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4.1.2 Solids

The STEP standard supports multiple solid representations. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) representations and Boundary Represented Solids (BREPs) are available. Different representations are suitable for different purposes, applications, required complexity, and levels of detail. CSG representations are easy to use and normally give superior performance, but they cannot reproduce complex solids such as those used in CAD systems. BREP representations can handle more extended topologies and reproduce the most complex solids, thus allowing the exchange of models with CAD systems.
All constructed solids can stream out their contents via appropriate methods and streaming operators.

For all solids it is possible to estimate the geometrical volume and the surface area by invoking the methods:

   G4double GetCubicVolume()
   G4double GetSurfaceArea()
which return an estimate of the solid volume and total area in internal units respectively. For elementary solids the functions compute the exact geometrical quantities, while for composite or complex solids an estimate is made using Monte Carlo techniques.

For all solids it is also possible to generate pseudo-random points lying on their surfaces, by invoking the method

   G4ThreeVector GetPointOnSurface() const
which returns the generated point in local coordinates relative to the solid. Constructed Solid Geometry (CSG) Solids

CSG solids are defined directly as three-dimensional primitives. They are described by a minimal set of parameters necessary to define the shape and size of the solid. CSG solids are Boxes, Tubes and their sections, Cones and their sections, Spheres, Wedges, and Toruses.

To create a box one can use the constructor:
G4Box(const G4String& pName,
            G4double  pX,
            G4double  pY,
            G4double  pZ)

by giving the box a name and its half-lengths along the X, Y and Z axis:

pXhalf length in X pYhalf length in Y pZhalf length in Z

This will create a box that extends from -pX to +pX in X, from -pY to +pY in Y, and from -pZ to +pZ in Z.



In the picture: pX = 30, pY = 40, pZ = 60

For example to create a box that is 2 by 6 by 10 centimeters in full length, and called BoxA one should use the following code:

   G4Box* aBox = new G4Box("BoxA", 1.0*cm, 3.0*cm, 5.0*cm);

Similarly to create a cylindrical section or tube, one would use the constructor:

G4Tubs(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pRMin,
             G4double  pRMax,
             G4double  pDz,
             G4double  pSPhi,
             G4double  pDPhi)





In the picture: pRMin = 10, pRMax = 15, pDz = 20
pSPhi = 0*Degree, pDPhi = 90*Degree

giving its name pName and its parameters which are:

pRMin Inner radius pRMax Outer radius
pDz half length in z pSPhi the starting phi angle in radians
pDPhi the angle of the segment in radians  &n 

Similarly to create a cone, or conical section, one would use the constructor:

G4Cons(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pRmin1,
             G4double  pRmax1,
             G4double  pRmin2,
             G4double  pRmax2,
             G4double  pDz,
             G4double  pSPhi,
             G4double  pDPhi)

In the picture: pRmin1 = 5, pRmax1 = 10,
pRmin2 = 20, pRmax2 = 25
pDz = 40, pSPhi = 0, pDPhi = 4/3*Pi

giving its name pName, and its parameters which are:

pRmin1 inside radius at -pDz pRmax1 outside radius at -pDz
pRmin2 inside radius at +pDz pRmax2 outside radius at +pDz
pDz half length in z pSPhi starting angle of the segment in radians
pDPhi the angle of the segment in radians   

A parallelepiped is constructed using:

G4Para(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  dx,
             G4double  dy,
             G4double  dz,
             G4double  alpha,
             G4double  theta,
             G4double  phi)

In the picture: dx = 30, dy = 40, dz = 60
alpha = 10*Degree, theta = 20*Degree,
phi = 5*Degree

giving its name pName and its parameters which are:

dx,dy,dz Half-length in x,y,z
alpha Angle formed by the y axis and by the plane joining the centre of the faces parallel to the z-x plane at -dy and +dy
theta Polar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -dz and +dz in z
phi Azimuthal angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -dz and +dz in z

To construct a trapezoid use:

G4Trd(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  dx1,
             G4double  dx2,
             G4double  dy1,
             G4double  dy2,
             G4double  dz)



