SUBROUTINE GUSTEP * * User routine called at the end of each tracking step * #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" * #include "" #include "" * character*20 cdum * * *** Debug event and store tracks for drawing IF (IDEBUG.NE.0) CALL GPCXYZ IF (IDEBUG.NE.0) CALL GPGKIN IF ((ISWIT(1).EQ.1).AND.(CHARGE.NE.0.)) CALL GSXYZ IF (ISWIT(1).EQ.2) CALL GSXYZ * * *** if no process: return IF (NMEC.EQ.0) return * * *** count nb of invoked processes DO IM = 1,NMEC IPROC = LMEC(IM) IF (IPROC.EQ.21) IPROC = 12 IF (IPROC.LE.12) NBCALL(IPROC) = NBCALL(IPROC)+1 ENDDO * * *** sum track length for discrete processes if (( then nbTot = nbTot + 1 sumTrak = sumTrak + sleng sumTrak2 = sumTrak2 + sleng*sleng endif * * *** plot final state * * scattered primary particle (if still alive) if (istop.eq.0) then id = 1 if (histo(id)) call hfill (id,gekin/histUnit(id),0.,1.) id = 2 if (histo(id)) call hfill (id,vect(4),0.,1.) endif * * *** secondaries if ( then do lp = 1,ngkine ipar = gkin(5,lp) + 0.1 call gfpart(ipar,cdum,ndum,gmass,gcharg,dum,dum,ndum) ekin = gkin(4,lp) - gmass pc = sqrt(gkin(1,lp)**2 + gkin(2,lp)**2 + gkin(3,lp)**2) cost = gkin(1,lp)/pc if ( id = 3 if (gcharg.eq.0.) id = 5 if (histo(id)) call hfill (id,ekin/histUnit(id),0.,1.) id = id + 1 if (histo(id)) call hfill (id,cost,0.,1.) enddo endif * * *** stop the tracking istop = 1 * END