SUBROUTINE UGINIT * * To initialise GEANT/USER program and read data cards * #include "" #include "" * CHARACTER*20 filnam * * *** Define the GEANT parameters CALL GINIT * *** read data cards PRINT *, 'G3 > gives the filename of the data cards to be read:' READ (*,'(A)') filnam IF (filnam.EQ.' ') filnam = 'run01.dat' OPEN (unit=5,file=filnam,status='unknown',form='formatted') * * *** material definition CALL FFKEY('MATE',IMAT,1,'INTEGER') * * *** volumes and bins definition CALL FFKEY('BINS',NLTOT,4,'MIXED') * * *** max allowed step size CALL FFKEY('STEPMX',stepmax,1,'REAL') * * *** read data cards CALL GFFGO * * *** check size of arrays if ( then write (6,51) NLTOT, NBIN NLTOT = NBIN endif if ( then write (6,52) NRTOT, NBIN NRTOT = NBIN endif 51 FORMAT (/,5x,'warning (uginit): NLTOT= ',I3,' truncated to ',I3) 52 FORMAT (/,5x,'warning (uginit): NRTOT= ',I3,' truncated to ',I3) * * *** achieve initialization CALL VZERO(SEL1,10*NBIN+8) * CALL GZINIT CALL GPART * CALL GDINIT * * *** Geometry and materials description CALL UGEOM * * *** Energy loss and cross-sections initialisations CALL GPHYSI * CALL GPRINT('MATE',0) CALL GPRINT('TMED',0) CALL GPRINT('VOLU',0) * * *** Define user histograms CALL UHINIT * END