================GaudiKernel v13r2===================================== ! 2002-11-06 - Sebastien Ponce - fixes in order to remove deprecated warnings on gcc 3.2 - coding conventions applications ! 2002-11-11 - Markus Frank - Timing.cpp: Use routine ::gettimeofday(...) to measure current time. This improves the precision of several timing measurements (current time, elapsed time) to 1 micro second. The change affects linux only. ! 2002-11-08 - Markus Frank - Move CLID for N-tuples into ClassID.h - Fix bug in ISvcLocator.h: If service initialization failed, status was still OK. ! 2002-11-06 - Markus Frank - DeclareObjectFactory.h - add declarations for containedobject factories and dataobject factories. ================ GaudiSvc v10r1 ============================================ ! 2002-11-06 - Sebastien Ponce - fixes in order to remove deprecated warnings on gcc 3.2 - coding conventions applications ! 2002-11-08 - M.Frank - Add seperate service for histogram persistency. Allows to read histogram input from several sources. Required changes: No necessity to check everywhere for "ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency". It is only done in HistogramPersistencySvc, which is ALWAYS created, but depending on the real value of "ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency" invokes the proper histogram conversion service for HBOOK, ROOT etc. End user implications: Normally None However, if explicit properties for HBOOK/ROOT should be set like the PAWC size, the service to talk to is - HbookHistSvc for HBOOK - RootHistSvc for ROOT Required changes: - ApplicationMgr - EventLoopMgr - HistogramSvc New property "Input": vector histogram input (format as for N-tuple Svc) - PersistencySvc Minor updates. New files: - src/ApplicationMgr/HistogramAgent.h - src/PersistencySvc/HistogramPersistencySvc.cpp - src/PersistencySvc/HistogramPersistencySvc.h ================ GaudiRootDb v9r1p2 ================================ ! 2002-11-12 - Florence Ranjard - requirements - add RFIO library in GaudiRootDb_shlibflags at CERN and WIN32 to be able to read castor files !==================== HbookCnv v13r2 ========================== ! 20021108 - Markus Frank - Implement histogram reading for H1D, H1DVar, H2D But be careful: AIDA does NOT support to set bin contents/errors directly. The best I could do is to set the content; the errors will be sqrt(content). RMS, MEAN etc. are not correct. - Change all factories to export only IFactory reference: Makes GaudiSvc_load much simpler. Specialized IXXXFactory reference is not necessary ================ GaudiExamples v11r1 ================================ ! 20021112 - Pere Mato - Changed Histograms.exe example to test reading histograms ===============================GaudiObjDesc v4r5p1============================ !20021112 - Stefan - bugfix: corrected the output for 'const' return-values of self-defined methods