// ============================================================================
// Include files
// ============================================================================
// GauduKernel
// ============================================================================
#include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Range.h"
// ============================================================================
/** @file
* This file has been imported from
* LoKi project
* "C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis"
* The package has been designed with the kind help from
* Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK. Many bright ideas,
* contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
* A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
* @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl
* @date 2001-01-23
// ============================================================================
/* Helpful function to throw an out-of-range exception for class Range_
* @param index invalid index
* @param size range size
// ============================================================================
void Gaudi::details::rangeException
( const long /* index */ ,
const size_t /* size */ )
throw GaudiException
( "Out-of-Range for class Gaudi::Range_" , "RangeError", StatusCode::FAILURE ) ;
// ============================================================================
// The END
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