Geant4 User's Guide
For Application Developers
Tracking and Physics
5.1 Tracking
5.1.1 Basic Concepts
Philosophy of Tracking
All Geant4 processes, including the transportation of particles, are treated
generically. In spite of the name "tracking", particles are not
transported in the tracking category. G4TrackingManager is an
interface class which brokers transactions between the event, track and
tracking categories. An instance of this class handles the message passing
between the upper hierarchical object, which is the event manager, and lower
hierarchical objects in the tracking category. The event manager is a
singleton instance of the G4EventManager class.
The tracking manager receives a track from the event manager and takes the
actions required to finish tracking it. G4TrackingManager aggregates
the pointers to G4SteppingManager, G4Trajectory and
G4UserTrackingAction. Also there is a "use" relation to G4Track
and G4Step.
G4SteppingManager plays an essential role in tracking the particle. It
takes care of all message passing between objects in the different categories
relevant to transporting a particle (for example, geometry and interactions in
matter). Its public method Stepping() steers the stepping of the
particle. The algorithm to handle one step is given below.
- The particle's velocity at the beginning of the step is calculated.
- Each active discrete or continuous process must propose a step length
based on the interaction it describes. The smallest of these step
lengths is taken.
- The geometry navigator calculates "Safety", the distance to the next
volume boundary. If the minimum physical-step-length from the processes
is shorter than "Safety", the physical-step-length is selected as the
next step length. In this case, no further geometrical calculations will
be performed.
- If the minimum physical-step-length from the processes is longer than
"Safety", the distance to the next boundary is re-calculated.
- The smaller of the minimum physical-step-length and the geometric
step length is taken.
- All active continuous processes are invoked. Note that the particle's
kinetic energy will be updated only after all invoked processes have
completed. The change in kinetic energy will be the sum of the
contributions from these processes.
- The track is checked to see whether or not it has been terminated by a
continuous process.
- The current track properties are updated before discrete processes
are invoked. This includes:
- updating the kinetic energy of the current track particle
(note that 'sumEnergyChange' is the sum of the new kinetic
energy after each continuos process was invoked, and NOT the sum
of the energy difference before and after the process
invocation) and
- updating position and time.
- The discrete process is invoked. After the invocation,
- the energy of the current track particle is updated, and
- the secondaries from ParticleChange are stored in SecondaryList.
This includes constructing "G4Track" objects, and setting their
member data. Note that the stepping manager is responsible for
deleting secodaries from ParticleChange.
- The track is checked to see whether or not it has been terminated by
the discrete process.
- "Safety" is updated.
- If the step was limited by the volume boundary, push the particle into
the next volume.
- Invoke the user intervention G4UserSteppingAction.
- Handle hit information.
- Save data to Trajectory.
- Update the mean free paths of the discrete processes.
- If the parent particle is still alive, reset the maximum interaction
length of the discrete process which has occurred.
- One step completed.
What is a Step?
G4Step stores the transient information of a step. This includes the
two endpoints of the step, PreStepPoint and PostStepPoint,
which contain the points' coordinates and the volumes containing the points.
G4Step also stores the change in track properties between the two
points. These properties, such as energy and momentum, are updated as the
various active processes are invoked.
What is a Track?
G4Track keeps information on the final status of the particle after
the completion of one step. This means that G4Track has information on
the previous step while the AlongStepDoIts are being invoked for the
step in progress. Only after finishing all AlongStepDoIts, will
G4Track have the final information (e.g., the final position) for the
step in progress. Also, G4Track will be updated after each invocation
of a PostStepDoIt.
5.1.2 Access to Track and Step Information
How to Get Track Information
Track information may be accessed by invoking various Get methods
provided in the G4Track class. For details, see the
Software Reference Manual. Typical information available includes:
Global time (time since the event was created)
Local time (time since the track was created)
Proper time
Momentum direction (unit vector)
Kinetic energy
Accumulated geometrical track length
Accumulated true track length
Pointer to dynamic particle
Pointer to physical volume
Track ID number
Track ID number of the parent
Current step number
Track status
(x,y,z) at the start point (vertex position) of the track
Momentum direction at the start point (vertex position) of the track
Kinetic energy at the start point (vertex position) of the track
Pointer to the process which created the current track
How to Get Step Information
Step and step-point information can be retrieved by invoking various
Get methods provided in the G4Step/G4StepPoint
classes. For details, see the Software Reference Manual.
