// $Id: AppMgrRunable.h,v 1.4 2008/06/02 14:21:35 marcocle Exp $ #ifndef GAUDISVC_APPMGRRUNABLE_H #define GAUDISVC_APPMGRRUNABLE_H 1 // Framework includes #include "GaudiKernel/Service.h" #include "GaudiKernel/IRunable.h" // Forward declarations class IAppMgrUI; template class SvcFactory; /** Class definition of AppMgrRunable. This is the default runnable of the application manager. The runable handles the actual run() implementation of the ApplicationMgr object. This implementation just calls ApplicationMgr::nextEvent(...). History:
    |    Date |                 Comment                      | Who     |
    |13/12/00 | Initial version                              | M.Frank |
@author Markus Frank @version 1.0 */ class AppMgrRunable : public extends1 { /// Creator friend friend class SvcFactory; protected: /// Reference to application manager UI IAppMgrUI* m_appMgrUI; /// Number of events to be processed int m_evtMax; public: /// Standard Constructor AppMgrRunable(const std::string& nam, ISvcLocator* svcLoc); /// Standard Destructor virtual ~AppMgrRunable(); /// IService implementation: initialize the service virtual StatusCode initialize(); /// IService implementation: start the service virtual StatusCode start(); /// IService implementation: stop the service virtual StatusCode stop(); /// IService implementation: finalize the service virtual StatusCode finalize(); /// IRunable implementation : Run the class implementation virtual StatusCode run(); }; #endif // GAUDISVC_APPMGRRUNABLE_H