!================ GaudiPolicy v5r7============================================ ! 20021028 - Pere Mato - Added compilation flag -Wno-deprecated to avoid warnings when compiling with gcc3.2 !======================== ExternalLibs v4r0p1 =============================== ! 2002-10-29 - Pere Mato - Added new tags rh73_gcc2952 and rh74_gcc32 in PLATARCH ! 2002-10-09 - Paolo Calafiura - small fixes for LBNL site ================GaudiKernel v13r1===================================== ! 2002-10-21 - Pere Mato - IRegistry.h - the typedefs in this class are now public. ! 2002-10-21 - Sebastien Ponce - Bug fix in StreamBuffer for deserialization of char* ! 2002-10-11 - Paolo Calafiura - Added protection in ConversionService::setDataProvider: since ATLAS use StoreGate and pass a NULL pDataSvc pointer. !==================== HbookCnv v13r1p1 ========================== ! 20021020 - Markus Frank - Pad tag names properly for row wise N-tuples to make ================= RootHistCnv v8r0p2 ======================================= ! 2002-10-10 - Pere Mato - Corrected bug reported by Thomas Ruf concerning the filling of underflow and overflow contents for 2D and 3D histograms. !============================= XERCES v2r160p1 ============================ ! 2002-10-29 - Pere Mato added -lpthread in the XERCES_linkopts macro (required by gcc 3.2) ================ GaudiDb v8r3====================================== ! 20021104 Markus Frank - Remove #ifdef WIN32 and make vc6 code again same as gcc code. ! 20021028 Pere Mato - Some changes required to compile with gcc 3.2 (repoted by Michael Kuss/GLAST) ================== GaudiIntropection v4r4p1 ============================ ! 20021029 - Pere Mato - Corrected minor problems to compile with gcc 3.2 ================ GaudiSvc v10r0p1 ============================================ ! 2002-11-04 - Pere Mato - Changed INFO to DEBUG the messages generated by OutputStream when adding items into the output list - Cahnges in printing in JobOptions: - printing always what include files are included - do not print when switch on/off printing - printing on/off is inherited by included files but not inherited back when returning to parent file. ! 2002-10-29 - Pere Mato - Minor warnings on gcc 3.2 ================ GaudiRootDb v9r1p1=============================== ! 20021028 - Pere Mato - Compilation with gcc 3.2 ================ GaudiODBCDb v8r1p1====================================== ! 20021031 - Pere Mato - Fix compilation errros with gcc 3.2 ================ GaudiAlg v6r3 ======================================= ! 2002-09-27 - Vanya Belyaev - Corrected bug it setDetData() - Added macro ALG_ERROR to print file name and line number when reporting errors