from ROOT import TFile import sets import sys histos = ['TH1D', 'TH2D', 'TProfile'] ser = 'SERIAL' par = 'PARALL' # ================================================================================================= # Method : rec( o, path=None, lst=None ) # # @param o : a ROOT object # @param path : a string like a transient store path; ie '/stat/CaloPIDs/ECALPIDE' # @param lst : a list to hold (path, object) tuples # # function : recursively pull apart a ROOT file, making a list of (path, TObject) tuples # This is done by GetListOfKeys method, which lets one work down through directories # until you hit the Histo at the end of the path. The list of tuples is returned # def rec( o, path=None, lst=None ) : if not path : path = '/stat' ; lst = [] else : path = path + '/' + o.GetName() lst.append( (path,o) ) if 'GetListOfKeys' in dir(o) : keys = o.GetListOfKeys() for k in keys : name = k.GetName() rec( o.Get(name), path, lst ) else : pass return lst # ================================================================================================= # ================================================================================================= # Method : composition( t ) # # @param t : a tuple of ( type, d ) where type is either 'SERIAL' or 'PARALL' # and d is a dictionary of ROOT objects, with each key = ROOT path # # function : deduce the composition, (objects/histos) counts # def composition( t ) : typ, d = t hists = 0 ; objs = 0 for k in d.keys() : if d[k].__class__.__name__ in histos : hists += 1 else : objs += 1 return objs, hists # ================================================================================================= # ================================================================================================= # Method : comparePaths( t1, t2 ) # # @param t1, t2 : a tuple of ( type, d ) where type is either 'SERIAL' or 'PARALL' # and d is a dictionary of ROOT objects, with each key = ROOT path # # function : compare the paths between the two histo files. If the files are identical, they # should have the same set of paths. The Parallel file should definitely have the # same paths as the Serial. Perhaps the Serial file will have some more paths due # to extra histos added as part of Application Sequencer finalisation # Arguments t1 and t2 are checked and the parallel/serial auto-detected # Uses sets module for intersections/unions, etc. # def comparePaths( t1, t2 ) : if t1[0] == ser : ds = t1[1] ; dp = t2[1] elif t2[0] == ser : ds = t2[1] ; dp = t1[1] else : print 'Neither tuple is Serial Root file reference?' ; return dsks = ds.keys() ; dpks = dp.keys() dsks.sort() ; dpks.sort() sset = sets.Set( dsks ) pset = sets.Set( dpks ) os, hs = composition( (ser, ds) ) op, hp = composition( (par, dp) ) print '\n' + '='*80 print 'Comparison of Paths : Serial vs Parallel ROOT files' print '-'*80 print 'Number of paths in Serial file : %i (objects, histos) = ( %i, %i )'%( len(dsks), os, hs ) print 'Number of paths in Parall file : %i (objects, histos) = ( %i, %i )'%( len(dpks), op, hp ) matching = sset.intersection(pset) matchingHistos = 0 for n in matching : if ds[n].__class__.__name__ in histos : matchingHistos += 1 print '\nMatching paths : %i'%( len(matching) ) uSer = sset - pset # work out histos unique to parallel file uniqueSerialHistos = 0 for n in uSer : if ds[n].__class__.__name__ in histos : uniqueSerialHistos += 1 print 'Paths unique to Serial file : %i ( %i Histos )'%( len(uSer), uniqueSerialHistos ) if uSer : for n in uSer : print '\t%s : \t%s'%( ds[n], n ) uPar = pset - sset uniqueParallHistos = 0 for n in uPar : if dp[n].__class__.__name__ in histos : uniqueParallHistos += 1 print 'Paths unique to Parall file : %i ( %i Histos )'%( len(uPar), uniqueParallHistos ) if uPar : for n in uPar : print '\t%s : \t%s'%( dp[n], n ) print 'Matching Histos to test : %i'%( matchingHistos ) print '='*80 + '\n' return ( ((os,hs),(op,hp)), (uSer, uniqueSerialHistos), (uPar, uniqueParallHistos), matchingHistos ) # ================================================================================================= # ================================================================================================= # Method : compareHistos( t1, t2 ) # # @param t1, t2 : a tuple of ( type, d ) where type is either 'SERIAL' or 'PARALL' # and d is a dictionary of ROOT objects, with each key = ROOT path # # function : compare the histograms in Serial/Parallel ROOT files. First, go through each # dict to collect the histos (ignore TDirectory objects, etc). Then the histos # in the parallel file (experimental) are compared to their equivalents in the # serial file (definitely correct) using 3 methods. # 1) The entries are checked, they should be equal # 2) If entries are equal, check the Integral(); should be equal # 3) If integrals are equal, check the KolmogorovTest() ; should be 1 # Arguments t1 and t2 are checked and the parallel/serial auto-detected # def compareHistos(t1, t2, state) : ( ((serialObjects,serialHistos),(parallObjects, parallHistos)), (uniqueSerPaths,uniqueSerHistos), (uniqueParPaths,uniqueParHistos), mh ) = state # deduce which one is parallel, which serial if t1[0] == ser : ds = t1[1] ; dp = t2[1] elif t2[0] == ser : ds = t2[1] ; dp = t1[1] else : print 'Neither tuple is Serial Root file reference?' ; return # histocount, objectcount for parallel/serial hcp = 0 ; pHistos = [] hcs = 0 ; sHistos = [] omit = ['/stat/Brunel/MemoryTool/Virtual mem, all entries', '/stat/Brunel/MemoryTool/Virtual mem, downscaled'] omit = [] # find the histos in the serial file for k in ds.keys() : if k not in omit : if ds[k].