SUBROUTINE UGLAST * * Termination routine to print histograms and statistics * #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" * #include "" #include "" #include "" * character*20 material, particle character*4 unit real massMFP, massAC * * *** run conditions call gfmate(Imat,material,dum,dum,density,dum,dum,dum,ndum) call gfpart(Ikine,particle,ndum,dum,dum,dum,dum,ndum) call gevkev(pkine(1),energy,unit) PRINT 750, ievent,particle,energy,unit,boxSize,material,density * * *** frequency of processes call CALL UCTOH('MUNU',NAMEC(12),4,4) PRINT 760,(NAMEC(I),I=1,12) PRINT 761,(NBCALL(I),I=1,12) * * *** compute mean free path and related quantities avTrak = sumTrak /nbTot avTrak2 = sumTrak2/nbTot rms = sqrt(abs(avTrak2 - avTrak*avTrak)) AtteCoef = 1./avTrak * massMFP = avTrak*density massAC = 1./massMFP print 770, avTrak,rms,massMFP,AtteCoef,massAC * * *** geant termination CALL GLAST * * *** close HIGZ file CALL HPLEND * * *** histograms CALL HRPUT(0,fileName,'N') * * *** formats * 750 FORMAT(/,1X,'The run consists of ',I7,1X,A8,' of ',F7.2,A4, + ' throught',F10.2,' cm of ',A8,' (density: ',F7.3,' g/cm3)') 760 FORMAT(/,1X,'Frequency of process calls: ', + /,1X,12A8) 761 FORMAT( 1X,12I8,/) 770 FORMAT(/,1X,'MeanFreePath:',F12.5,' cm +- ',F12.5,' cm', + 5X,'massic:',F12.5,' g/cm2', + /,1X,'CrossSection:',F12.5,' cm^-1 ',15X, + 5X,'massic:',F12.5,' cm2/g',/) * END