JobOptionsSvc INFO //GP:================================================================================ //GP: include "/afs/" (0,0) //GP: include "/afs/" (5,10) //GP: include "/afs/" (7,10) AuditorSvc.Auditors = [ "ChronoAuditor" ] ; //GP: (1,1) //GP: end "/afs/" (24,1) ApplicationMgr.StatusCodeCheck = 1; //GP: (7,10) //GP: end "/afs/" (16,1) ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = [ "ColorMsgAlg" ] ; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 1; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.useColors = 1; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.fatalColorCode = [ "blue" , "red" ] ; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.errorColorCode = [ "[97;101;1m" ] ; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.warningColorCode = [ "yellow" ] ; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.infoColorCode = [ "[96;1m" ] ; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.debugColorCode = [ "[92;1m" ] ; //GP: (5,10) MessageSvc.verboseColorCode = [ "[95;4m" ] ; //GP: (5,10) ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 2; //GP: (5,10) ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"; //GP: (5,10) //GP: end "/afs/" (39,1) //GP:================================================================================ JobOptionsSvc INFO Job options successfully read in from /afs/ ApplicationMgr DEBUG Getting my own properties ApplicationMgr SUCCESS ==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.77 $ running on pclhcb55 on Fri Apr 23 10:04:51 2010 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service StatusCodeSvc StatusCodeSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service AppMgrRunable AppMgrRunable DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service EventLoopMgr EventLoopMgr DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully IncidentSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [AbortEvent] listener '' with priority 0 EventLoopMgr DEBUG Creating Top Algorithm ColorMsgAlg with name ColorMsgAlg EventDataSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully EventDataSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc EventPersistenc... DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully EventLoopMgr WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"  EventLoopMgr WARNING No events will be processed from external input. HistogramDataSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully HistogramDataSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc HistogramPersis... INFO 'CnvServices':[ 'HbookHistSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' ] HistogramPersis... DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required. HistogramDataSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service HistogramPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service StatusCodeSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AppMgrRunable ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service IncidentSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service EventPersistencySvc ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service EventDataSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service HistogramPersistencySvc ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service HistogramDataSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service EventLoopMgr ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully ColorMsgAlg FATAL THIS IS A FATAL MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg ERROR THIS IS AN ERROR MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg WARNING THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg INFO THIS IS A INFO MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg DEBUG THIS IS A DEBUG MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg VERBOSE THIS IS A VERBOSE MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg ERROR this is another error message ColorMsgAlg WARNING This is another warning message ColorMsgAlg INFO testing colour ColorMsgAlg INFO setting....this should be in yellow and red ColorMsgAlg INFO multicolor: this is blue on green and purple on white ColorMsgAlg INFO This is green. This is in yellow on blue. This is back to normal ColorMsgAlg FATAL THIS IS A FATAL MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg ERROR THIS IS AN ERROR MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg WARNING THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg INFO THIS IS A INFO MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg DEBUG THIS IS A DEBUG MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg VERBOSE THIS IS A VERBOSE MESSAGE ColorMsgAlg ERROR this is another error message ColorMsgAlg WARNING This is another warning message ColorMsgAlg INFO testing colour ColorMsgAlg INFO setting....this should be in yellow and red ColorMsgAlg INFO multicolor: this is blue on green and purple on white ColorMsgAlg INFO This is green. This is in yellow on blue. This is back to normal ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service EventLoopMgr ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service HistogramDataSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service HistogramPersistencySvc ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service EventDataSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service EventPersistencySvc ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service IncidentSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AppMgrRunable ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service StatusCodeSvc ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service EventLoopMgr IncidentSvc DEBUG Removing [AbortEvent] listener '' EventLoopMgr INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request. ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service HistogramDataSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service HistogramPersistencySvc ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service EventDataSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service EventPersistencySvc ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service IncidentSvc IncidentSvc DEBUG Incident timing: Mean(+-rms)/Min/Max:0(+-0)/0/0[ms] Total:0[s] ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AppMgrRunable ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service StatusCodeSvc ServiceManager DEBUG Service reference count check: ServiceManager DEBUG ---- StatusCodeSvc (refCount = 2) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- MessageSvc (refCount = 11) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- JobOptionsSvc (refCount = 2) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AppMgrRunable (refCount = 3) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- IncidentSvc (refCount = 2) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- EventPersistencySvc (refCount = 2) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- EventDataSvc (refCount = 3) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- HistogramPersistencySvc (refCount = 2) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- HistogramDataSvc (refCount = 3) ServiceManager DEBUG ---- EventLoopMgr (refCount = 3) ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully