------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: History,v 1.22 2010/06/06 06:25:02 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - Underground Dark Matter experiment ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- 03.06.2010 - J.Perl (DMX-V09-03-01) Change /vis/open OGLxxx to /vis/open OGL 16.02.2010 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-03-00) Copy of the previous tag, DMX-V09-02-02, which was not submitted for testing. 26.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-02) Physics list migrated from LowEnergy processes to the new Livermore models. Physics results unchanged for gamma/e-. Possible differences with ions/protons, since we don't use anymore G4hLowEnergyIonisation 22.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-01) Correct Analysis manager to solve a problem with the HBOOK output files (ntuples not filled, histograms not saved). Still at the stage of pre-migration. 22.10.2009 - L. Pandola (DMX-V09-02-00) Get rid of a warning message and allocation problems with ntuple2 Meant to be the reference to verify the migration to new Livermore models. 16.06.2008 - G.A.P.Cirrone (DMX-V09-01-01) Removed AIDA command from GNUmakefile 04.04.2008 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-01-00) Fixed mis-sized arrays - ring_phys_gas[] and ring_phys_liq[]. Both one were less than the utilized size (!). This has always been wrong. 06.11.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-02) Corrected micrometer unit in macros from mum to um (old bug since release 8.2) 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-01) Added G4StepLimiter to physics list (correction of migration to Geant4 9.0) 02.07.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V09-00-00) Added missing header file G4hIonisation.hh to DMXPhysicsLists.cc 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-01) Changed fG4v71 to preferable fMinimal for msc step limitation Converted to hIonisation from hLowEnergyIonisation until un-initialiased variables are fixed 06.06.2007 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-03-00) Migrated to new interface for SetMscStepLimitation(fG4v71) in DMXPhysicsList 13.10.2006 - A. Howard (DMX-V08-01-00) Removed uninitialized UserLimitsForXenon (bug) 07.12.2005 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V07-01-02) Compiles with CLHEP 15.11.2005 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V07-01-00) Migration to from deprecated . 03.05.2005 - J.Allison Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 07.12.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-02) G4VParticleChange migrated 29.11.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-02-00) Migrated to 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli (DMX-V06-01-00) Migrated to AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.2.1 02.12.2003 - G.Cosmo (DMX-V05-02-01) Migrated to new hadronic processes for release 6.0. Fixed compilation warnings. 12.11.2003 - John Allison Updated Vis Manager. 08.11.2002 - A.Howard Migrated to AIDA 3. 28.11.2001 - A.Howard Created, first version.