from Gaudi.Configuration import * from GaudiPython import AppMgr, gbl from ROOT import TFile, TBufferFile, TBuffer from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import sys, sets # # # ----------- # Open a dst file for inspection # def checkKeys( name ) : # Check the TTree keys in each file fname = name[4:] # TFile doesn't need the "PFN:" prefix tf = TFile(fname, 'REC') importOptions('$STDOPTS/LHCbApplication.opts') importOptions('$GAUDIPOOLDBROOT/options/GaudiPoolDbRoot.opts') OutputStream("DstWriter").Output = '' HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = '' MessageSvc(OutputLevel = ERROR) EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100 ApplicationMgr( OutputLevel = ERROR, AppName = 'File Check - Serial vs Parallel' ) # TopAlg = ['UnpackMCParticle', 'UnpackMCVertex'] ) PAR = 'PARALLEL' SER = 'SERIAL' def CompareTrees( pname, sname ) : pf = TFile(pname, 'REC') sf = TFile(sname, 'REC') event = '_Event' pfks = pf.GetListOfKeys() sfks = sf.GetListOfKeys() pfkeys = list( [pfk.GetName() for pfk in pfks] ) ; pfkeys.sort() sfkeys = list( [sfk.GetName() for sfk in sfks] ) ; sfkeys.sort() pMeta = [] ; pEvent = [] ; pOther = [] for k in pfkeys : if k.startswith(event) : pEvent.append(k) elif k.startswith('##') : pMeta.append(k) else : pOther.append(k) sMeta = [] ; sEvent = [] ; sOther = [] for k in sfkeys : if k.startswith(event) : sEvent.append(k) elif k.startswith('##') : sMeta.append(k) else : sOther.append(k) if pMeta == sMeta : pass else : print 'Meta Data differs' if pEvent == sEvent : pass else : print 'Event data differs' if pOther != sOther : pset = sets.Set(pOther) sset = sets.Set(sOther) pExtra = pset-sset sExtra = sset-pset if pExtra : print 'Extra Data in parallel file : ', pExtra if sExtra : print 'Extra Data in serial file : ', sExtra if sExtra or pExtra : print 'Files will have different sizes' pf.Close() sf.Close() def switchDict( d ) : # switch a dictionary around ; make the values the keys, and vice versa # only works if all values are unique nkeys = len(d.keys()) vals = d.values() nvals = len(vals) for v in vals : if vals.count(v) > 1 : print 'Dictionary cannot be switched, values not unique' return None print 'Dict has keys/values : %i/%i'%( nkeys, nvals ) pairs = d.items() # returns (key, val) tuples in a list newd = {} for k, entry in pairs : newd[entry] = k return newd def printDict( d, name='unspecified' ) : # Print out a dictionary in the form # # Dictionary Name : # key value # key value # ... # print '-'*80 print 'Dictionary %s : '%(name) for k in iter(d.keys()) : print '\t', k, '\t', d[k] print '-'*80 def Reader( readerType, filename, qacross, qToEngine ) : # # Process for reading a file # One process for reading Serial File, another for Parallel File # # First the order of events is determined, (parallel != serial, usually) # # Then the events are run *in order* using AppMgr().runSelectedEvents(pfn, evtNumber) # on both Serial-Reader and Parallel-Reader processes. # # The string repr of everything in the TES is placed in a dictionary and # sent to the comparison Process, which compares the two dictionaries # a = AppMgr() sel = a.evtsel() evt = a.evtsvc() header = '/Event/Rec/Header' filename ) ct = 0 order = {} fname = filename[4:] # runSelectedEvents doesn't need the "PFN:" prefix # determine the ordering while True : if evt[header] : eNumber = int(evt[header].evtNumber()) order[eNumber] = ct ct += 1 else : break if readerType==SER : # send the ordering details to the parallel-reader order = switchDict( order ) qacross.put( order ) qacross.put( None ) # changeName serOrder = order elif readerType==PAR : # receive the serial ordering from queue, and send ordering to SerialReader for serOrder in iter(qacross.get, None) : pass lsks = len(serOrder.keys()) lpks = len(order.keys()) print 'Events in Files (serial/parallel) : %i / %i'%( lsks, lpks ) # now run files in the order specified by the serial ordering # and send them one by one to the comparison engine for i in iter( serOrder.keys() ) : if readerType==PAR : i = order[serOrder[i]] a.runSelectedEvents( fname, i ) lst = evt.getList() ; lst.sort() ascii = dict( [ (l, (evt[l].