// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4MPImanager.cc,v 1.2 2010/05/18 06:06:21 kmura Exp $ // $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // ==================================================================== // G4MPImanager.cc // // 2007 Q // ==================================================================== #include "G4MPImanager.hh" #include "G4MPImessenger.hh" #include "G4MPIsession.hh" #include "G4MPIbatch.hh" #include "G4MPIstatus.hh" #include "G4MPIrandomSeedGenerator.hh" #include "G4UImanager.hh" #include "G4RunManager.hh" #include "G4StateManager.hh" #include "G4Run.hh" #include #include #include G4MPImanager* G4MPImanager::theManager= 0; // ==================================================================== // wrappers for thread functions // ==================================================================== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void thread_ExecuteThreadCommand(const G4String* command) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { G4MPImanager::GetManager()-> ExecuteThreadCommand(*command); } // ==================================================================== // // class description // // ==================================================================== //////////////////////////// G4MPImanager::G4MPImanager() : verbose(0), qfcout(false), qinitmacro(false), qbatchmode(false), threadID(0), masterWeight(1.) //////////////////////////// { //MPI::Init(); MPI::Init_thread(MPI::THREAD_SERIALIZED); Initialize(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// G4MPImanager::G4MPImanager(int argc, char** argv) : verbose(0), qfcout(false), qinitmacro(false), qbatchmode(false), threadID(0), masterWeight(1.) ///////////////////////////////////////////////// { //MPI::Init(argc, argv); MPI::Init_thread(argc, argv, MPI::THREAD_SERIALIZED); Initialize(); ParseArguments(argc, argv); } ///////////////////////////// G4MPImanager::~G4MPImanager() ///////////////////////////// { if(isSlave && qfcout) fscout.close(); delete status; delete messenger; delete session; COMM_G4COMMAND.Free(); MPI::Finalize(); theManager= 0; } //////////////////////////////////////// G4MPImanager* G4MPImanager::GetManager() //////////////////////////////////////// { if(theManager==0) { G4Exception("G4MPImanager is not created."); } return theManager; } /////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::Initialize() /////////////////////////////// { if(theManager != 0) { G4Exception("G4MPImanager is constructed twice."); } theManager= this; // get rank information size= MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size(); rank= MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank(); isMaster= (rank == RANK_MASTER); isSlave= (rank != RANK_MASTER); // initialize MPI communicator COMM_G4COMMAND= MPI::COMM_WORLD.Dup(); // new G4MPI stuffs messenger= new G4MPImessenger(this); session= new G4MPIsession; status= new G4MPIstatus; // default seed generator is random generator. seedGenerator= new G4MPIrandomSeedGenerator; DistributeSeeds(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ParseArguments(int argc, char** argv) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { G4int qhelp= 0; G4String ofprefix="mpi"; G4int c; while (1) { G4int option_index= 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 0}, {"verbose", 0, 0, 0}, {"init", 1, 0, 0}, {"ofile", 2, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; opterr= 0; // suppress message c= getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvi:o", long_options, &option_index); opterr= 1; if(c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: switch(option_index) { case 0 : // --help qhelp= 1; break; case 1 : // --verbose verbose= 1; break; case 2 : // --init qinitmacro= true; initFileName= optarg; break; case 3 : // --ofile qfcout= true; if(optarg) ofprefix= optarg; break; } break; case 'h' : qhelp=1; break; case 'v' : verbose= 1; break; case 'i' : qinitmacro= true; initFileName= optarg; break; case 'o' : qfcout= true; break; default: break; } } // show help if(qhelp) { if(isMaster) ShowHelp(); MPI::Finalize(); exit(0); } // file output if(isSlave && qfcout) { G4String prefix= ofprefix+".