Package: GaudiRelease
Package Coordinator: Marco Clemencic, Charles Leggett
Purpose: Gaudi common set of packages
General Changes
- Modified the way dependencies are computed on Unix: make gcc generate them at the same time of the compilation
(Hubert Degaudenzi)
- Fixed VC9 warnings:
- Replaced C-style string manipulation and formatting with C++ (and Boost)
- Disabled some warnings.
(Marco Clemencic)
- Introduced two new incidents: BeginProcessing and EndProcessing.
They are needed to reintroduce the signals around the processing loop as
it was the case for BeginEvent and EndEvent before GaudiSvc v17r0.
(Marco Clemencic)
- Patch #4722: detect unprotected DEBUG and VERBOSE messages
(Charles Leggett, Marco Clemencic)
Packages Changes
- GaudiPolicy (v11r2):
- Improvements in the QMTest code and in the HTML representation of the results
(Marco Clemencic)
- Patch #4727: Add NDEBUG macro for opt builds
(Charles Leggett, Marco Clemencic)
- Minor fix in the link statements on MacOSX
(Marco Clemencic)
- Get the lib_no_static_fragment macro to work with CMT > v20
(Charles Leggett)
- GaudiKernel (v27r14):
- Added LIKELY and UNLIKELY macros to make it possible to hint the compiler about branch optimizations.
(Charles Leggett)
- Patch #4820: fix for bug #80947 (access system-memory information, if process memory is > 4GB.)
(Markus Frank)
- Modified DirSearchPath to remove
. It is not
needed and breaks on MacOSX in debug mode (at least with Boost 1.44).
See patch #4735.
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiSvc (v18r14):
- Patch #4819: THistSvc: protect DEBUG messages, add AutoFlush property.
(Charles Leggett)
- GaudiAlg (v13r7):
- Patch #4814: Move EventNodeKiller algorithm from LHCb to Gaudi.
(Marco Clemencic)
- Patch #4711: fixed doxygen comment
(Patrick Koppenburg)
- GaudiGSL (v7r10):
- Excluded from the dictionaries few classes that are causing troubles on Windows (see ROOT bug #78837).
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiMP (v1r1):
- Fixes to work with LHCb Brunel (see release notes of the package)
(Pere Mato)
- GaudiAud (v9r4):
- Fixed bug #79627: ChronoAuditor broken for start/stop event types.
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiRelease (v22r2):
- Switched to LCGCMT 60b and added Frontier_Client to the LHCb externals.
(Marco Clemencic)
General Changes
- Updated to pick up the patch release of ROOT (with a fixed memory leak)
Packages Changes
- GaudiPolicy (v11r1):
- Fixed bug #77806: createProjVersHeader breaks with Atlas style tags
allow Atlas style GaudiPKJ-XX-YY-ZZ tags
(Charles Leggett)
- GaudiKernel (v27r13):
- Fixed bug #77534: this-> needed in Property.h
(Charles Leggett)
- GaudiSvc (v18r13):
- Added another special case for the order of service finalization
(NTupleSvc after ToolSvc, because of GaudiTupleTool)
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiPoolDb (v5r11):
- Patch #4662: Fix for ROOT bug #77747
(Markus Frank, Marco Clemencic)
- Fixed bug #78456: warning/error when building GaudiPoolDb
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiAlg (v13r6):
- Fixes for ICC
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiGSL (v7r9):
- Fixed bug #77948: GaudiGSL/requirements calls for lcg_dictionary
(Charles Leggett, Marco Clemencic)
Externals version: LCGCMT_60
General Changes
- Starting from this release, ICC and VC9 are officially supported. SLC4 and VC71
support is dropped.
- Modified the default installation in the InstallaArea: all the files are
installed under the $CMTCONFIG sub-directory by default. Python binary
modules are installed in the lib-dynload sub-directory of the
python directory.
The old behavior is still applied for the CMT tags ATLAS and
(Marco Clemencic)
- DataObject base class modified: added an update method and removed
the serialize ones (patch #4613, fixes bug #77109).
(Markus Frank)
- Fixed ICC warnings and remarks.
(Marco Clemencic)
- New package GaudiProfiling.
(Karol Kruzelecki)
- New package GaudiMP.
(Sebastien Binet)
Packages Changes
- GaudiPolicy (v11r0):
- Fixes and improvements in requirements, fragments and QMTest wrapper class
(see release.notes for details)
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiKernel (v27r12):
- Patch #4607: Do not store process id.
(Markus Frank)
- GaudiSvc (v18r12):
- Fixed bug #74981: failure in algorithm initialization doesn't stop DataOnDemandSvc
(Marco Clemencic)
- Fixed bug #75996: Support for CLHEP 2.0
(Brett Viren, Marco Clemencic)
- Bug #76642: Strange behavior of InputCopyStream
(Marco Clemencic)
- Patch #4588: moved code from HistorySvc::finalize to HistorySvc::stop
(Charles Leggett)
- GaudiPoolDb (v5r10):
- Fixed bug #76395: spurious count printouts in MyTrack and MyVertex classes
(Marco Clemencic)
- Patch #4545: Fix to run with AgeLimit=1
(Markus Frank)
- Patch #4541: Fixes to address coverity-detected errors (including bug #75702)
(Markus Frank)
- GaudiGSL (v7r8):
- Fixed bug #75996: Support for CLHEP 2.0
(Brett Viren, Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiPython (v11r0):
- Fixed bug #75996: Support for CLHEP 2.0
(Brett Viren, Marco Clemencic)
- Patch #4074: migrate GaudiPython.Parallel to multiprocessing
(Sebastien Binet)
- Added a reference to the Gaudi C++ namespace in AppMgr, so that it is still
available during "atexit". (included in fix to bug #75834)
(Charles Leggett)
- GaudiMP (v1r0):
- New package (patch #4074)
(Sebastien Binet)
- Updates and improvements (see release.notes for details).
(Eoin Smith)
- Gaudi (v22r0):
- Updated (see release.notes for details)
(Eoin Smith)
- GaudiExamples (v22r0):
- Fixed bug #76395: spurious count printouts in MyTrack and MyVertex classes
(Marco Clemencic)
- Added a test to validate the new behavior of InputCopyStream (bug #76642)
(Marco Clemencic)
- GaudiRelease (v22r0):
- New package GaudiProfiling
(Karol Kruzelecki)
- New package GaudiMP
(Sebastien Binet)
- Removed a couple of obsolete LHCb-specific packages from the requirements.
(Marco Clemencic)
Older versions