SUBROUTINE GUTRAK * * User routine to control tracking of one track * Called by GTREVE * #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "" #include "" * * *** per track initialisations * * *** process a track CALL GTRACK * * *** count track length of primary particle if (istak.eq.0) then TrLen = TrLen + sleng TrLen2 = TrLen2 + sleng*sleng * xLen = vect(1) - vert(1) XTrLen = XTrLen + xLen XTrLen2 = XTrLen2 + xLen*xLen * NbStep = NbStep + nstep NbStep2 = NbStep2 + nstep*nstep * stepsize = sleng/nstep StepLen = StepLen + stepsize StepLen2 = StepLen2 + stepsize*stepsize endif * * *** absorbed, transmited, reflected ? if (istak.eq.0) then i = 1 if (inwvol.eq.3) then i = 2 if (vect(4).le.0.) i = 3 endif kcoef(i) = kcoef(i) + 1 endif * * *** histo track length ih = 0 if (istak.eq.0) ih = 3 if (istak* ih = 6 if (( & call hfill (ih,sleng/histUnit(ih),0.,1.) * * *** histo projected range of primary if (istak.eq.0) then ih = 5 if (histo(ih)) call hfill (ih,xLen/histUnit(ih),0.,1.) endif * END