====GaudiKernel v11r1 ======================================================= ! 20020128 - Markus Frank - DataObejct.cpp: Fixed bug Automatically create leaves on registerAddress if the Option "ForceLeaves" is set to true - SmartRefs.cpp: Fixed Feature: For smart refs to ContainedObject(s), resolve parent pointer only when needed. - ConversionSvc.cpp: Bug fix: Converters were never finalized. Done from now on, whenever the converter gets disconnected from the conversion service. ====GaudiSvc v7r2 =========================================================== ! 20020205 - Pere Mato (v7r2) - Fixed bug reported by O. Callot that failing to load a DLL should fail the configuration phase of ApplicationMgr. Changed ApplicationMgr.cpp ! 20020123 - Marco Cattaneo & Pere Mato - Changed search list for the job options path. It would take: - argv[1] if it exists else - JOBOPTPATH if it is set else - default to ../options/job.opts ! 20020123 - Sebastien Ponce - Removed the use of variable DDDB in DetDataSvc ====GaudiAlg v5r1 ========================================================= ! 20020205 - Pere Mato (v5r1) - Fixed bug reported by O. Callot that a Sequence must return an error when it can not create one or more of the member Algorithms. Changed Sequencer.cpp