#ifndef COLORMSG_COLORMSGALG_H # define COLORMSG_COLORMSGALG_H //<<<<<< INCLUDES >>>>>> #include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h" //<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS >>>>>> /** @class ColorMgs * @brief an algorithm to test the color setting options of MsgService * @author Paolo Calafiura - ATLAS Collaboration *$Id: ColorMsgAlg.h,v 1.1 2003/02/28 01:21:22 calaf Exp $ */ class ColorMsgAlg : public Algorithm { public: ColorMsgAlg (const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator); StatusCode initialize(); StatusCode execute(); StatusCode finalize(); private: }; //<<<<<< INLINE PUBLIC FUNCTIONS >>>>>> //<<<<<< INLINE MEMBER FUNCTIONS >>>>>> #endif // COLORMSG_COLORMSGALG_H