package Gaudi package manager: Pere Mato ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiKernel v11 - Many Changes for the DataStore classes re-design. It affects many classes: DataObject, RegistryEntry, Converter, DataSvc and Interfaces: IRegistry, IDataProviderSvc, ... More detailed instruction refer to: - MsgStream.cpp Any change of the printout level from the application program using MsgStream::setLevel(...) is ignored by the message service. Update the local printout level on a by message bases and restore the previous printout level. - NTuple.h the function entries addItem(...) are DEPRECATED for Ntuple columns, which depend on an index column. The replacement is: addIndexedItem(...). This has repeatedly caused confusion for users. Also added doxygen information for these entries. - Added initialize() and finalize() methods in IAlgTool interface. - The base class AlgTool implemements them as dummy but allows an implementation of them on specific Algorithm Tools - Removed the need to implement a queryInterface() in specific Algorithm tools. Instead use the expresion declareInterface(this) in the constructor. - Added releaseTool() method in IToolSvc. - New versions of interfaces: ISvcManager.h (incompatible) Added more functionality to offload ApplicationMgr ISvsLocator.h (compatible) Changed getServices() to const - Added new methods in DataSvc to be able to set the root without clearing the store - Removed CLID_Event from ClassID.h to avoid clashes with Event.h generated from GaudiObjDesc tools - Changed IInterface.h Introduced a new constructor for InterfaceID that uses a name (class name) instead of the interface number. A hash function converts the name into a number. - Changed SmartDataLocator.h reported by David Rousseau - Modified ClassID.h to include CondDB stuff Solved bug in DataSvc.cpp reported by Andrea Valassi - Removed interfaces IGiGaSvc.h and IGiGaSetUpSvc.h - Extend IChronoStatSvc to support retrieving the delta-time between start/stop pairs. ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiSvc v7 - Removed default services being creted by ApplicationMgr - Allow to switch on and of printing of job options while reading the job options text file. Usage: #pragma print on #pragma print off off will switch printing off; on will switch it on. - Changed ToolSvc to make use of the new methods initialize() and finalize() in the IAlgTool interface modified in GaudiKernel. - Implement new method of IToolSvc::releaseTool() - Many Changes for the DataStore classes re-design. See details in separate note - Removed functionality from ApplicationMgr and moved to ServiceManager in what concerns dealing with Services. - Interface ISvcManager improved and extended - Removed the inheritance of ApplicationMgr to (ISvcManager, IAlgManager, ICnvManager, IObjManager). Functionality recovered by queryInterface() - Removed default services being creted by ApplicationMgr - Implementation of ClearStore for DetectorDataSvc ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiDb v5 - Changes to adapt to the new GaudiKernel that includes a re-design of the data store classes - Small improvements. ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 HbookCnv v11 - Changes to adapt to the new GaudiKernel that includes a re-design of the data store classes - New job option HistogramPersistencySvc.PrintHistos to steer printing to standard output. Defaults to false. - Persistency service fails initialize if output file not defined. - Allow RZ directory names up to 16 characters rather than 8. - Delete histograms from PAW common after they were written to disk; saves memory space, which was a problem. - Fixed the bug that was eliminating the first character in the histogram titles. ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 RootHistCnv v5 - Changes to adapt to the new GaudiKernel that includes a re-design of the data store classes ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiRootDb v5 - Changes to adapt to the new GaudiKernel that includes a re-design of the data store classes ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiODBCDb v5 - Changes to adapt to the new GaudiKernel that includes a re-design of the data store classes ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiPython v2 - First version with somhow limited functionality but useful for testing - New package for interfacing Python using boost/python libraries ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiIntrospection v2 - added map with ClassID-keys and corresponding MetaClass-values - New package for object introspection ! ============================================================================ ! 20011129 GaudiObjDesc v2 - changed serializing functions and operator overloading - added serializing functions and operator overloading for serializing objects - relation-attribute 'ratio' renamed to 'multiplicity', possible values '1', 'M', 'm', 'N', 'n' fragment for cpp-file production for dictionaries changed, destination is now /dict classID-information added to cpp-files for passing it to the dictionary - many small changes: handling of arguments in selfdefined methods, concatenate class descriptions, produce at least one empty constructor, handling and errorhandling of class-attribute 'argList' - CppWriter generates an entry (classname - packagename/classname) to the 'Headerdatabase' before writing the cpp - Added production of non-standard constructors, destructors, warning at top of file - Changed production of serializers in .h-files - New package object description based on XML files