/** * \file ApMon.cpp * This file contains the implementations of the methods from the ApMon class. */ /* * ApMon - Application Monitoring Tool * Version: 2.2.0 * * Copyright (C) 2006 California Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use, copy and modify * this software and its documentation (the "Software") for any * purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in * all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions * or substantial portions of the Software. * This software is a part of the MonALISA framework (http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu). * Users of the Software are asked to feed back problems, benefits, * and/or suggestions about the software to the MonALISA Development Team * (developers@monalisa.cern.ch). Support for this software - fixing of bugs, * incorporation of new features - is done on a best effort basis. All bug * fixes and enhancements will be made available under the same terms and * conditions as the original software, * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY DERIVATIVES THEREOF, * EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO * OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR * MODIFICATIONS. */ #include "ApMon.h" #include "utils.h" #include "proc_utils.h" #include "monitor_utils.h" #include using namespace apmon_utils; using namespace apmon_mon_utils; #define RECHECK_CONF 0 #define SYS_INFO_SEND 1 #define JOB_INFO_SEND 2 char boolStrings[][10] = {"false", "true"}; #ifdef __ICC // disable icc remark #2259: non-pointer conversion from "X" to "Y" may lose significant bits #pragma warning(disable:2259) #endif //========= Implementations of the functions =================== ApMon::ApMon(char *initsource) throw(runtime_error) { if (initsource == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ ApMon() ] No conf file/URL provided"); if (strstr(initsource, "http://") == initsource) { char *destList[1]; destList[0] = initsource; constructFromList(1, destList); } else { nInitSources = 1; initType = FILE_INIT; initSources = (char **)malloc(nInitSources * sizeof(char *)); if (initSources == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ ApMon() ] Error allocating memory."); initSources[0] = strdup(initsource); initMonitoring(); initialize(initsource, true); } } void ApMon::initialize(char *filename, bool firstTime) throw(runtime_error) { char *destAddresses[MAX_N_DESTINATIONS]; int destPorts[MAX_N_DESTINATIONS]; char *destPasswds[MAX_N_DESTINATIONS]; int nDest = 0, i; ConfURLs confURLs; confURLs.nConfURLs = 0; try { loadFile(filename, &nDest, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds); arrayInit(nDest, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds, firstTime); } catch (runtime_error& err) { if (firstTime) throw err; else { logger(WARNING, err.what()); logger(WARNING, "Error reloading the configuration. Keeping the previous one."); return; } } for (i = 0; i < nDest; i++) { free(destAddresses[i]); free(destPasswds[i]); } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); this -> confURLs = confURLs; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } void ApMon::loadFile(char *filename, int *nDestinations, char **destAddresses, int *destPorts, char **destPasswds) throw(runtime_error) { FILE *f; char msg[100]; /* initializations for the destination addresses */ f = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (f == NULL) { throw runtime_error("[ loadFile() ] Error opening configuration file"); } sprintf(msg, "Loading file %s ...", filename); logger(INFO, msg); lastModifFile = time(NULL); parseConf(f, nDestinations, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds); fclose(f); } ApMon::ApMon(int nDestinations, char **destinationsList) throw(runtime_error){ constructFromList(nDestinations, destinationsList); } void ApMon::constructFromList(int nDestinations, char **destinationsList) throw(runtime_error) { int i; if (destinationsList == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ constructFromList() ] Null destination list"); #ifdef __APPLE__ initType = OLIST_INIT; #else initType = LIST_INIT; #endif initMonitoring(); /* save the initialization list */ nInitSources = nDestinations; initSources = (char **)malloc(nInitSources * sizeof(char*)); if (initSources == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ ApMon() ] Error allocating memory."); for (i = 0; i < nInitSources; i++) initSources[i] = strdup(destinationsList[i]); initialize(nDestinations, destinationsList, true); } void ApMon::initialize(int nDestinations, char **destinationsList, bool firstTime) throw(runtime_error) { char *destAddresses[MAX_N_DESTINATIONS]; int destPorts[MAX_N_DESTINATIONS]; char *destPasswds[MAX_N_DESTINATIONS]; char errmsg[200]; int i; int cnt = 0; ConfURLs confURLs; logger(INFO, "Initializing destination addresses & ports:"); if (nDestinations > MAX_N_DESTINATIONS) throw runtime_error("[ initialize() ] Maximum number of destinations exceeded"); confURLs.nConfURLs = 0; for (i = 0; i < nDestinations; i++) { try { if (strstr(destinationsList[i], "http") == destinationsList[i]) getDestFromWeb(destinationsList[i], &cnt, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds, confURLs); else