In the picture: dx1 = 30, dx2 = 10
dy1 = 40, dy2 = 15
dz = 60

to obtain a solid with name pName and parameters

dx1 Half-length along x at the surface positioned at -dz
dx2 Half-length along x at the surface positioned at +dz
dy1 Half-length along y at the surface positioned at -dz
dy2 Half-length along y at the surface positioned at +dz
dz Half-length along z axis

To build a generic trapezoid, the G4Trap class is provided. Here are the two costructors for a Right Angular Wedge and for the general trapezoid for it:

G4Trap(const G4String& pName,
             G4double   pZ,
             G4double   pY,
             G4double   pX,
             G4double   pLTX)

G4Trap(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pDz, G4double  pTheta,
             G4double  pPhi, G4double  pDy1,
             G4double  pDx1, G4double  pDx2,
             G4double  pAlp1, G4double  pDy2,
             G4double  pDx3, G4double  pDx4,
             G4double  pAlp2)

In the picture: pDx1 = 30, pDx2 = 40, pDy1 = 40
pDx3 = 10, pDx4 = 14, pDy2 = 16
pDz = 60, pTheta = 20*Degree
pDphi = 5*Degree, pAlph1 = pAlph2 = 10*Degree

to obtain a Right Angular Wedge with name pName and parameters:

pZ Length along z
pY Length along y
pX Length along x at the wider side
pLTX Length along x at the narrower side (plTX<=pX)

or to obtain the general trapezoid (see the Software Reference Manual):

pDx1Half x length at y=-pDy
pDx2Half x length at y=+pDy
pDyHalf y length
pDzHalf z length
pThetaPolar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -/+pDz
pDy1Half y length at -pDz
pDx1Half x length at -pDz, y=-pDy1
pDx2Half x length at -pDz, y=+pDy1
pDy2Half y length at +pDz
pDx3Half x length at +pDz, y=-pDy2
pDx4Half x length at +pDz, y=+pDy2
pAlph1Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side (lower endcap)
pAlph2Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side (upper endcap)

Note on pAlph1/2: the two angles have to be the same due to the planarity condition.

To build a sphere, or a spherical shell section, use:

G4Sphere(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pRmin,
             G4double  pRmax,
             G4double  pSPhi,
             G4double  pDPhi,
             G4double  pSTheta,
             G4double  pDTheta )

In the picture: pRmin = 100, pRmax = 120
pSPhi = 0*Degree, pDPhi = 180*Degree
pSTheta = 0 Degree, pDTheta = 180*Degree

to obtain a solid with name pName and parameters:

pRmin Inner radius
pRmax Outer radius
pSPhi Starting Phi angle of the segment in radians
pDPhi Delta Phi angle of the segment in radians
pSTheta Starting Theta angle of the segment in radians
pDTheta Delta Theta angle of the segment in radians

To build a full solid sphere use:

G4Orb(const G4String& pName,
            G4double pRmax)

In the picture: pRmax = 100

The Orb can be obtained from a Sphere with:
pRmin = 0, pSPhi = 0, pDPhi = 2*Pi, pSTheta = 0, pDTheta = Pi.

pRmax Outer radius

To build a torus use:

G4Torus(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pRmin,
             G4double  pRmax,
             G4double  pRtor,
             G4double  pSPhi,
             G4double  pDPhi)

In the picture: pRmin = 40, pRmax = 60, pRtor = 200
pSPhi = 0, pDPhi = 90*Degree

to obtain a solid with name pName and parameters:

pRmin Inside radius
pRmax Outside radius
pRtor Swept radius of torus
pSPhi Starting Phi angle in radians (fSPhi+fDPhi<=2PI, fSPhi>-2PI)
pDPhi Delta angle of the segment in radians

In addition, the Geant4 Design Documentation shows in the Solids Class Diagram the complete list of CSG classes, and the STEP documentation contains a detailed EXPRESS description of each CSG solid.

