================ GaudiKernel v12r3===================================== ! 20020628 Pere Mato, Sebastien Ponce - Improved error reporting when loading dynamic libraries - Changed INFO messages to DEBUG when initializing services - Replaced forward class declarations in Algorithm.h by including the concerned header files. This is to aliviate user confusion. - Added function format(char* fmt, ...) that can be used to format messages within the MsgStream class. Example: log << MSG::INFO << format("Evt: %8d Run: %8d", evt, run) << endmsg; Caveat: Since the unspecified argument list is used (...) the arguments can not be cheched for the correct type and possible conversions are not triggered. ! 20020529 Paolo Calafiura - Auditor.h: service() needs IServiceLocator header file - DeclareFactoryEntries.h: typo in AudFactory name ! 20020506 Andrea Valassi - Change in MsgStream.h to allow the use of std::hex on Windows ================ GaudiSvc v8r2================================== ! 20020701 Pere Mato - Removed printout when loading dll modules - Print summary of loaded modules successfully and failed - Implemented "GaussianTail distribution" requested by Chris Parkes Rndm::GaussianTail( cut, sigma) ================ GaudiRootDb v8r1====================================== ! 20020627 - Markus Frank, Pere Mato - Patched to allow RFIO file access (files in castor). This should not be necessary but is nedeed in the current version of ROOT Files changed: RootDbase.cpp and requirements !=============== GaudiAlg v6r1=========================================================== ! 20020704 - Pere Mato - Eliminated INFO messages during the construction of the algorithm sequence Output a summary of it.