addToDestinations(destinationsList[i], &cnt, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds); } catch (runtime_error &e) { sprintf(errmsg, "[ initialize() ] Error while loading the configuration: %s", e.what()); logger(WARNING, errmsg); if (!firstTime) { for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { free(destAddresses[i]); free(destPasswds[i]); } logger(WARNING, "Configuration not reloaded successfully. Keeping the previous one."); return; } } // catch } // for try { arrayInit(cnt, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds, firstTime); } catch (runtime_error& err) { if (firstTime) throw err; else { logger(WARNING, "Error reloading the configuration. Keeping the previous one."); return; } } for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { free(destAddresses[i]); free(destPasswds[i]); } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); this -> confURLs = confURLs; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } void ApMon::addToDestinations(char *line, int *nDestinations, char *destAddresses[], int destPorts[], char *destPasswds[]) { char *addr, *port, *passwd; const char *sep1 = " \t"; const char *sep2 = ":"; char *tmp = strdup(line); char *firstToken; // char buf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; // char *pbuf = buf; /* the address & port are separated from the password with spaces */ firstToken = strtok/*_r*/(tmp, sep1);//, &pbuf); passwd = strtok/*_r*/(NULL, sep1);//, &pbuf); /* the address and the port are separated with ":" */ addr = strtok/*_r*/(firstToken, sep2);//, &pbuf); port = strtok/*_r*/(NULL, sep2);//, &pbuf); destAddresses[*nDestinations] = strdup(addr); if (port == NULL) destPorts[*nDestinations] = DEFAULT_PORT; else destPorts[*nDestinations] = atoi(port); if (passwd == NULL) destPasswds[*nDestinations] = strdup(""); else destPasswds[*nDestinations] = strdup(passwd); (*nDestinations)++; free(tmp); } void ApMon::getDestFromWeb(char *url, int *nDestinations, char *destAddresses[], int destPorts[], char *destPasswds[], ConfURLs& confURLs) throw(runtime_error) { char temp_filename[300]; FILE *tmp_file; char *line, *ret, *tmp = NULL; bool modifLineFound; long mypid = getpid(); char str1[20], str2[20]; int totalSize, headerSize, contentSize; #ifndef WIN32 sprintf(temp_filename, "/tmp/apmon_webconf%ld", mypid); #else char *tmpp = getenv("TEMP"); if(tmpp == NULL) tmpp = getenv("TMP"); if(tmpp == NULL) tmpp = "c:"; sprintf(temp_filename, "%s\\apmon_webconf%ld", tmpp, mypid); #endif /* get the configuration file from web and put it in a temporary file */ totalSize = httpRequest(url, (char*)"GET", temp_filename); /* read the configuration from the temporary file */ tmp_file = fopen(temp_filename, "rt"); if (tmp_file == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ getDestFromWeb() ] Error getting the configuration web page"); line = (char*)malloc((MAX_STRING_LEN + 1) * sizeof(char)); //check the HTTP header to see if we got the page correctly fgets(line, MAX_STRING_LEN, tmp_file); sscanf(line, "%s %s", str1, str2); if (atoi(str2) != 200) { free(line); fclose(tmp_file); throw runtime_error("[ getDestFromWeb() ] The web page does not exist on the server"); } confURLs.vURLs[confURLs.nConfURLs] = strdup(url); // check the header for the "Last-Modified" and "Content-Length" lines modifLineFound = false; contentSize = 0; do { if (tmp != NULL) free(tmp); ret = fgets(line, MAX_STRING_LEN, tmp_file); if (ret == NULL) { free(line); fclose(tmp_file); throw runtime_error("[ getDestFromWeb() ] Error getting the configuration web page"); } if (strstr(line, "Last-Modified") == line) { modifLineFound = true; confURLs.lastModifURLs[confURLs.nConfURLs] = strdup(line); } if (strstr(line, "Content-Length") == line) { sscanf(line, "%s %d", str1, &contentSize); } tmp = trimString(line); } while (strlen(tmp) != 0); free(tmp); free(line); if (!modifLineFound) confURLs.lastModifURLs[confURLs.nConfURLs] = strdup(""); confURLs.nConfURLs++; headerSize = ftell(tmp_file); if (totalSize - headerSize < contentSize) { fclose(tmp_file); throw runtime_error("[ getDestFromWeb() ] Web page received incompletely"); } try { parseConf(tmp_file, nDestinations, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds); } catch (...) { fclose(tmp_file); unlink(temp_filename); throw; } fclose(tmp_file); unlink(temp_filename); } ApMon::ApMon(int nDestinations, char **destAddresses, int *destPorts, char **destPasswds) throw(runtime_error) { initMonitoring(); arrayInit(nDestinations, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds); } void ApMon::arrayInit(int nDestinations, char **destAddresses, int *destPorts, char **destPasswds) throw(runtime_error) { arrayInit(nDestinations, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds, true); } void ApMon::arrayInit(int nDestinations, char **destAddresses, int *destPorts, char **destPasswds, bool firstTime) throw(runtime_error) { int i, j; int ret; char *ipAddr, logmsg[100]; bool found, havePublicIP; int tmpNDestinations; char **tmpAddresses, **tmpPasswds; int *tmpPorts; if (destAddresses == NULL || destPorts == NULL || nDestinations == 0) throw runtime_error("[ arrayInit() ] Destination addresses or ports not provided"); /* initializations that we have to do only once */ if (firstTime) { //this -> appPID = getpid(); this -> nMonJobs = 0; this -> monJobs = (MonitoredJob *)malloc(MAX_MONITORED_JOBS * sizeof(MonitoredJob)); try { this -> numCPUs = ProcUtils::getNumCPUs(); } catch (procutils_error &err) { logger(WARNING, err.what()); this -> numCPUs = 0; } /* get the names of the network interfaces */ this -> nInterfaces = 0; try { ProcUtils::getNetworkInterfaces(this -> nInterfaces, this -> interfaceNames); } catch (procutils_error &err) { logger(WARNING, err.what()); this -> nInterfaces = 0; } /* get the hostname of the machine */ ret = gethostname(this -> myHostname, MAX_STRING_LEN -1); if (ret < 0) { logger(WARNING, "Could not obtain the local hostname"); strcpy(myHostname, "unknown"); } else myHostname[MAX_STRING_LEN - 1] = 0; /* get the IPs of the machine */ this -> numIPs = 0; havePublicIP = false; strcpy(this -> myIP, "unknown"); /* default values for cluster name and node name */ this -> clusterName = strdup("ApMon_UserSend"); this -> nodeName = strdup(myHostname); #ifndef WIN32 int sockd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sockd < 0){ logger(WARNING, "Could not obtain local IP addresses"); } else { for (i = 0; i < this -> nInterfaces; i++) { struct ifreq ifr; memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, this -> interfaceNames[i], sizeof(ifr.ifr_name) - 1); if(ioctl(sockd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr)<0) continue; //???????? char ip[4], tmp_s[20]; #ifdef __APPLE__ memcpy(ip, ifr.ifr_addr.sa_data+2, 4); #else memcpy(ip, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data+2, 4); #endif strcpy(tmp_s, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)ip)); sprintf(logmsg, "Found local IP address: %s", tmp_s); logger(FINE, logmsg); if (strcmp(tmp_s, "") != 0 && !havePublicIP) { strcpy(this -> myIP, tmp_s); if (!isPrivateAddress(tmp_s)) havePublicIP = true; } strcpy(this -> allMyIPs[this -> numIPs], tmp_s); this -> numIPs++; } } #else struct hostent *hptr; if ((hptr = gethostbyname(myHostname))!= NULL) { i = 0; struct in_addr addr; while ((hptr -> h_addr_list)[i] != NULL) { memcpy(&(addr.s_addr), (hptr -> h_addr_list)[i], 4); ipAddr = inet_ntoa(addr); if (strcmp(ipAddr, "") != 0) { strcpy(this -> myIP, ipAddr); if (!isPrivateAddress(ipAddr)) break; } i++; } } #endif this -> sysMonCluster = strdup("ApMon_SysMon"); this -> sysMonNode = strdup(this -> myIP); this -> prvTime = 0; this -> prvSent = 0; this -> prvDrop = 0; this -> crtTime = 0; this -> crtSent = 0; this -> crtDrop = 0; this -> hWeight = exp(-5.0/60.0); srand(time(NULL)); /* initialize buffer for XDR encoding */ this -> buf = (char *)malloc(MAX_DGRAM_SIZE); if (this -> buf == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ arrayInit() ] Error allocating memory"); this -> dgramSize = 0; /*create the socket & set options*/ initSocket(); /* initialize the sender ID and the sequence number */ instance_id = rand(); seq_nr = 0; } /* put the destination addresses, ports & passwords in some temporary buffers (because we don't want to lock mutex while making DNS requests) */ tmpNDestinations = 0; tmpPorts = (int *)malloc(nDestinations * sizeof(int)); tmpAddresses = (char **)malloc(nDestinations * sizeof(char *)); tmpPasswds = (char **)malloc(nDestinations * sizeof(char *)); if (tmpPorts == NULL || tmpAddresses == NULL || tmpPasswds == NULL) throw runtime_error("[ arrayInit() ] Error allocating memory"); for (i = 0; i < nDestinations; i++) { try { ipAddr = findIP(destAddresses[i]); } catch (runtime_error &err) { logger(FATAL, err.what()); continue; } /* make sure this address is not already in the list */ found = false; for (j = 0; j < tmpNDestinations; j++) { if (!strcmp(ipAddr, tmpAddresses[j])) { found = true; break; } } /* add the address to the list */ if (!found) { tmpAddresses[tmpNDestinations] = ipAddr; tmpPorts[tmpNDestinations] = destPorts[i]; tmpPasswds[tmpNDestinations] = strdup(destPasswds[i]); sprintf(logmsg, "Adding destination host: %s - port %d", tmpAddresses[tmpNDestinations], tmpPorts[tmpNDestinations]); logger(INFO, logmsg); tmpNDestinations++; } } if (tmpNDestinations == 0) { freeMat(tmpAddresses, tmpNDestinations); freeMat(tmpPasswds, tmpNDestinations); throw runtime_error("[ arrayInit() ] There is no destination host specified correctly!"); } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (!firstTime) freeConf(); this -> nDestinations = tmpNDestinations; this -> destAddresses = tmpAddresses; this -> destPorts = tmpPorts; this -> destPasswds = tmpPasswds; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); /* start job/system monitoring according to the settings previously read from the configuration file */ setJobMonitoring(jobMonitoring, jobMonitorInterval); setSysMonitoring(sysMonitoring, sysMonitorInterval); setGenMonitoring(genMonitoring, genMonitorIntervals); setConfRecheck(confCheck, recheckInterval); } ApMon::~ApMon() { int i; if (bkThreadStarted) { if (getJobMonitoring()) { /* send a datagram with job monitoring information which covers the last time interval */ sendJobInfo(); } } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); setBackgroundThread(false); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutexBack); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutexCond); pthread_cond_destroy(&confChangedCond); free(clusterName); free(nodeName); free(sysMonCluster); free(sysMonNode); freeConf(); free(monJobs); for (i = 0; i < nInitSources; i++) { free(initSources[i]); } free(initSources); free(buf); #ifndef WIN32 close(sockfd); #else closesocket(sockfd); WSACleanup(); #endif } void ApMon::freeConf() { int i; freeMat(destAddresses, nDestinations); freeMat(destPasswds, nDestinations); free(destPorts); for (i = 0; i < confURLs.nConfURLs; i++) { free(confURLs.vURLs[i]); free(confURLs.lastModifURLs[i]); } } int ApMon::sendParameters(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, int nParams, char **paramNames, int *valueTypes, char **paramValues) throw(runtime_error){ return sendTimedParameters(clusterName, nodeName, nParams, paramNames, valueTypes, paramValues, -1); } int ApMon::sendTimedParameters(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, int nParams, char **paramNames, int *valueTypes, char **paramValues, int timestamp) throw(runtime_error){ int i; int ret, ret1, ret2; char msg[100], buf2[MAX_HEADER_LENGTH+4], newBuf[MAX_DGRAM_SIZE]; #ifdef WIN32 char crtAddr[20]; #endif char *headerTmp; char header[MAX_HEADER_LENGTH] = "v:"; strcat(header, APMON_VERSION); strcat(header, "_cpp"); // to indicate this is the C++ version strcat(header, "p:"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if(!shouldSend()) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return RET_NOT_SENT; } if (clusterName != NULL) { // don't keep the cached values for cluster name // and node name free(this -> clusterName); this -> clusterName = strdup(clusterName); if (nodeName != NULL) { /* the user provided a name */ free(this -> nodeName); this -> nodeName = strdup(nodeName); } else { /* set the node name to the node's IP */ free(this -> nodeName); this -> nodeName = strdup(this -> myHostname); } // else } // if if (this -> clusterName == NULL || this -> nodeName == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); throw runtime_error("[ sendTimedParameters() ] Null cluster name or node name"); } //sortParams(nParams, paramNames, valueTypes, paramValues); /* try to encode the parameters */ try { encodeParams(nParams, paramNames, valueTypes, paramValues, timestamp); } catch (runtime_error& err) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); throw err; } headerTmp = (char *)malloc(MAX_HEADER_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); /* for each destination */ for (i = 0; i < nDestinations; i++) { XDR xdrs; struct sockaddr_in destAddr; /* initialize the destination address */ memset(&destAddr, 0, sizeof(destAddr)); destAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; destAddr.sin_port = htons(destPorts[i]); #ifndef WIN32 inet_pton(AF_INET, destAddresses[i], &destAddr.sin_addr); #else int dummy = sizeof(destAddr); sprintf(crtAddr, "%s:%d", destAddresses[i], destPorts[i]); ret = WSAStringToAddress(crtAddr, AF_INET, NULL, (struct sockaddr *) &destAddr, &dummy); if(ret){ ret = WSAGetLastError(); sprintf(msg, "[ sendTimedParameters() ] Error packing address %s, code %d ", crtAddr, ret); throw runtime_error(msg); } #endif /* add the header (which is different for each destination) */ strcpy(headerTmp, header); strcat(headerTmp, destPasswds[i]); /* initialize the XDR stream to encode the header */ xdrmem_create(&xdrs, buf2, MAX_HEADER_LENGTH, XDR_ENCODE); /* encode the header */ ret = xdr_string(&xdrs, &(headerTmp), strlen(headerTmp) + 1); /* add the instance ID and the sequence number */ ret1 = xdr_int(&xdrs, &(instance_id)); ret2 = xdr_int(&xdrs, &(seq_nr)); if (!ret || !ret1 || !ret2) { free(headerTmp); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); throw runtime_error("[ sendTimedParameters() ] XDR encoding error for the header"); } /* concatenate the header and the rest of the datagram */ int buf2Length = xdrSize(XDR_STRING, headerTmp) + 2 * xdrSize(XDR_INT32, NULL); memcpy(newBuf, buf2, buf2Length); memcpy(newBuf + buf2Length, buf, dgramSize); /* send the buffer */ ret = sendto(sockfd, newBuf, dgramSize + buf2Length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&destAddr, sizeof(destAddr)); if (ret == RET_ERROR) { free(headerTmp); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); /*re-initialize the socket */ #ifndef WIN32 close(sockfd); #else closesocket(sockfd); #endif initSocket(); /* throw exception because the datagram was not sent */ sprintf(msg, "[ sendTimedParameters() ] Error sending data to destination %s ", destAddresses[i]); throw runtime_error(msg); } else { sprintf(msg, "Datagram with size %d, instance id %d, sequence number %d, sent to %s, containing parameters:", ret, instance_id, seq_nr, destAddresses[i]); logger(FINE, msg); logParameters(FINE, nParams, paramNames, valueTypes, paramValues); } xdr_destroy(&xdrs); } seq_nr = (seq_nr + 1) % TWO_BILLION; free(headerTmp); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return RET_SUCCESS; } int ApMon::sendParameter(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, char *paramName, int valueType, char *paramValue) throw(runtime_error){ return sendParameters(clusterName, nodeName, 1, ¶mName, &valueType, ¶mValue); } int ApMon::sendTimedParameter(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, char *paramName, int valueType, char *paramValue, int timestamp) throw(runtime_error){ return sendTimedParameters(clusterName, nodeName, 1, ¶mName, &valueType, ¶mValue, timestamp); } int ApMon::sendParameter(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, char *paramName, int paramValue) throw(runtime_error) { return sendParameter(clusterName, nodeName, paramName, XDR_INT32, (char *)¶mValue); } int ApMon::sendParameter(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, char *paramName, float paramValue) throw(runtime_error) { return sendParameter(clusterName, nodeName, paramName, XDR_REAL32, (char *)¶mValue); } int ApMon::sendParameter(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, char *paramName, double paramValue) throw(runtime_error) { return sendParameter(clusterName, nodeName, paramName, XDR_REAL64, (char *)¶mValue); } int ApMon::sendParameter(char *clusterName, char *nodeName, char *paramName, char *paramValue) throw(runtime_error) { return sendParameter(clusterName, nodeName, paramName, XDR_STRING, paramValue); } void ApMon::encodeParams(int nParams, char **paramNames, int *valueTypes, char **paramValues, int timestamp) throw(runtime_error){ XDR xdrs; /* XDR handle. */ int i, effectiveNParams; /* count the number of parameters actually sent in the datagram (the parameters with a NULL name and the string parameters with a NULL value are skipped) */ effectiveNParams = nParams; for (i = 0; i < nParams; i++) { if (paramNames[i] == NULL || (valueTypes[i] == XDR_STRING && paramValues[i] == NULL)) { effectiveNParams--; } } if (effectiveNParams == 0) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] No valid parameters in datagram, sending aborted"); /*** estimate the length of the send buffer ***/ /* add the length of the cluster name & node name */ dgramSize = xdrSize(XDR_STRING, clusterName) + xdrSize(XDR_STRING, nodeName) + xdrSize(XDR_INT32, NULL); /* add the lengths for the parameters (name + size + value) */ for (i = 0; i < nParams; i++) { dgramSize += xdrSize(XDR_STRING, paramNames[i]) + xdrSize(XDR_INT32, NULL) + + xdrSize(valueTypes[i], paramValues[i]); } /* check that the maximum datagram size is not exceeded */ if (dgramSize + MAX_HEADER_LENGTH > MAX_DGRAM_SIZE) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] Maximum datagram size exceeded"); /* initialize the XDR stream */ xdrmem_create(&xdrs, buf, MAX_DGRAM_SIZE, XDR_ENCODE); try { /* encode the cluster name, the node name and the number of parameters */ if (!xdr_string(&xdrs, &(clusterName), strlen(clusterName) + 1)) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for the cluster name"); if (!xdr_string(&xdrs, &(nodeName), strlen(nodeName) + 1)) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for the node name"); if (!xdr_int(&xdrs, &(effectiveNParams))) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for the number of parameters"); /* encode the parameters */ for (i = 0; i < nParams; i++) { if (paramNames[i] == NULL || (valueTypes[i] == XDR_STRING && paramValues[i] == NULL)) { logger(WARNING, "NULL parameter name or value - skipping parameter..."); continue; } /* parameter name */ if (!xdr_string(&xdrs, &(paramNames[i]), strlen(paramNames[i]) + 1)) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for parameter name"); /* parameter value type */ if (!xdr_int(&xdrs, &(valueTypes[i]))) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for parameter value type"); /* parameter value */ switch (valueTypes[i]) { case XDR_STRING: if (!xdr_string(&xdrs, &(paramValues[i]), strlen(paramValues[i]) + 1)) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for parameter value"); break; //INT16 is not supported /* case XDR_INT16: if (!xdr_short(&xdrs, (short *)(paramValues[i]))) return RET_ERROR; break; */ case XDR_INT32: if (!xdr_int(&xdrs, (int *)(paramValues[i]))) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for parameter value"); break; case XDR_REAL32: if (!xdr_float(&xdrs, (float *)(paramValues[i]))) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for parameter value"); break; case XDR_REAL64: if (!xdr_double(&xdrs, (double *)(paramValues[i]))) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for parameter value"); break; default: throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] Unknown type for XDR encoding"); } } /* encode the timestamp if necessary */ if (timestamp > 0) { if (!xdr_int(&xdrs, ×tamp)) throw runtime_error("[ encodeParams() ] XDR encoding error for the timestamp"); dgramSize += xdrSize(XDR_INT32, NULL); } } catch (runtime_error& err) { xdr_destroy(&xdrs); throw err; } xdr_destroy(&xdrs); } #ifndef WIN32 void *bkTask(void *param) { #else DWORD WINAPI bkTask(void *param) { #endif struct stat st; #ifndef WIN32 struct timespec delay; #else DWORD delay; #endif bool resourceChanged, haveChange; int nextOp = -1, i, ret; int generalInfoCount; time_t crtTime, timeRemained; time_t nextRecheck = 0, nextJobInfoSend = 0, nextSysInfoSend = 0; ApMon *apm = (ApMon *)param; char logmsg[200]; logger(INFO, "[Starting background thread...]"); apm -> bkThreadStarted = true; crtTime = time(NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&(apm -> mutexBack)); if (apm -> confCheck) { nextRecheck = crtTime + apm -> crtRecheckInterval; //sprintf(logmsg, "###1 crt %ld interv %ld recheck %ld ", crtTime, // apm -> crtRecheckInterval, nextRecheck); //logger(FINE, logmsg); //fflush(stdout); } if (apm -> jobMonitoring) nextJobInfoSend = crtTime + apm -> jobMonitorInterval; if (apm -> sysMonitoring) nextSysInfoSend = crtTime + apm -> sysMonitorInterval; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(apm -> mutexBack)); timeRemained = -1; generalInfoCount = 0; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&apm -> mutexBack); if (apm -> stopBkThread) { // printf("### stopBkThread \n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&apm -> mutexBack); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&apm -> mutexBack); //sprintf(logmsg, "### 2 recheck %ld sys %ld ", nextRecheck, // nextSysInfoSend); //logger(FINE, logmsg); /* determine the next operation that must be performed */ if (nextRecheck > 0 && (nextJobInfoSend <= 0 || nextRecheck <= nextJobInfoSend)) { if (nextSysInfoSend <= 0 || nextRecheck <= nextSysInfoSend) { nextOp = RECHECK_CONF; timeRemained = nextRecheck - crtTime; } else { nextOp = SYS_INFO_SEND; timeRemained = nextSysInfoSend - crtTime; } } else { if (nextJobInfoSend > 0 && (nextSysInfoSend <= 0 || nextJobInfoSend <= nextSysInfoSend)) { nextOp = JOB_INFO_SEND; timeRemained = nextJobInfoSend - crtTime; } else if (nextSysInfoSend > 0) { nextOp = SYS_INFO_SEND; timeRemained = nextSysInfoSend - crtTime; } } if (timeRemained == -1) timeRemained = RECHECK_INTERVAL; #ifndef WIN32 /* the moment when the next operation should be performed */ delay.tv_sec = crtTime + timeRemained; delay.tv_nsec = 0; #else delay = (/*crtTime +*/ timeRemained) * 1000; // this is in millis #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&(apm -> mutexBack)); pthread_mutex_lock(&(apm -> mutexCond)); /* check for changes in the settings */ haveChange = false; if (apm -> jobMonChanged || apm -> sysMonChanged || apm -> recheckChanged) haveChange = true; if (apm -> jobMonChanged) { if (apm -> jobMonitoring) nextJobInfoSend = crtTime + apm -> jobMonitorInterval; else nextJobInfoSend = -1; apm -> jobMonChanged = false; } if (apm -> sysMonChanged) { if (apm -> sysMonitoring) nextSysInfoSend = crtTime + apm -> sysMonitorInterval; else nextSysInfoSend = -1; apm -> sysMonChanged = false; } if (apm -> recheckChanged) { if (apm -> confCheck) { nextRecheck = crtTime + apm -> crtRecheckInterval; } else nextRecheck = -1; apm -> recheckChanged = false; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(apm -> mutexBack)); if (haveChange) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(apm -> mutexCond)); continue; } /* wait until the next operation should be performed or until a change in the settings occurs */ #ifndef WIN32 ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&(apm -> confChangedCond), &(apm -> mutexCond), &delay); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(apm -> mutexCond)); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&(apm -> mutexCond)); ret = WaitForSingleObject(apm->confChangedCond, delay); #endif if (ret == ETIMEDOUT) { // printf("### ret TIMEDOUT\n"); /* now perform the operation */ if (nextOp == JOB_INFO_SEND) { apm -> sendJobInfo(); crtTime = time(NULL); nextJobInfoSend = crtTime + apm -> getJobMonitorInterval(); } if (nextOp == SYS_INFO_SEND) { apm -> sendSysInfo(); if (apm -> getGenMonitoring()) { if (generalInfoCount <= 1) apm -> sendGeneralInfo(); generalInfoCount = (generalInfoCount + 1) % apm -> genMonitorIntervals; } crtTime = time(NULL); nextSysInfoSend = crtTime + apm -> getSysMonitorInterval(); } if (nextOp == RECHECK_CONF) { //logger(FINE, "### recheck conf"); resourceChanged = false; try { if (apm -> initType == FILE_INIT) { sprintf(logmsg, "Checking for modifications for file %s ", apm -> initSources[0]); logger(INFO, logmsg); stat(apm -> initSources[0], &st); if (st.st_mtime > apm -> lastModifFile) { sprintf(logmsg, "File %s modified ", apm -> initSources[0]); logger(INFO, logmsg); resourceChanged = true; } } // check the configuration URLs for (i = 0; i < apm -> confURLs.nConfURLs; i++) { sprintf(logmsg, "[Checking for modifications for URL %s ] ", apm -> confURLs.vURLs[i]); logger(INFO, logmsg); if (urlModified(apm -> confURLs.vURLs[i], apm -> confURLs.lastModifURLs[i])) { sprintf(logmsg, "URL %s modified ", apm -> confURLs.vURLs[i]); logger(INFO, logmsg); resourceChanged = true; break; } } if (resourceChanged) { logger(INFO, "Reloading configuration..."); if (apm -> initType == FILE_INIT) apm -> initialize(apm -> initSources[0], false); else apm -> initialize(apm -> nInitSources, apm -> initSources, false); } apm -> setCrtRecheckInterval(apm -> getRecheckInterval()); } catch (runtime_error &err) { logger(WARNING, err.what()); logger(WARNING, "Increasing the time interval for reloading the configuration..."); apm -> setCrtRecheckInterval(apm -> getRecheckInterval() * 5); } crtTime = time(NULL); nextRecheck = crtTime + apm -> getCrtRecheckInterval(); //sleep(apm -> getCrtRecheckInterval()); } } } // while #ifndef WIN32 return NULL; // it doesn't matter what we return here #else return 0; #endif } void ApMon::setConfRecheck(bool confCheck, long interval) { char logmsg[100]; if (confCheck) { sprintf(logmsg, "Enabling configuration reloading (interval %ld)", interval); logger(INFO, logmsg); } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); if (initType == DIRECT_INIT) { // no need to reload the configuration logger(WARNING, "[ setConfRecheck() } No configuration file/URL to reload."); return; } this -> confCheck = confCheck; this -> recheckChanged = true; if (confCheck) { if (interval > 0) { this -> recheckInterval = interval; this -> crtRecheckInterval = interval; } else { this -> recheckInterval = RECHECK_INTERVAL; this -> crtRecheckInterval = RECHECK_INTERVAL; } setBackgroundThread(true); } else { if (jobMonitoring == false && sysMonitoring == false) setBackgroundThread(false); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); } void ApMon::setRecheckInterval(long val) { if (val > 0) { setConfRecheck(true, val); } else { setConfRecheck(false, val); } } void ApMon::setCrtRecheckInterval(long val) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); crtRecheckInterval = val; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); } void ApMon::setJobMonitoring(bool jobMonitoring, long interval) { char logmsg[100]; if (jobMonitoring) { sprintf(logmsg, "Enabling job monitoring, time interval %ld s... ", interval); logger(INFO, logmsg); } else logger(INFO, "Disabling job monitoring..."); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); this -> jobMonitoring = jobMonitoring; this -> jobMonChanged = true; if (jobMonitoring == true) { if (interval > 0) this -> jobMonitorInterval = interval; else this -> jobMonitorInterval = JOB_MONITOR_INTERVAL; setBackgroundThread(true); } else { // disable the background thread if it is not needed anymore if (this -> sysMonitoring == false && this -> confCheck == false) setBackgroundThread(false); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); } void ApMon::setSysMonitoring(bool sysMonitoring, long interval) { char logmsg[100]; if (sysMonitoring) { sprintf(logmsg, "Enabling system monitoring, time interval %ld s... ", interval); logger(INFO, logmsg); } else logger(INFO, "Disabling system monitoring..."); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); this -> sysMonitoring = sysMonitoring; this -> sysMonChanged = true; if (sysMonitoring == true) { if (interval > 0) this -> sysMonitorInterval = interval; else this -> sysMonitorInterval = SYS_MONITOR_INTERVAL; setBackgroundThread(true); } else { // disable the background thread if it is not needed anymore if (this -> jobMonitoring == false && this -> confCheck == false) setBackgroundThread(false); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); } void ApMon::setGenMonitoring(bool genMonitoring, int nIntervals) { char logmsg[100]; sprintf(logmsg, "Setting general information monitoring to %s ", boolStrings[(int)genMonitoring]); logger(INFO, logmsg); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); this -> genMonitoring = genMonitoring; this -> sysMonChanged = true; if (genMonitoring == true) { if (nIntervals > 0) this -> genMonitorIntervals = nIntervals; else this -> genMonitorIntervals = GEN_MONITOR_INTERVALS; if (this -> sysMonitoring == false) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); setSysMonitoring(true); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); } } // TODO: else check if we can stop the background thread (if no // system parameters are enabled for monitoring) pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); } void ApMon::setBackgroundThread(bool val) { // mutexBack is locked if (val == true) { if (!haveBkThread) { #ifndef WIN32 pthread_create(&bkThread, NULL, &bkTask, this); #else DWORD dummy; bkThread = CreateThread(NULL, 65536, &bkTask, this, 0, &dummy); #endif haveBkThread = true; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexCond); pthread_cond_signal(&confChangedCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexCond); } } if (val == false) { //if (bkThreadStarted) { if (haveBkThread) { stopBkThread = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexBack); #ifndef WIN32 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexCond); #endif pthread_cond_signal(&confChangedCond); logger(INFO, "[Stopping the background thread...]"); #ifndef WIN32 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexCond); pthread_join(bkThread, NULL); #else WaitForSingleObject(bkThread, INFINITE); #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexBack); // logger(INFO, "bk thread stopped!"); haveBkThread = false; bkThreadStarted = false; stopBkThread = false; } } } void ApMon::addJobToMonitor(long pid, char *workdir, char *clusterName, char *nodeName) throw(runtime_error) { if (nMonJobs >= MAX_MONITORED_JOBS) throw runtime_error("[ addJobToMonitor() ] Maximum number of jobs that can be monitored exceeded."); MonitoredJob job; job.pid = pid; if (workdir == NULL) strcpy(job.workdir, ""); else strcpy(job.workdir, workdir); if (clusterName == NULL || strlen(clusterName) == 0) strcpy(job.clusterName, "ApMon_JobMon"); else strcpy(job.clusterName, clusterName); if (nodeName == NULL || strlen(nodeName) == 0) strcpy(job.nodeName, this -> myIP); else strcpy(job.nodeName, nodeName); monJobs[nMonJobs++] = job; } void ApMon::removeJobToMonitor(long pid) throw(runtime_error) { int i, j; char msg[100]; if (nMonJobs <= 0) throw runtime_error("[ removeJobToMonitor() ] There are no monitored jobs."); for (i = 0; i < nMonJobs; i++) { if (monJobs[i].pid == pid) { /* found the job, now remove it */ for (j = i; j < nMonJobs - 1; j++) monJobs[j] = monJobs[j + 1]; nMonJobs--; return; } } /* the job was not found */ sprintf(msg, "removeJobToMonitor(): Job %ld not found.", pid); throw runtime_error(msg); } void ApMon::setSysMonClusterNode(char *clusterName, char *nodeName) { free (sysMonCluster); free(sysMonNode); sysMonCluster = strdup(clusterName); sysMonNode = strdup(nodeName); } void ApMon::setLogLevel(char *newLevel_s) { int newLevel; const char *levels[5] = {"FATAL", "WARNING", "INFO", "FINE", "DEBUG"}; char logmsg[100]; for (newLevel = 0; newLevel < 5; newLevel++) if (strcmp(newLevel_s, levels[newLevel]) == 0) break; if (newLevel >= 5) { sprintf(logmsg, "[ setLogLevel() ] Invalid level value: %s", newLevel_s); logger(WARNING, logmsg); } else logger(0, NULL, newLevel); } void ApMon::setMaxMsgRate(int maxRate) { if (maxRate > 0) this -> maxMsgRate = maxRate; } void ApMon::initSocket() throw(runtime_error) { int optval1 = 1; struct timeval optval2; int ret1, ret2, ret3; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) throw runtime_error("[ initSocket() ] Error creating socket"); ret1 = setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &optval1, sizeof(optval1)); /* set connection timeout */ optval2.tv_sec = 20; optval2.tv_usec = 0; ret2 = setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *) &optval2, sizeof(optval2)); ret3 = setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *) &optval2, sizeof(optval2)); if (ret1 != 0 || ret2 != 0 || ret3 != 0) throw runtime_error("[ initSocket() ] Error initializing socket."); } void ApMon::parseConf(FILE *fp, int *nDestinations, char **destAddresses, int *destPorts, char **destPasswds) throw(runtime_error) { int i, ch; char *line = (char *)malloc ((MAX_STRING_LEN1) * sizeof(char)); char *tmp = NULL; char *loglevel_s; // char sbuf[30]; // char *pbuf = sbuf; /* parse the input file */ while(fgets(line, MAX_STRING_LEN, fp) != NULL) { if (tmp != NULL) { free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } line[MAX_STRING_LEN - 1] = 0; /* check if the line was too long */ ch = fgetc(fp); // see if we are at the end of the file ungetc(ch, fp); if (line[strlen(line) - 1] != 10 && ch != EOF) { /* if the line doesn't end with a \n and we are not at the end of file, the line from the file was longer than MAX_STRING_LEN */ fclose(fp); throw runtime_error ("[ parseConf() ] Maximum line length exceeded in the conf file"); } tmp = trimString(line); /* skip the blank lines and the comment lines */ if (strlen(tmp) == 0 || strchr(tmp, '#') == tmp) continue; if (strstr(tmp, "xApMon_loglevel") == tmp) { char *tmp2 = tmp; strtok/*_r*/(tmp2, "= ");//, &pbuf); loglevel_s = strtok/*_r*/(NULL, "= ");//, &pbuf); setLogLevel(loglevel_s); continue; } if (strstr(tmp, "xApMon_") == tmp) { parseXApMonLine(tmp); continue; } if (*nDestinations >= MAX_N_DESTINATIONS) { free(line); free(tmp); for (i = 0; i < *nDestinations; i++) { free(destAddresses[i]); free(destPasswds[i]); } fclose(fp); throw runtime_error("[ parseConf() ] Maximum number of destinations exceeded."); } addToDestinations(tmp, nDestinations, destAddresses, destPorts, destPasswds); } if (tmp != NULL) free(tmp); free(line); } bool ApMon::shouldSend() { long now = time(NULL); bool doSend; char msg[200]; //printf("now %ld crtTime %ld\n", now, crtTime); if (now != crtTime){ /** new time, update previous counters; */ prvSent = hWeight * prvSent + (1.0 - hWeight) * crtSent / (now - crtTime); prvTime = crtTime; sprintf(msg, "previously sent: %ld dropped: %ld", crtSent, crtDrop); logger(DEBUG, msg); /** reset current counter */ crtTime = now; crtSent = 0; crtDrop = 0; //printf("\n"); } /** compute the history */ int valSent = (int)(prvSent * hWeight + crtSent * (1.0 - hWeight)); doSend = true; /** when we should start dropping messages */ int level = this -> maxMsgRate - this -> maxMsgRate / 10; if (valSent > (this -> maxMsgRate - level)) { //int max10 = this -> maxMsgRate / 10; int rnd = rand() % (this -> maxMsgRate / 10); doSend = (rnd < (this -> maxMsgRate - valSent)); } /** counting sent and dropped messages */ if (doSend) { crtSent++; //printf("#"); } else { crtDrop++; //printf("."); } return doSend; }