Specific CSG Solids

Polycons (PCON) are implemented in Geant4 through the G4Polycon class:

G4Polycone(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  phiStart,
             G4double  phiTotal,
             G4int         numZPlanes,
             const G4double  zPlane[],
             const G4double  rInner[],
             const G4double  rOuter[])

G4Polycone(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  phiStart,
             G4double  phiTotal,
             G4int         numRZ,
             const G4double  r[],
             const G4double  z[])

In the picture: phiStart = 0*Degree, phiTotal = 2*Pi
numZPlanes = 9
rInner = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
rOuter = { 0, 10, 10, 5 , 5, 10 , 10 , 2, 2}
z = { 5, 7, 9, 11, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35 }


phiStart Initial Phi starting angle
phiTotal Total Phi angle
numZPlanes Number of z planes
numRZ Number of corners in r,z space
zPlane Position of z planes
rInner Tangent distance to inner surface
rOuter Tangent distance to outer surface
r r coordinate of corners
z z coordinate of corners

Polyhedra (PGON) are implemented through G4Polyhedra:

G4Polyhedra(const G4String& pName,
             G4double   phiStart,
             G4double   phiTotal,
             G4int         numSide,
             G4int         numZPlanes,
             const G4double  zPlane[],
             const G4double  rInner[],
             const G4double  rOuter[] )

G4Polyhedra(const G4String& pName,
             G4double   phiStart,
             G4double   phiTotal,
             G4int          numSide,
             G4int          numRZ,
             const G4double   r[],
             const G4double   z[])

In the picture: phiStart = 0, phiTotal= 2 Pi
numSide = 5, nunZPlanes = 7
rInner = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
rOuter = { 0, 15, 15, 4, 4, 10, 10 }
z = { 0, 5, 8, 13 , 30, 32, 35 }


phiStart Initial Phi starting angle
phiTotal Total Phi angle
numSide Number of sides
numZPlanes Number of z planes
numRZ Number of corners in r,z space
zPlane Position of z planes
rInner Tangent distance to inner surface
rOuter Tangent distance to outer surface
r r coordinate of corners
z z coordinate of corners

A tube with an elliptical cross section (ELTU) can be defined as follows:

G4EllipticalTube(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  Dx,
             G4double  Dy,
             G4double  Dz)

The equation of the surface in x/y is 1.0 = (x/dx)**2 + (y/dy)**2

DxHalf length X DyHalf length Y DzHalf length Z 





In the picture: Dx = 5, Dy = 10, Dz = 20

The general ellipsoid with possible cut in Z can be defined as follows:

G4Ellipsoid(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pxSemiAxis,
             G4double  pySemiAxis,
             G4double  pzSemiAxis,
             G4double  pzBottomCut=0,
             G4double  pzTopCut=0)




In the picture: pxSemiAxis = 10, pySemiAxis = 20, pzSemiAxis = 50
pzBottomCut = -10, pzTopCut = 40
A general (or triaxial) ellipsoid is a quadratic surface which is given in Cartesian coordinates by:

       1.0 = (x/pxSemiAxis)**2 + (y/pySemiAxis)**2  +  (z/pzSemiAxis)**2


pxSemiAxisSemiaxis in X 
pySemiAxis Semiaxis in Y
pzSemiAxisSemiaxis in Z
pzBottomCut lower cut plane level, z
pzTopCutupper cut plane level, z 

A cone with an elliptical cross section can be defined as follows:

G4EllipticalCone(const G4String& pName,
             G4double pxSemiAxis,
             G4double pySemiAxis,
             G4double zMax,
             G4double pzTopCut)


In the picture: pxSemiAxis = 30, pySemiAxis = 60
zMax = 50, pzTopCut = 25


pxSemiAxisSemiaxis in X  
pySemiAxis Semiaxis in Y
zMax Height  of elliptical cone
pzTopCut upper cut plane level

An elliptical cone of height zMax, semiaxis pxSemiAxis, and semiaxis pySemiAxis is given by the parametric equations:

       x = pxSemiAxis * ( zMax - u ) / u  * Cos(v)
       y = pySemiAxis * ( zMax - u ) / u * Sin(v)
       z = u

Where v is between 0 and 2*Pi, and u between 0 and h respectively.