Information in G4Step includes:
Pointers to PreStep and PostStepPoint
Geometrical step length (step length before the correction of multiple
True step length (step length after the correction of multiple scattering)
Increment of position and time between PreStepPoint and
Increment of momentum and energy between PreStepPoint and
PostStepPoint. (Note: to get the energy deposited in the step, you
cannot use this 'Delta energy'. You have to use 'Total energy deposit' as
Pointer to G4Track
Total energy deposited during the step - this is the sum of
the energy deposited by the energy loss process, and
the energy lost by secondaries which have NOT been generated because each
of their energies was below the cut threshold
Information in G4StepPoint (PreStepPoint and
PostStepPoint) includes:
(x, y, z, t)
(px, py, pz, Ek)
Momentum direction (init vector)
Pointers to physical volumes
Beta, gamma
Step status
Pointer to the physics process which defined the current step and its
DoIt type
Pointer to the physics process which defined the previous step and its
DoIt type
Total track length
Global time (time since the current event began)
Local time (time since the current track began)
Proper time
How to Get "particle change"
Particle change information can be accessed by invoking various Get
methods provided in the G4ParticleChange class. Typical information
available includes (for details, see the Software Reference Manual):
final momentum direction of the parent particle
final kinetic energy of the parent particle
final position of the parent particle
final global time of the parent particle
final proper time of the parent particle
final polarization of the parent particle
status of the parent particle (G4TrackStatus)
true step length (this is used by multiple scattering to store the result
of the transformation from the geometrical step length to the true step
local energy deposited - this consists of either
energy deposited by the energy loss process, or
the energy lost by secondaries which have NOT been generated because each
of their energies was below the cut threshold.
number of secondaries particles
list of secondary particles (list of G4Track)
5.1.3 Handling of Secondary Particles
Secondary particles are passed as G4Tracks from a physics process
to tracking. G4ParticleChange provides the following four methods
for a physics process:
AddSecondary( G4Track* aSecondary )
AddSecondary( G4DynamicParticle* aSecondary )
AddSecondary( G4DynamicParticle* aSecondary, G4ThreeVector position
AddSecondary( G4DynamicParticle* aSecondary, G4double time )
In all but the first, the construction of G4Track is done in the
methods using informaton given by the arguments.
5.1.4 User Actions
There are two classes which allow the user to intervene in the tracking.
These are:
G4UserTrackingAction, and
Each provides methods which allow the user access to the Geant4 kernel at
specific points in the tracking. For details, see the
Software Reference Manual.
5.1.5 Verbose Outputs
The verbose information output flag can be turned on or off. The amount of
information printed about the track/step, from brief to very detailed, can be
controlled by the value of the verbose flag, for example,
G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
UI->ApplyCommand("/tracking/verbose 1");
5.1.6 Trajectory and Trajectory Point
G4Trajectory and G4TrajectoryPoint
G4Trajectory and G4TrajectoryPoint are default concrete
classes provided by Geant4, which are derived from the G4VTrajectory
and G4VTrajectoryPoint base classes, respectively. A
G4Trajectory class object is created by G4TrackingManager
when a G4Track is passed from the G4EventManager.
G4Trajectory has the following data members:
- ID numbers of the track and the track's parent
- particle name, charge, and PDG code
- a collection of G4TrajectoryPoint pointers
G4TrajectoryPoint corresponds to a step point along the path
followed by the track. Its position is given by a G4ThreeVector.
A G4TrajectoryPoint class object is created in the
AppendStep() method of G4Trajectory and this method is
invoked by G4TrackingManager at the end of each step. The first
point is created when the G4Trajectory is created, thus the first
point is the original vertex.
The creation of a trajectory can be controlled by invoking
G4TrackingManager::SetStoreTrajectory(G4bool). The UI command
/tracking/storeTrajectory _bool_ does the same. The user can set
this flag for each individual track from his/her
G4UserTrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction() method.
The user should not create trajectories for secondaries in
a shower due to the large amount of memory consumed.
All the created trajectories in an event are stored in
G4TrajectoryContainer class object and this object will be kept by
G4Event. To draw or print trajectories generated in an event, the user
may invoke the DrawTrajectory() or ShowTrajectory() methods
of G4VTrajectory, respectively, from his/her
G4UserEventAction::EndOfEventAction(). The geometry must
be drawn before the trajectory drawing. The color of the drawn trajectory
depends on the particle charge:
- negative: red
- neutral: green
- positive: blue
Due to improvements in G4Navigator, a track can execute
more than one turn of its spiral trajectory without being broken into smaller
steps as long as the trajectory does not cross a geometrical boundary.
Thus a drawn trajectory may not be circular.
Customizing trajectory and trajectory point
G4Track and G4Step are transient classes; they are not
available at the end of the event. Thus, the concrete classes
G4VTrajectory and G4VTrajectoryPoint are the only ones a user
may employ for end-of-event analysis or for persistency. As mentioned above,
the default classes which Geant4 provides, i.e. G4Trajectory and
G4TrajectoryPoint, have only very primitive quantities. The user can
customize his/her own trajectory and trajectory point classes by deriving
directly from the respective base classes.
To use the customized trajectory, the user must construct a concrete
trajectory class object in the
G4UserTrackingAction::PreUserTrackingAction() method and make its
pointer available to G4TrackingManager by using the
SetTrajectory() method. The customized trajectory point class object
must be constructed in the AppendStep() method of the user's
implementation of the trajectory class. This AppendStep() method will
be invoked by G4TrackingManager.
To customize trajectory drawing, the user can override the
DrawTrajectory() method in his/her own trajectory class.
When a customized version of G4Trajectory declares any new class variables,
operator new and operator delete must be provided. It is also
useful to check that the allocation size in operator new is equal to
sizeof(G4Trajectory). These two points do not apply to
G4VTrajectory because it has no operator new or
operator delete.
the authors