""" genCMake is simple script that is able to generate the CMakeLists.tst file required for a CMT package. usage: ---for a single package---- cd /cmt python genCMake ---for a complete project--- cd /XXXXSys/cmt cmt br "python genCMake > ../CMakeLists.txt" """ import os, pickle, copy #---Useful global valiables-------------------------------------------------------------------------- package = os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-2] project = os.popen('cmt show macro_value project').readlines()[0].strip() project_home = os.popen('cmt show macro_value %s_home' % project ).readlines()[0].strip() picklefile = '/tmp/%s/%s_libraries.pkl'% (os.environ['USER'], '%s') root = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())+'/' #---Useful functions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ignorelibs = [] def getlibs(library): libs = [] linkopts = os.popen('cmt show macro_value %s_use_linkopts' % library).readlines()[0][:-1] for opt in linkopts.split(): if opt[:2] == '-l': if opt[2:] not in ignorelibs and opt[2:] not in libs: libs.append(opt[2:]) return libs replacetable = [('boost_system', '${Boost_LIBRARIES}'), ('boost_filesystem', ''), ('boost_regex', '${Boost_regex_LIBRARY}'), ('boost_thread', ''), ('boost_program_options', ''), ('boost_date_time', '${Boost_date_time_LIBRARY}'), ('=Core', '${ROOT_LIBRARIES}'), ('=Cint', ''), ('=Reflex', ''), ('=dl', ''), ('=Tree', '${ROOT_Tree_LIBRARY}'), ('=RIO', ' ${ROOT_RIO_LIBRARY}'), ('=Matrix','${ROOT_Matrix_LIBRARY}'), ('=MathCore', '${ROOT_MathCore_LIBRARY}'), ('=MathMore', '${ROOT_MathMore_LIBRARY}'), ('=GenVector', '${ROOT_GenVector_LIBRARY}'), ('=Hist', '${ROOT_Hist_LIBRARY}'), ('=util', ''), ('=xerces-c', '${XercesC_LIBRARIES}'), ('=uuid', '${uuid_LIBRARIES}'), ('=pthread', ''), ('=gslcblas', '${GSL_LIBRARIES}'), ('=gsl', ''), ('=CLHEP-Cast-', '${CLHEP_LIBRARIES}'), ('CLHEP', ''), ('=python2.5', '${Python_LIBRARIES}'), ('=fftw3', '${fftw_LIBRARIES}'), ('=HepPDT', '${HepPDT_LIBRARIES}'), ('=HepPID', '') ] def prettylibs(libraries): libs = [] for lib in libraries: for p,v in replacetable: if p[0] == '=' : if p[1:] == lib : lib = v break else : if p in lib : lib = v break if lib: libs.append(lib) return ' '.join(libs) #---Get the list of dependent proejcts--------------------------------------------------------------- projects = [] gbl_libraries = {} loc_libraries = {} for l in os.popen('cmt show projects').readlines(): p = l.split()[0] if p not in projects : projects.append(p) for p in projects: #---Read Global libraries --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if os.path.exists(picklefile % p): input = open(picklefile % p, 'rb') libs = pickle.load(input) gbl_libraries.update(libs) if p == project : loc_libraries.update(libs) input.close() print """############################################################################ # CMakeLists.txt file for building %s # @author Pere Mato, CERN (semi-automaticaly generated) ############################################################################""" % package #---Find dependent packages-------------------------------------------------------------------------- gaudipackages = ['GaudiPolicy', 'GaudiPython', 'GaudiPoolDb', 'RootHistCnv', 'GaudiKernel', 'GaudiAlg', 'GaudiUtils', 'GaudiObjDesc', 'GaudiSvc'] #if (project == 'GAUDI' ): # outsidepackages = ['GaudiSvc'] #else : # outsidepackages = gaudipackages