JobOptionsSvc INFO //GP:================================================================================ //GP: include "/afs/" (0,0) AuditorSvc.Auditors = [ "ChronoAuditor" ] ; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = [ "THistRead" ] ; //GP: (1,1) MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3; //GP: (1,1) MessageSvc.UseColors = 1; //GP: (1,1) THistSvc.OutputLevel = 2; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.OutputLevel = 1; //GP: (1,1) ServiceManager.OutputLevel = 2; //GP: (1,1) StatusCodeSvc.OutputLevel = 1; //GP: (1,1) THistSvc.Input = [ "read1 DATAFILE='tuple2.rt' TYP='ROOT' OPT='READ'" ] ;//GP: (1,1) THistSvc.Input += [ "read2 DATAFILE='tuple3.rt' TYP='ROOT' OPT='READ'" ] ;//GP: (1,1) THistSvc.PrintAll = 1; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 20; //GP: (1,1) ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "NONE"; //GP: (1,1) //GP: end "/afs/" (35,1) //GP:================================================================================ JobOptionsSvc INFO Job options successfully read in from /afs/ ApplicationMgr SUCCESS ==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.77 $ running on pclhcb55 on Fri Jun 25 09:45:03 2010 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service EvtDataSvc/EventDataSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service DetDataSvc/DetectorDataSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service HistogramSvc/HistogramDataSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service HbookCnv::PersSvc/HbookHistSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service RootHistCnv::PersSvc/RootHistSvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service EvtPersistencySvc/EventPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service DetPersistencySvc/DetectorPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr VERBOSE declareMultiSvcType: declared service HistogramPersistencySvc/HistogramPersistencySvc ApplicationMgr DEBUG Loading declared DLL's ApplicationMgr VERBOSE addMultiSvc: added service EventLoopMgr/EventLoopMgr ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully THistSvc DEBUG Opening TFile "tuple2.rt" stream: "read1" mode: "O" comp level: 1 THistSvc DEBUG Opening TFile "tuple3.rt" stream: "read2" mode: "O" comp level: 1 THistSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully THistSvc DEBUG Read in TH1F "1Dgauss" from file tuple2.rt TH1.Print Name = 1Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19984 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TH1F title: "1D Gaussian" id: "/read1/xxx/1Dgauss" dir: tuple2.rt:/xxx file: tuple2.rt THistRead INFO 1Dgauss: 20000 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TH2F "2Dgauss" from file tuple3.rt TH1.Print Name = 2Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19978 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TH2F title: "2D Gaussian" id: "/read2/2Dgauss" dir: tuple3.rt:/ file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO 2Dgauss: 20000 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TH3F "3Dgauss" from file tuple3.rt TH1.Print Name = 3Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19944 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TH3F title: "3D Gaussian" id: "/read2/3Dgauss" dir: tuple3.rt:/ file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO 3Dgauss: 20000 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TProfile "profile" from file tuple3.rt TH1.Print Name = profile, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0 THistSvc DEBUG Registering TProfile title: "profile" id: "/read2/profile" dir: tuple3.rt:/ file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO profile: 0 THistSvc DEBUG Read in TTree "treename" from file tuple3.rt ****************************************************************************** *Tree :treename : tree title * *Entries : 1000 : Total = 14021 bytes File Size = 2333 * * : : Tree compression factor = 6.63 * ****************************************************************************** *Br 0 :branch1 : point1/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 1521 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.68 * *............................................................................* *Br 1 :branch2 : point2/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 164 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 24.87 * *............................................................................* *Br 2 :branch3 : point3/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 160 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 25.49 * *............................................................................* THistSvc DEBUG Registering TTree title: "tree title" id: "/read2/trees/stuff/treename" dir: tuple3.rt:/trees/stuff file: tuple3.rt THistRead INFO treename: 1000 EventLoopMgr WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"  EventLoopMgr WARNING No events will be processed from external input. HistogramPersis... INFO 'CnvServices':[ 'HbookHistSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' ] HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required. ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read1 name: tuple2.rt size: 4161 THistSvc DEBUG stream: read2 name: tuple3.rt size: 88695 ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully EventLoopMgr INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request. THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::finalize THistSvc DEBUG uid: "/read1/xxx/1Dgauss" temp: 0 dir: tuple2.rt:/xxx THistSvc DEBUG uid: "/read2/2Dgauss" temp: 0 dir: tuple3.rt:/ THistSvc DEBUG uid: "/read2/3Dgauss" temp: 0 dir: tuple3.rt:/ THistSvc DEBUG uid: "/read2/profile" temp: 0 dir: tuple3.rt:/ THistSvc DEBUG uid: "/read2/trees/stuff/treename" temp: 0 dir: tuple3.rt:/trees/stuff THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::write()::List of Files connected in ROOT  THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::write()::List of Files connected in ROOT: "tuple2.rt" THistSvc DEBUG THistSvc::write()::List of Files connected in ROOT: "tuple3.rt" THistSvc INFO Listing contents of ROOT files:  THistSvc DEBUG finalizing stream/file read1:tuple2.rt THistSvc INFO ==> File: tuple2.rt stream: read1 TFile: name=tuple2.rt, title=upd, option=READ TH1.Print Name = 1Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19984 Title = 1D Gaussian NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=50 THistSvc DEBUG finalizing stream/file read2:tuple3.rt THistSvc INFO ==> File: tuple3.rt stream: read2 TFile: name=tuple3.rt, title=rec, option=READ TH1.Print Name = 2Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19978 Title = 2D Gaussian NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=50, NbinsY= 100, ymin= -50, ymax=50 TH1.Print Name = 3Dgauss, Entries= 20000, Total sum= 19944 Title = 3D Gaussian NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=50, NbinsY= 100, ymin= -50, ymax=50, NbinsZ= 100, zmin= -50, zmax=50 TH1.Print Name = profile, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0 Title = profile NbinsX= 100, xmin= -50, xmax=-50 ****************************************************************************** *Tree :treename : tree title * *Entries : 1000 : Total = 14021 bytes File Size = 2333 * * : : Tree compression factor = 6.63 * ****************************************************************************** *Br 0 :branch1 : point1/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 1521 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 2.68 * *............................................................................* *Br 1 :branch2 : point2/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 164 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 24.87 * *............................................................................* *Br 2 :branch3 : point3/I * *Entries : 1000 : Total Size= 4557 bytes File Size = 160 * *Baskets : 1 : Basket Size= 32000 bytes Compression= 25.49 * *............................................................................* ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully