Sub-directories :
- /adjoint/
- Adjoint (Reverse Monte Carlo) commands.
- /control/
- UI control commands.
- /units/
- Available units.
- /geometry/
- Geometry control commands.
- /tracking/
- TrackingManager and SteppingManager control commands.
- /event/
- EventManager control commands.
- /run/
- Run control commands.
- /random/
- Random number status control commands.
- /particle/
- Particle control commands.
- /process/
- Process Table control commands.
- /vis/
- Visualization commands.
- /hits/
- Sensitive detectors and Hits
- /gun/
- Particle Gun control commands.
- /score/
- Interactive scoring commands.
- /material/
- Commands for materials
Commands :
- cd, pwd
change, display the current command directory.
- ls, lc
list commands and subdirectories in the current directory.
- history
show previous commands.
- !historyID
reissue previous command.
- ?command
show current parameter values of the command.
- help command
show command help.
- exit
terminate the session.