outsidepackages = [] ignorepackages = ['GaudiPolicy', 'LCG_Interfaces/Reflex', 'LCG_Interfaces/oracle', 'LCG_Interfaces/lfc','LCG_Interfaces/sqlite', 'LCG_Interfaces/mysql', 'LCG_Interfaces/pyqt', 'Det/SQLDDDB', 'FieldMap'] dependentpackages = [] lines = os.popen('cmt show uses').readlines() #---Find remote packages----------------------------------------------------------------------------- for l in lines: if l[:4] == 'use ': items = l[4:].split() p = items[0] if items[2][0] != '(' :p = items[2]+'/'+p if items[2] == 'LCG_Interfaces' : if not 'no_auto_imports' in l and not p in ignorepackages: dependentpackages.append(p) continue if project_home in l : continue outsidepackages.append(p) for l in lines: if l[:5] == '# use': p = l[5:].split()[0] if l[5:].split()[2][0] != '(': p = l[5:].split()[2]+'/'+p if p in outsidepackages : pass elif p in ignorepackages : pass elif p in dependentpackages : pass else : dependentpackages.append(p) for p in dependentpackages: print 'GAUDI_USE_PACKAGE(%s)' % p.replace('LCG_Interfaces/','') #---Include Dirs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirs = os.popen('cmt show include_dirs').readlines()[0] for d in dirs.split(): if root in d: print 'include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/%s)' % d.replace(root,'') #---Find Constinuents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reflex_dictionaries = [] install_python = False install_scripts = False install_headers = [] install_joboptions = [] libraries = {} executables = {} genconfig = [] god_headers = [] god_dictionaries = [] god_customdicts = [] lines = os.popen('cmt show constituents').readlines() for l in lines: t = l.split() if t[0] == 'document' : if t[1] == 'install_python': if os.path.exists('python') : install_python = True elif t[1] == 'install_scripts': if os.path.exists('scripts') : install_scripts = True elif t[1] == 'data_installer'and t[2] == 'install_joboptions': for f in t[3:] : if f.find('prefix=') != 0 : install_joboptions.append(f.replace('../','')) elif t[1] == 'reflex_dictionary_generator' : name = t[2][:-3] sel = os.popen('cmt show macro_value %s_reflex_selection_file' % name).readlines()[0][:-1] if t[3][0] == '-' : hfile = t[4] else : hfile = t[3] reflex_dictionaries.append([name, hfile.replace(root,'').replace('../',''), sel.replace(root,'').replace('../','') ]) elif t[1] == 'genconfig' : genconfig.append(t[2][:-4]) elif t[1] == 'install_more_includes': dir1 = t[3].replace('more=','') dir2 = t[4].replace('offset=','') dirs = [] if dir1 and os.path.exists('../'+dir1) : dirs.append(dir1) if dir2 and os.path.exists('../'+dir2) : dirs.append(dir2) if dirs : install_headers.append(dirs) elif t[1] == 'obj2doth' : god_headers.append([t[3].replace('../','')]) elif t[1] == 'obj2dict' : god_dictionaries.append([t[3].replace('../','')]) elif t[1] == 'customdict' : god_customdicts.append([t[2], t[3].replace('../','')]) elif t[0] == 'library' : sources = [] test = False for s in t[2:]: if s[0] != '-' : sources.append(s) if s == '-group=tests' : test = True libraries[t[1]] = [sources, getlibs(t[1]), test] elif t[0] == 'application' : sources = [] test = False for s in t[2:]: if s[0] != '-' : sources.append(s) if s == '-group=tests' : test = True executables[t[1]] = [sources, getlibs(t[1]), test] else : print 'ERROR ---- constituents unknown', t[0] #---Clean libraries and executables dependent libraries--------------- for