__class__.__name__ in histos : hcs += 1 ; sHistos.append( k ) # same for parallel for k in dp.keys() : if k not in omit : if dp[k].__class__.__name__ in histos : hcp += 1 ; pHistos.append( k ) cEntries = 0 ; xEntries = 0 ; diffEntries = [] cIntegrals = 0 ; xIntegrals = 0 ; diffIntegrals = [] passedKol = 0 ; failedKol = 0 ; diffKols = [] ; zeroIntegrals = 0 kTested = 0 notfound = 0 ; integralMatch = 0 ; otherTest = 0 ; zeroIntegralMatch = 0 for h in sHistos : if h in pHistos : # matching histos to check cEntries += 1 sh = ds[h] ; ph = dp[h] # first check entries if sh.GetEntries() != ph.GetEntries() : diffEntries.append(h) ; xEntries += 1 ; continue # check for (non-zero sum of bin error) && (non-zero integrals) for K-Test sBinError = 0.0 ; pBinError = 0.0 for i in xrange(sh.GetNbinsX()) : sBinError += sh.GetBinError(i) for i in xrange(ph.GetNbinsX()) : pBinError += ph.GetBinError(i) sint = sh.Integral() ; pint = ph.Integral() if (bool(sint) and bool(pint)) and ( sBinError>0 and pBinError>0 ) : kTested += 1 kTest = sh.KolmogorovTest(ph) if int(kTest) : passedKol += 1 else : failedKol += 1 ; diffKols.append(h) # ; print 'KTest result : ', kTest else : # try the integral test? otherTest += 1 if all((sint, pint)) and (sint==pint) : integralMatch += 1 elif (sint==pint) : zeroIntegralMatch += 1 else : diffIntegrals.append( h ) xIntegrals += 1 else : notfound += 1 ; print 'not found? ', h # report on Failed Entry-Checks print '\n\n'+'-'*80 print 'Summary of histos with different Entries' print '-'*80 if diffEntries : diffEntries.sort() for e in diffEntries : print '\t\t\t%s:\t%i != %i'%( e, int(ds[e].GetEntries()), int(dp[e].GetEntries()) ) print '-'*80 # report on Failed Kolmogorov Tests print '\n\n'+'-'*60 print 'Summary of histos which failed Kolmogorov Test' print '-'*60 if diffKols : diffKols.sort() for e in diffKols : result = ds[e].KolmogorovTest(dp[e]) print '%s\t\t%s :\tK-Test Result :\t %5.16f'%( type(ds[e]), e, result ) print '-'*60 # report on Failed Integral Checks print '\n\n'+'-'*60 print 'Summary of histos which failed Integral Check' print '-'*60 if diffIntegrals : diffIntegrals.sort() for e in diffIntegrals : diff = dp[e].Integral()-ds[e].Integral() pc = (diff*100)/ds[e].Integral() print '%s\t\t%s:\t Diff = %5.6f\tPercent Diff to Serial : %5.6f '%( type(ds[e]), e, diff, pc ) print '-'*60 + '\n' print '='*80 + '\n' print '\n' + '='*80 print 'Comparison : Serial/Parallel ROOT Histo files' print '\n\t\tSerial\tParall' print '\tObjects : %i\t%i\t\t( p-s = %i )'%( serialObjects, parallObjects, parallObjects-serialObjects ) print '\tHistos : %i\t%i\t\t( p-s = %i )'%( serialHistos, parallHistos, parallHistos-serialHistos ) print '\t __________' print '\tTotal : %i\t%i\n'%( serialHistos+serialObjects, parallHistos+parallObjects ) print 'Objects/Histos unique to Serial File : %i / %i'%( len(uniqueSerPaths)-uniqueSerHistos, uniqueSerHistos ) print 'Objects/Histos unique to Parall File : %i / %i'%( len(uniqueParPaths)-uniqueParHistos, uniqueParHistos ) print '\nMatching Histograms valid for Comparison : %i'%( mh ) print '\nOmissions : ' for entry in omit : print '\t%s'%( entry ) print '\nHistograms for Comparison (after Omissions) : %i'%( mh-len(omit) ) print '\n\tHISTOGRAM TESTS : ' print '\t\tKOLMOGOROV TEST : %i'%( kTested ) print '\t\tINTEGRAL TEST : %i'%( otherTest ) print '\t\tENTRIES TEST : %i'%( xEntries ) print '\t\t ____' print '\t\tTested : %i'%( cEntries ) print '\n\tDISCREPANCIES : ' print '\t\tK-Test : %i'%( failedKol ) print '\t\tIntegrals : %i'%( xIntegrals ) print '\t\tEntries : %i'%( xEntries ) print '\n'+'='*80 # ================================================================================================= if __name__ == '__main__' : sys.argv.pop(0) # get rid of script name if len(sys.argv) == 2 : pFile = sys.argv[0] sFile = sys.argv[1] else : print '*'*80 print 'Wrong count of arguments? > python someParallelFile.root someSerialFile.root' print '*'*80 sys.exit(0) tfs = TFile( sFile, 'REC' ) ; print 'opening Serial File : %s'%( sFile ) tfp = TFile( pFile, 'REC' ) ; print 'opening Parall File : %s'%( pFile ) # get structure of TFiles in a list of (path, object) tuples lser = rec(tfs) ; lpar = rec(tfp) # make a dictionary of lser and lpar. keys=paths dserial = dict( [(n, o) for n, o in lser] ) dparall = dict( [(n, o) for n, o in lpar] ) # make a tuple of (type, dict) where type is either 'serial' or 'parallel' ts = ( ser, dserial ) ; tp = ( par, dparall ) # check objs/histos in each file # composition( ts ) ; composition( tp ) # compare paths from each file state = comparePaths( ts, tp ) # compare histos from each file compareHistos( ts, tp, state ) # # finished with TFiles # tfs.Close() ; tfp.Close() #