// ChronoAuditor: // An auditor that monitors time #ifdef __ICC // disable icc warning #654: overloaded virtual function "B::Y" is only partially overridden in class "C" // TODO: there is only a partial overload of IAuditor::before and IAuditor::after #pragma warning(disable:654) #endif #include "ChronoAuditor.h" #include "GaudiKernel/AudFactory.h" DECLARE_AUDITOR_FACTORY(ChronoAuditor) ChronoAuditor::ChronoAuditor(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) : CommonAuditor(name, pSvcLocator) { m_chronoSvc = serviceLocator()->service("ChronoStatSvc"); } void ChronoAuditor::i_before(CustomEventTypeRef evt, const std::string& caller) { chronoSvc()->chronoStart(i_id(evt, caller)); } void ChronoAuditor::i_after(CustomEventTypeRef evt, const std::string& caller, const StatusCode&) { chronoSvc()->chronoStop(i_id(evt, caller)); }