A tube with a hyperbolic profile (HYPE) can be defined as follows:

G4Hype(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  innerRadius,
             G4double  outerRadius,
             G4double  innerStereo,
             G4double  outerStereo,
             G4double  halfLenZ)

In the picture: innerStereo = 0.7, outerStereo = 0.7
halfLenZ = 50
innerRadius = 20, outerRadius = 30

G4Hype is shaped with curved sides parallel to the z-axis, has a specified half-length along the z axis about which it is centred, and a given minimum and maximum radius.
A minimum radius of 0 defines a filled Hype (with hyperbolic inner surface), i.e. inner radius = 0 AND inner stereo angle = 0.
The inner and outer hyperbolic surfaces can have different stereo angles. A stereo angle of 0 gives a cylindrical surface:

innerRadiusInner radius
outerRadiusOuter radius
innerStereoInner stereo angle in radians
outerStereoOuter stereo angle in radians
halfLenZHalf length in Z

A tetrahedra solid can be defined as follows:

G4Tet(const G4String& pName,
             G4ThreeVector anchor,
             G4ThreeVector p2,
             G4ThreeVector p3,
             G4ThreeVector p4,
             G4bool *degeneracyFlag=0)

In the picture: anchor = {0, 0, sqrt(3)}
p2 = { 0, 2*sqrt(2/3), -1/sqrt(3) }
p3 = { -sqrt(2), -sqrt(2/3),-1/sqrt(3) }
p4 = { sqrt(2), -sqrt(2/3) , -1/sqrt(3) }
The solid is defined by 4 points in space:

anchorAnchor point
p2Point 2
p3Point 3
p4Point 4
degeneracyFlagFlag indicating degeneracy of points

A box twisted along one axis can be defined as follows:

G4TwistedBox(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  twistedangle,
             G4double  pDx,
             G4double  pDy,
             G4double  pDz)



In the picture: twistedangle = 30*Degree
pDx = 30, pDy =40, pDz = 60

G4TwistedBox is a box twisted along the z-axis. The twist angle cannot be greater than 90 degrees:

twistedangleTwist angle
pDxHalf x length
pDyHalf y length
pDzHalf z length

A trapezoid twisted along one axis can be defined as follows:

G4TwistedTrap(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  twistedangle,
             G4double  pDxx1, G4double  pDxx2,
             G4double  pDy, G4double  pDz)

G4TwistedTrap(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  twistedangle,
             G4double  pDz,
             G4double  pTheta, G4double  pPhi,
             G4double  pDy1, G4double  pDx1,
             G4double  pDx2, G4double  pDy2,
             G4double  pDx3, G4double  pDx4,
             G4double  pAlph)
In the picture: pDx1 = 30, pDx2 = 40, pDy1 = 40
pDx3 = 10, pDx4 = 14, pDy2 = 16
pDz = 60
pTheta = 20*Degree, pDphi = 5*Degree
pAlph = 10*Degree, twistedangle = 30*Degree

The first constructor of G4TwistedTrap produces a regular trapezoid twisted along the z-axis, where the caps of the trapezoid are of the same shape and size.
The second constructor produces a generic trapezoid with polar, azimuthal and tilt angles.
The twist angle cannot be greater than 90 degrees:

twistedangleTwisted angle
pDx1Half x length at y=-pDy
pDx2Half x length at y=+pDy
pDyHalf y length
pDzHalf z length
pThetaPolar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -/+pDz
pDy1Half y length at -pDz
pDx1Half x length at -pDz, y=-pDy1
pDx2Half x length at -pDz, y=+pDy1
pDy2Half y length at +pDz
pDx3Half x length at +pDz, y=-pDy2
pDx4Half x length at +pDz, y=+pDy2
pAlphAngle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side

A twisted trapezoid with the x and y dimensions varying along z can be defined as follows:

G4TwistedTrd(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  pDx1,
             G4double  pDx2,
             G4double  pDy1,
             G4double  pDy2,
             G4double  pDz,
             G4double  twistedangle)

In the picture: dx1 = 30, dx2 = 10
dy1 = 40, dy2 = 15
dz = 60
twistedangle = 30*Degree


pDx1Half x length at the surface positioned at -dz
pDx2Half x length at the surface positioned at +dz
pDy1Half y length at the surface positioned at -dz
pDy2Half y length at the surface positioned at +dz
pDzHalf z length
twistedangleTwisted angle

A tube section twisted along its axis can be defined as follows:

G4TwistedTubs(const G4String& pName,
             G4double  twistedangle,
             G4double  endinnerrad,
             G4double  endouterrad,
             G4double  halfzlen,
             G4double  dphi)




In the picture: endinnerrad = 10, endouterrad = 15
halfzlen = 20, dphi = 90*Degree
twistedangle = 60*Degree

G4TwistedTubs is a sort of twisted cylinder which, placed along the z-axis and divided into phi-segments is shaped like an hyperboloid, where each of its segmented pieces can be tilted with a stereo angle.
It can have inner and outer surfaces with the same stereo angle:

twistedangleTwisted angle
endinnerradInner radius at endcap
endouterradOuter radius at endcap
halfzlenHalf z length
dphiPhi angle of a segment

Additional constructors are provided, allowing the shape to be specified either as: Solids made by Boolean operations

Simple solids can be combined using Boolean operations. For example, a cylinder and a half-sphere can be combined with the union Boolean operation.

Creating such a new Boolean solid, requires:

The solids used should be either CSG solids (for examples a box, a spherical shell, or a tube) or another Boolean solid: the product of a previous Boolean operation. An important purpose of Boolean solids is to allow the description of solids with peculiar shapes in a simple and intuitive way, still allowing an efficient geometrical navigation inside them.

Note: The solids used can actually be of any type. However, in order to fully support the export of a Geant4 solid model via STEP to CAD systems, we restrict the use of Boolean operations to this subset of solids. But this subset contains all the most interesting use cases.

Note: The tracking cost for navigating in a Boolean solid in the current implementation, is proportional to the number of constituent solids. So care must be taken to avoid extensive, unecessary use of Boolean solids in performance-critical areas of a geometry description, where each solid is created from Boolean combinations of many other solids.

Examples of the creation of the simplest Boolean solids are given below:

  G4Box*  box =
    new G4Box("Box",20*mm,30*mm,40*mm);
  G4Tubs* cyl =
    new G4Tubs("Cylinder",0,50*mm,50*mm,0,twopi);  // r:     0 mm -> 50 mm
                                                   // z:   -50 mm -> 50 mm
                                                   // phi:   0 ->  2 pi
  G4UnionSolid* union =
    new G4UnionSolid("Box+Cylinder", box, cyl); 
  G4IntersectionSolid* intersection =
    new G4IntersectionSolid("Box*Cylinder", box, cyl); 
  G4SubtractionSolid* subtraction =
    new G4SubtractionSolid("Box-Cylinder", box, cyl);
where the union, intersection and subtraction of a box and cylinder are constructed.

The more useful case where one of the solids is displaced from the origin of coordinates also exists. In this case the second solid is positioned relative to the coordinate system (and thus relative to the first). This can be done in two ways:

In the first case, the translation is applied first to move the origin of coordinates. Then the rotation is used to rotate the coordinate system of the second solid to the coordinate system of the first.

    G4RotationMatrix* yRot = new G4RotationMatrix;  // Rotates X and Z axes only
    yRot->rotateY(M_PI/4.*rad);                     // Rotates 45 degrees
    G4ThreeVector zTrans(0, 0, 50);

    G4UnionSolid* unionMoved =
      new G4UnionSolid("Box+CylinderMoved", box, cyl, yRot, zTrans);
    // The new coordinate system of the cylinder is translated so that
    // its centre is at +50 on the original Z axis, and it is rotated
    // with its X axis halfway between the original X and Z axes.

    // Now we build the same solid using the alternative method
    G4RotationMatrix invRot = *(yRot->invert());
    G4Transform3D transform(invRot, zTrans);  
    G4UnionSolid* unionMoved =
      new G4UnionSolid("Box+CylinderMoved", box, cyl, transform);
Note that the first constructor that takes a pointer to the rotation-matrix (G4RotationMatrix*), does NOT copy it. Therefore once used a rotation-matrix to construct a Boolean solid, it must NOT be modified.
In contrast, with the alternative method shown, a G4Transform3D is provided to the constructor by value, and its transformation is stored by the Boolean solid. The user may modify the G4Transform3D and eventually use it again.

When positioning a volume associated to a Boolean solid, the relative center of coordinates considered for the positioning is the one related to the first of the two constituent solids. Boundary Represented (BREPS) Solids

BREP solids are defined via the description of their boundaries. The boundaries can be made of planar and second order surfaces. Eventually these can be trimmed and have holes. The resulting solids, such as polygonal, polyconical solids are known as Elementary BREPS.

In addition, the boundary surfaces can be made of Bezier surfaces and B-Splines, or of NURBS (Non-Uniform-Rational-B-Splines) surfaces. The resulting solids are Advanced BREPS.
Note - Currently, the implementation for surfaces generated by Beziers, B-Splines or NURBS is only at the level of prototype and not fully functional.
Extensions are foreseen in the near future, also to allow exchange of geometrical models with CAD systems.

We have defined a few simple Elementary BREPS, that can be instantiated simply by a user in a manner similar to the construction of Constructed Solids (CSGs). We summarize their capabilities in the following section.

However most BREPS Solids are defined by creating each surface separately and tying them together. Though it is possible to do this using code, it is potentially error prone. So it is generally much more productive to utilize a tool to create these volumes, and the tools of choice are CAD systems. In future, it will be possible to import/export models created in CAD systems, utilizing the STEP standard.

Specific BREP Solids

We have defined one polygonal and one polyconical shape using BREPS. The polycone provides a shape defined by a series of conical sections with the same axis, contiguous along it.

The polyconical solid G4BREPSolidPCone is a shape defined by a set of inner and outer conical or cylindrical surface sections and two planes perpendicular to the Z axis. Each conical surface is defined by its radius at two different planes perpendicular to the Z-axis. Inner and outer conical surfaces are defined using common Z planes.

  G4BREPSolidPCone( const G4String& pName,
                          G4double  start_angle,
                          G4double  opening_angle,                   
                          G4int     num_z_planes,    // sections,
                          G4double  z_start,                   
                    const G4double  z_values[],
                    const G4double  RMIN[],
                    const G4double  RMAX[]  )
The conical sections do not need to fill 360 degrees, but can have a common start and opening angle.

start_angle starting angle
opening_angle opening angle
num_z_planes number of planes perpendicular to the z-axis used.
z_start starting value of z
z_values z coordinates of each plane
RMIN radius of inner cone at each plane
RMAX radius of outer cone at each plane

The polygonal solid G4BREPSolidPolyhedra is a shape defined by an inner and outer polygonal surface and two planes perpendicular to the Z axis. Each polygonal surface is created by linking a series of polygons created at different planes perpendicular to the Z-axis. All these polygons all have the same number of sides (sides) and are defined at the same Z planes for both inner and outer polygonal surfaces.

The polygons do not need to fill 360 degrees, but have a start and opening angle.

The constructor takes the following parameters:

  G4BREPSolidPolyhedra( const G4String& pName,
                              G4double  start_angle,
                              G4double  opening_angle,
                              G4int     sides,
                              G4int     num_z_planes,      
                              G4double  z_start,
                        const G4double  z_values[],
                        const G4double  RMIN[],
                        const G4double  RMAX[]  )
which in addition to its name have the following meaning:

start_angle starting angle
opening_angle opening angle
sides number of sides of each polygon in the x-y plane
num_z_planes number of planes perpendicular to the z-axis used.
z_start starting value of z
z_values z coordinates of each plane
RMIN radius of inner polygon at each corner
RMAX radius of outer polygon at each corner

the shape is defined by the number of sides sides of the polygon in the plane perpendicular to the z-axis. Tessellated Solids

In Geant4 it is also implemented a class G4TessellatedSolid which can be used to generate a generic solid defined by a number of facets (G4VFacet). Such constructs are especially important for conversion of complex geometrical shapes imported from CAD systems bounded with generic surfaces into an approximate description with facets of defined dimension (see figure 4.1.1).

