import math import sys #----------Patch to force loading .so with RTDL_GLOBAL if sys.platform == 'linux2' : sys.setdlopenflags(0x100|0x2) import gaudimodule as gaudi g = gaudi.AppMgr() g.JobOptionsType = 'NONE' g.EvtSel = "NONE" g.config() print '**************GaudiPython Job has been configured*************' g.DLLs = ['GaudiAlg', 'GaudiIntrospection'] g.ExtSvc = ['IntrospectionSvc'] g.service('IntrospectionSvc').Dictionaries = ['TestDict'] g.DLLs += ['Test'] seq1 = g.algorithm('seq1') seq1.members = ['HelloWorld', 'WriteAlg' ] g.topAlg += ['Sequencer/seq1'] g.initialize() print '**************GaudiPython Job has been initialized*************' print '**************GaudiPython Job has been run ********************' evt = gaudi.DataSvc(g.service('EventDataSvc')) header = evt['/Event'] print '***The event header is: ', header.values() tracks = evt['/Event/MyTracks'] print '***I got ', len(tracks), ' tracks' his = gaudi.HistoSvc(g.service('HistogramDataSvc')) h1 ='h1', 'histogram title 1D', 10, 0, 10) print '***Created 1D histogram' print h1 h2 ='h2', 'histogram title 1D', 10, 0, 10, 20, 0, 10) print '***Created 2D histogram' print h2 print '**************Histograms Tested ********************' #---------------User Algorithm---------------------------------------------- class PhysAnalAlg(gaudi.PyAlgorithm): def initialize(self): self.evt = gaudi.DataSvc(g.service('EventDataSvc')) self.his = gaudi.HistoSvc(g.service('HistogramDataSvc')) print 'Initializing User Analysis...' self.h1 ='myhisto1', 'Histogram 1D for tests', 20, 0., 40.) self.h2 ='myhisto2', 'Histogram 2D for test2', 20, 0., 40., 20, 0., 10.) print '....User Analysis Initialized' return 1 def execute(self): tks = self.evt.object('MyTracks') print 'MyTracks collection contains ' + `len(tks)` + ' Tracks' for t in tks : self.h1.fill( math.sqrt(t.px*t.px +* + t.pz*t.pz), 1) self.h2.fill( t.px, ) return 1 def finalize(self): print 'Finalizing User Analysis...' print self.h1 print self.h1.entries() print self.h2 print '....User Analysis Finalized' return 1 print '**************Testing Python Algorithms ********************' phyanalalg = PhysAnalAlg('PythonAlgorithm') g.topAlg = g.topAlg + [ 'PythonAlgorithm' ] g.exit()