SUBROUTINE UHINIT * * #include "" * CHARACTER*50 title(7) * data title / 1 'Edep (MeV/mm) along absorber', 2 'total energy deposit in absorber', 3 'true track length of the primary particle', 4 'true step size of the primary particle', 5 'projected range of the primary particle', 6 'true track length of charged secondaries', 7 'true step size of charged secondaries' / * if ( return * if (histo(idhist)) call hdelet(idhist) * call hbook1(idhist,title(idhist),nbBins,valmin,valmax,0.) * histo (idhist) = .true. binWidth(idhist) = (valmax-valmin)/nbBins if (valunit.le.0.) valunit = 1. histUnit(idhist) = valunit * END