k, l in libraries.items(): if k[-4:] == 'Dict' : continue if k not in genconfig : loc_libraries[k] = copy.deepcopy(l) for i, iv in libraries.items() + executables.items() : for j, jv in gbl_libraries.items() : if i is not j : if j in iv[1]: for k in jv[1]: if k in iv[1] : iv[1].remove(k) if god_headers: print '\nINCLUDE(GaudiObjDesc)' print '\n#---GOD Headers-------------------------------------------------------------' dest = '' lines = os.popen('cmt show macro_value %sObj2Doth_GODflags' % package).readlines() if lines: option = lines[0].strip() if '-s' in option : dest = option[option.find('../')+3:] if dest[-1] == '/' : dest = dest[:-1] for h in god_headers : if dest : print 'GOD_BUILD_HEADERS(%s %s)'%(h[0],dest) else : print 'GOD_BUILD_HEADERS(%s)'%(h[0],) if libraries: print '\n#---Libraries---------------------------------------------------------------' for k,l in libraries.items(): if k[-4:] == 'Dict' : continue if len(l[0]) > 1: sources = ' \n'.join([s.replace('../src/','') for s in l[0]]) print 'SET( %s_srcs %s )' % (k, sources) srcs = '${%s_srcs}' % k else: srcs = l[0][0].replace('../src/','') if l[2] : print 'if(BUILD_TESTS)\n ', if k in genconfig : print 'GAUDI_COMPONENT_LIBRARY(%s %s LIBRARIES %s)'%(k, srcs, prettylibs(l[1])) else : print 'GAUDI_LINKER_LIBRARY(%s %s LIBRARIES %s)'%(k, srcs, prettylibs(l[1])) if l[2] : print 'endif()' if executables: print '\n#---Executables-------------------------------------------------------------' for k,l in executables.items(): if len(l[0]) > 1: sources = ' \n'.join([s.replace('../src/','') for s in l[0]]) print 'SET( %s_srcs %s )' % (k, sources) srcs = '${%s_srcs}' % k else: srcs = l[0][0].replace('../src/','') if l[2] : print 'GAUDI_UNIT_TEST(%s %s LIBRARIES %s)'%(k, srcs, prettylibs(l[1])) else : print 'GAUDI_EXECUTABLE(%s %s LIBRARIES %s)'%(k, srcs, prettylibs(l[1])) if god_customdicts or god_dictionaries: print '\n#---GOD Dictionary----------------------------------------------------------' dest = '' lines = os.popen('cmt show macro_value %sObj2Dict_GODflags' % package).readlines() if lines: option = lines[0].strip() if '-s' in option : dest = option[option.find('../')+3:] if dest[-1] == '/' : dest = dest[:-1] for d in god_customdicts : print 'GOD_CUSTOM_DICTIONARY(%s %s)'%(d[1], 'xml/lcgdict/lcg_selection.xml') for d in god_dictionaries : if dest : print 'GOD_BUILD_DICTIONARY(%s %s)'%(d[0], dest) else : print 'GOD_BUILD_DICTIONARY(%s)'%(d[0],) libs = [] for i in libraries[package+'Dict'][1]: if i != package : libs.append(i) if libs : print 'target_link_libraries(%s %s)'%(package+'Dict',prettylibs(libs)) if not god_dictionaries and reflex_dictionaries: print '\n#---Dictionaries------------------------------------------------------------' for d in reflex_dictionaries: libs = '' for k,l in libraries.items() : if k == d[0]+'Dict' : libs = prettylibs(l[1]) print 'REFLEX_BUILD_DICTIONARY(%s %s %s LIBRARIES %s)'% (d[0],d[1],d[2], libs) print '\n#---Installation------------------------------------------------------------' for lst in install_headers: print 'GAUDI_INSTALL_HEADERS(%s)' % ' '.join(lst) if install_python: print 'GAUDI_INSTALL_PYTHON_MODULES()' if install_scripts: print 'GAUDI_INSTALL_SCRIPTS()' if install_joboptions: print 'GAUDI_INSTALL_JOBOPTIONS(%s)' % ' '.join(install_joboptions) output = open(picklefile % project, 'wb') pickle.dump(loc_libraries, output) output.close()