings"]: causes.append("missing warning") if result["GaudiTest.configuration.unexpected_warnings"]: causes.append("warning")