================ GaudiKernel v12r2==================================== ! 22020506 Pere Mato - Bug fix in AlgTool.cpp. Pointer to ToolSvc not initialized (Reported by O. Callot) ! 22020502 Pere Mato - Bug fix in base classes Service and Converter. The accessor msgsvc() shpould returns always a valid MessageSvc (Reported by RD Schaffer) - Added templated function service() in Converter base class. - Bug fix in Service.cpp. The finalize method access violates if called before initialize (Reported by Wim Lavrijsen) ================ GaudiObjDesc v4r2==================================== ! 20020503 Pere Mato - Small problem on the fragment obj2doth_header that forced the re-creation of all header files each time. - Some changes in the generation of dictionaries: ~ In methods avoid use of static variables for complex types (one one instance available) ~ The same for accessor methods ~ The return type for relations was not correct in the MetaMethod creation ================ GaudiIntrospection v4r2============================== ! 20020503 - Pere Mato - changed MetaMethod class to allow its use with GaudiPython for calling methods of the new event model. The only package affected by these changes is GaudiPython itself. ================ GaudiPython v4r1===================================== ! 20020503 - Pere Mato - Adapted to new LHCb event model (KeyedContainers in addition to ObjectVectors). - Re-structured a bit: the IntrosObj and IntrosFunc share a single function to handle conversion of single and complex types to python. ================ GaudiKernel v12r1===================================== ! 20020426 Markus Frank - Bug fix in DataSvc, which inhibited automatic directory generation if intermediate leafs were present. ================ GaudiDb v7r0====================================== ! 20020426 Frank Markus - New files: +++ IGenericDatabase.h/cpp : Generic database access - Changed files: +++ GaudiDb_load.cpp : GenericDataBase factory +++ IOODataBase.h, +++ DbContainer.h/cpp +++ DbImplementation.h/cpp, +++ DbContainerObj.h/cpp : Enhanced SQL access +++ IDataBaseMgr.h : Const access to implementation IOODataBase +++ DbContainerConverter.cpp: Remove unused variable +++ DbCnvSvc.h/cpp : Handle generic conversions using "any" converters ! 20020417 Markus Frank - Bug fix to handle keyed containers when elements have been removed ================ GaudiODBCDb v7r0====================================== ! 20020426 - Markus Frank (v6r0) - Allow for deletion and updates using SQL statements ================ GaudiRootDb v7r0====================================== ! 20020429 - Markus Frank Re-compilation needed for new GaudiDb ================ GaudiIntrospection v4r1=============================== ! 20020419 - Stefan Roiser - changed static maps of MetaClass to pointers to maps to be able to check whether they are created or not