__class__.__name__, evt[l].__repr__())) for l in lst ] ) qToEngine.put(ascii) qToEngine.put(None) print '%s Reader Finished'%(readerType) def ComparisonEngine( pQueue, sQueue ) : # The Comparison Engine runs on a seperate forked process and receives # events in pairs, one each from Serial FileReader and Parallel FileReader # # The events arrive in Dictionary Format, d[path]=(className, string_repr) # and are compared using the compareEvents method # # Results are stored in an array of bools (PerfectMatch=True, Diff=False) # results = [] while True : pitem = pQueue.get() sitem = sQueue.get() if pitem==sitem==None : print 'Termination Signals received ok' ; break elif pitem==None : print 'pitem != sitem : ', pitem, sitem ; break elif sitem==None : print 'pitem != sitem : ', pitem, sitem ; break results.append( compareEvents(pitem,sitem) ) print '='*80 print 'Comparison Engine Finished' print '-'*80 print 'Total Events Checked : %i'%( len(results) ) print 'Perfect Matches : %i'%( sum(results) ) print 'Errors : %i'%( len(results)-sum(results) ) print '='*80 def checkForAddressDifference( a, b ) : # the __repr__() method for Event Data Objects will return a generic # string "DataObject at 0xADDRESS" for non-Pythonised objects # If these objects have the same path, they are equal, but this # cannot be tested with "==" in Python, as the memory address will # be different for the two different DataObjects, so this method # will check if the difference is in the address # # args : a, b two string representations ref = 'DataObject at 0x' if a[:16]==b[:16]==ref : return True else : return False def compareEvents( s, p ) : # events in form of dictionary, with form # d[ path ] = tuple( className, string_repr ) # check 1 : number of keys (paths) sks = s.keys() ; pks = p.keys() sks.sort() ; pks.sort() if len(sks) == len(pks) : pass else : # There may be extra keys in the parallel file # example: DstWriter may ask for /Event/Prev/MC/Header#1 # but in TESSerializer, *all* DataObjects will be sent # including /Event/Prev and /Event/Prev/MC # check for extra keys in the parallel file which are just containing DataObjects # if found, remove them extras = list(sets.Set(pks) - sets.Set(sks)) for e in extras : if p[e][0] == 'DataObject' : pks.remove(e) else : print 'Extra Other thing found!', e, p[e][0] ; return False # check 2 : same paths? if sks == pks : pass else : return False # check 3 : check the content l = len(sks) diffs = [] for i in xrange(l) : key = sks[i] # compare class name if s[key][0] == p[key][0] : pass else : diffs.append(key) # compare string representation if s[key][1] == p[key][1] : pass elif checkForAddressDifference( p[key][1], s[key][1] ) : pass else : diffs.append(key) # finish if diffs : return False else : return True if __name__ == '__main__' : args = sys.argv args.pop(0) # get rid of script name if len(args) != 2 : print 'Please supply two arguments : > python loadFile ' sys.exit(0) else : par = 'PFN:'+args[0] ser = 'PFN:'+args[1] print 'Parallel File to be analysed : %s'%( par ) print 'Serial File to be analysed : %s'%( ser ) pname = par[4:] # TFile doesn't need the "PFN:" prefix sname = ser[4:] qacross = Queue() pout = Queue() sout = Queue() par = Process( target=Reader, args=( PAR, par, qacross, pout) ) ser = Process( target=Reader, args=( SER, ser, qacross, sout) ) com = Process( target=ComparisonEngine, args=(pout, sout) ) com.start() ; par.start() ; ser.start() ser.join() ; par.join() ; com.join() CompareTrees( pname, sname )