//========================================== // Matt Pietrek // Microsoft Systems Journal, April 1998 // Program: LibDump // FILE: LibSymbolInfo.CPP //========================================== // LibSymbolInfo.cpp: implementation of the CLibSymbolInfo class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "LibSymbolInfo.h" using namespace std; #define MakePtr( cast, ptr, addValue ) (cast)( (DWORD)(ptr) + (DWORD)(addValue)) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLibSymbolInfo CLibSymbolInfo::CLibSymbolInfo() { } CLibSymbolInfo::~CLibSymbolInfo() { } //============================================================================= // Function: DumpSymbols // // Parameters: // LPTSTR lpszLibPathName - The library file path name // CStdioFile* pFile - Address of the file in which to dump the symbols // // Description: // // Given a library file path name, the function dumps the symbol info into the file // pointed to by pFile. //============================================================================= BOOL CLibSymbolInfo::DumpSymbols(LPTSTR lpszLibPathName, ostream& pFile) { if(lpszLibPathName == NULL || pFile.bad() ) { assert(lpszLibPathName != NULL); assert(pFile.good()); m_strErrorMsg.assign("NULL or Invalid file handle."); return FALSE; } if(!Dump(lpszLibPathName, pFile)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } //============================================================================= // Function: Dump // // Parameters: // As mentioned above. // // Description: // // Depending on the value specified in / the routine dumps/greps // the symbo info. //============================================================================= BOOL CLibSymbolInfo::Dump(LPTSTR lpszLibPathName, ostream& pFile) { string sBuff; MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE libFile(lpszLibPathName); // Ensure that the file mapping worked if( FALSE == libFile.IsValid() ) { m_strErrorMsg = "Unable to access file "; m_strErrorMsg+= lpszLibPathName; return FALSE; } // All COFF libraries start with the string "!\n". Verify that this // string is at the beginning of the mapped file PSTR pArchiveStartString = (PSTR)libFile.GetBase(); if ( 0 != strncmp( pArchiveStartString, IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START, IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START_SIZE ) ) { m_strErrorMsg.assign("Not a valid COFF LIB file."); return FALSE; } // Point to the first archive member. This entry contains the LIB symbols, // and immediately follows the archive start string ("!\n") PIMAGE_ARCHIVE_MEMBER_HEADER pMbrHdr; pMbrHdr = MakePtr( PIMAGE_ARCHIVE_MEMBER_HEADER, pArchiveStartString, IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START_SIZE ); // First DWORD after this member header is a symbol count PDWORD pcbSymbols = (PDWORD)(pMbrHdr + 1); // Pointer math! // The symbol count is stored in big endian format, so adjust as // appropriate for the target architecture DWORD cSymbols = ConvertBigEndian( *pcbSymbols ); // Following the symbol count is an array of offsets to archive members // (essentially, embedded .OBJ files) PDWORD pMemberOffsets = pcbSymbols + 1; // Pointer math! // Following the array of member offsets is an array of offsets to symbol // names. PSTR pszSymbolName = MakePtr( PSTR, pMemberOffsets, 4 * cSymbols ); // // Loop through every symbol in the first archive member // for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cSymbols; i++ ) { DWORD offset; // The offsets to the archive member that contains the symbol is stored // in big endian format, so convert it appropriately. offset = ConvertBigEndian( *pMemberOffsets ); // Call DisplayLibInfoForSymbol, which figures out what kind of symbol // it is. The "IsRegularLibSymbol" filters out symbols that are // internal to the linking process if ( IsRegularLibSymbol( pszSymbolName ) ) { string symbol(pszSymbolName); if (IsFiltedSymbol(symbol) ) { pFile << symbol << endl; } } // Advanced to the next symbol offset and name. The MemberOffsets // array has fixed length entries, while the symbol names are // sequential null-terminated strings pMemberOffsets++; pszSymbolName += strlen(pszSymbolName) + 1; } return TRUE; } //============================================================================= // Filters out symbols that are internal to the linking process, and which // the programmer never explicitly sees. //============================================================================= BOOL CLibSymbolInfo::IsRegularLibSymbol( PSTR pszSymbolName ) { if ( 0 == strncmp( pszSymbolName, "__IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_", 20 ) ) return FALSE; if ( 0 == strncmp( pszSymbolName, "__NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR", 24 ) ) return FALSE; if ( strstr( pszSymbolName, "_NULL_THUNK_DATA" ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } //============================================================================= // Filters out symbols that are not needed.... //============================================================================= BOOL CLibSymbolInfo::IsFiltedSymbol( string& symbolName ) { if ( symbolName.substr(0,2) == "__" ) return FALSE; if ( symbolName.substr(0,3) == "??_" && symbolName[3] != '0') // Keep 'operator/=' [??_0] return FALSE; if( symbolName[0] == '_') { symbolName.erase(0, 1); // C functions ... } // Filter the internal Boost symbols if (symbolName.find ("detail@boost") != string::npos ) return FALSE; if (symbolName.find ("details@boost") != string::npos ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } //============================================================================= // Converts from big endian to little endian numbers. //============================================================================= DWORD CLibSymbolInfo::ConvertBigEndian(DWORD bigEndian) { DWORD temp = 0; temp |= bigEndian >> 24; temp |= ((bigEndian & 0x00FF0000) >> 8); temp |= ((bigEndian & 0x0000FF00) << 8); temp |= ((bigEndian & 0x000000FF) << 24); return temp; } string CLibSymbolInfo::GetLastError() const { return m_strErrorMsg; } MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE::MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE( PSTR pszFileName ) { // // Given a filename, the constructor opens a file handle, creates a file // mapping, and maps the entire file into memory. // m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_hFileMapping = 0; m_pMemoryMappedFileBase = 0; m_cbFile = 0; m_errCode = errMMF_FileOpen; // Initial error code: not found // First get a file handle m_hFile = CreateFile(pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE)0); if ( m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { m_errCode = errMMF_FileOpen; return; } m_cbFile = ::GetFileSize( m_hFile, 0 ); // Now, create a file mapping m_hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(m_hFile,NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0,NULL); if ( m_hFileMapping == 0 ) { // Oops. Something went wrong. Clean up. CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_errCode = errMMF_FileMapping; return; } m_pMemoryMappedFileBase = (PCHAR)MapViewOfFile( m_hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if ( m_pMemoryMappedFileBase == 0 ) { // Oops. Something went wrong. Clean up. CloseHandle(m_hFileMapping); m_hFileMapping = 0; CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_errCode = errMMF_MapView; return; } m_errCode = errMMF_NoError; } MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE::~MEMORY_MAPPED_FILE(void) { // Clean up everything that was created by the constructor if ( m_pMemoryMappedFileBase ) UnmapViewOfFile( m_pMemoryMappedFileBase ); if ( m_hFileMapping ) CloseHandle( m_hFileMapping ); if ( m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle( m_hFile ); m_errCode = errMMF_FileOpen; }