Tessellated imported geometry - 1 Tessellated imported geometry - 2
Figure 4.1.1
Example of geometries imported from CAD system and converted to tessellated solids.

They can also be used to generate a solid bounded with a generic surface made of planar facets. It is important that the supplied facets shall form a fully enclose space to represent the solid.
Two types of facet can be used for the construction of a G4TessellatedSolid: a triangular facet (G4TriangularFacet) and a quadrangular facet (G4QuadrangularFacet).

An example on how to generate a simple tessellated shape is given below.


        // First declare a tessellated solid
        G4TessellatedSolid solidTarget = new G4TessellatedSolid("Solid_name");

        // Define the facets which form the solid
        G4double targetSize = 10*cm ;
        G4TriangularFacet *facet1 = new
        G4TriangularFacet (G4ThreeVector(-targetSize,-targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(+targetSize,-targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(        0.0,        0.0,+targetSize),
        G4TriangularFacet *facet2 = new
        G4TriangularFacet (G4ThreeVector(+targetSize,-targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(+targetSize,+targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(        0.0,        0.0,+targetSize),
        G4TriangularFacet *facet3 = new
        G4TriangularFacet (G4ThreeVector(+targetSize,+targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(-targetSize,+targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(        0.0,        0.0,+targetSize),
        G4TriangularFacet *facet4 = new
        G4TriangularFacet (G4ThreeVector(-targetSize,+targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(-targetSize,-targetSize,        0.0),
                           G4ThreeVector(        0.0,        0.0,+targetSize),
        G4QuadrangularFacet *facet5 = new
        G4QuadrangularFacet (G4ThreeVector(-targetSize,-targetSize,        0.0),
                             G4ThreeVector(-targetSize,+targetSize,        0.0),
                             G4ThreeVector(+targetSize,+targetSize,        0.0),
                             G4ThreeVector(+targetSize,-targetSize,        0.0),

        // Now add the facets to the solid
        solidTarget->AddFacet((G4VFacet*) facet1);
        solidTarget->AddFacet((G4VFacet*) facet2);
        solidTarget->AddFacet((G4VFacet*) facet3);
        solidTarget->AddFacet((G4VFacet*) facet4);
        solidTarget->AddFacet((G4VFacet*) facet5);

        Finally declare the solid is complete
Source listing 4.1.1
An example of a simple tessellated solid with G4TessellatedSolid.

The G4TriangularFacet class is used for the contruction of G4TessellatedSolid. It is defined by three vertices, which shall be supplied in anti-clockwise order looking from the outside of the solid where it belongs. Its constructor looks like:

        G4TriangularFacet ( const G4ThreeVector     Pt0,
                            const G4ThreeVector     vt1,
                            const G4ThreeVector     vt2,
                                  G4FacetVertexType fType )
i.e., it takes 4 parameters to define the three vertices:

G4FacetVertexType ABSOLUTE in which case Pt0, vt1 and vt2 are the three vertices in anti-clockwise order looking from the outside.
G4FacetVertexType RELATIVE in which case the first vertex is Pt0, the second vertex is Pt0+vt1 and the third vertex is Pt0+vt2, all in anti-clockwise order when looking from the outside.

The G4QuadrangularFacet class can be used for the contruction of G4TessellatedSolid as well. It is defined by four vertices, which shall be in the same plane and be supplied in anti-clockwise order looking from the outside of the solid where it belongs. Its constructor looks like:

        G4QuadrangularFacet ( const G4ThreeVector     Pt0,
                              const G4ThreeVector     vt1,
                              const G4ThreeVector     vt2,
                              const G4ThreeVector     vt3,
                                    G4FacetVertexType fType )
i.e., it takes 5 parameters to define the four vertices:

G4FacetVertexType ABSOLUTE in which case Pt0, vt1, vt2 and vt3 are the four vertices required in anti-clockwise order when looking from the outside.
G4FacetVertexType RELATIVE in which case the first vertex is Pt0, the second vertex is Pt0+vt, the third vertex is Pt0+vt2 and the fourth vertex is Pt0+vt3, in anti-clockwise order when looking from the outside.

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