%03d"+".cout"; char str[1024]; sprintf(str, prefix.c_str(), rank); G4String fname(str); fscout.open(fname.c_str(), std::ios::out); } // non-option ARGV-elements ... if (optind < argc ) { qbatchmode= true; macroFileName= argv[optind]; } } ////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::Wait(G4int ausec) const ////////////////////////////////////////// { struct timespec treq, trem; treq.tv_sec = 0; treq.tv_nsec = ausec*1000; nanosleep(&treq, &trem); } // ==================================================================== ///////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::UpdateStatus() ///////////////////////////////// { G4RunManager* runManager= G4RunManager::GetRunManager(); const G4Run* run= runManager-> GetCurrentRun(); G4int runid, eventid, neventTBP; G4StateManager* stateManager= G4StateManager::GetStateManager(); G4ApplicationState g4state= stateManager-> GetCurrentState(); if (run) { runid= run-> GetRunID(); neventTBP= run -> GetNumberOfEventToBeProcessed(); eventid= run-> GetNumberOfEvent(); if(g4state == G4State_GeomClosed || g4state == G4State_EventProc) { status-> StopTimer(); } } else { runid= 0; eventid= 0; neventTBP= 0; } status-> SetStatus(rank, runid, neventTBP, eventid, g4state); } /////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ShowStatus() /////////////////////////////// { G4int buff[G4MPIstatus::NSIZE]; UpdateStatus(); G4bool gstatus= CheckThreadStatus(); if(isMaster) { status-> Print(); // for maser itself G4int nev= status-> GetEventID(); G4int nevtp= status-> GetNEventToBeProcessed(); G4double cputime= status-> GetCPUTime(); // receive from each slave for (G4int islave=1; islave< size; islave++) { COMM_G4COMMAND.Recv(buff, G4MPIstatus::NSIZE, MPI::INT, islave, TAG_G4STATUS); status-> UnPack(buff); status-> Print(); // aggregation nev+= status-> GetEventID(); nevtp+= status-> GetNEventToBeProcessed(); cputime+= status-> GetCPUTime(); } G4String strStatus; if(gstatus) { strStatus= "Run"; } else { strStatus= "Idle"; } G4cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl << "* #ranks= " << size << " event= " << nev << "/" << nevtp << " state= " << strStatus << " time= " << cputime << "s" << G4endl; } else { status-> Pack(buff); COMM_G4COMMAND.Send(buff, G4MPIstatus::NSIZE, MPI::INT, RANK_MASTER, TAG_G4STATUS); } } // ==================================================================== //////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::DistributeSeeds() //////////////////////////////////// { std::vector seedList= seedGenerator-> GetSeedList(); CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheSeed(seedList[rank]); } ////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ShowSeeds() ////////////////////////////// { G4long buff; if(isMaster) { // print master G4cout << "* rank= " << rank << " seed= " << CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheSeed() << G4endl; // receive from each slave for (G4int islave=1; islave< size; islave++) { COMM_G4COMMAND.Recv(&buff, 1, MPI::LONG, islave, TAG_G4SEED); G4cout << "* rank= " << islave << " seed= " << buff << G4endl; } } else { // slaves buff= CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheSeed(); COMM_G4COMMAND.Send(&buff, 1, MPI::LONG, RANK_MASTER, TAG_G4SEED); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::SetSeed(G4int inode, G4long seed) //////////////////////////////////////////////////// { if(rank==inode) { CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheSeed(seed); } } // ==================================================================== //////////////////////////////////////// G4bool G4MPImanager::CheckThreadStatus() //////////////////////////////////////// { unsigned buff; G4bool qstatus= false; if(isMaster) { qstatus= threadID; // get slave status for (G4int islave=1; islave< size; islave++) { MPI::Request request= COMM_G4COMMAND.Irecv(&buff, 1, MPI::UNSIGNED, islave, TAG_G4STATUS); MPI::Status status; while(! request.Test(status)) { Wait(100); } qstatus |= buff; } } else { buff= unsigned(threadID); COMM_G4COMMAND.Send(&buff, 1, MPI::UNSIGNED, RANK_MASTER, TAG_G4STATUS); } // broadcast buff= qstatus; // for master COMM_G4COMMAND.Bcast(&buff, 1, MPI::UNSIGNED, RANK_MASTER); qstatus= buff; // for slave return qstatus; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ExecuteThreadCommand(const G4String& command) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // this method is a thread function. G4UImanager* UI= G4UImanager::GetUIpointer(); G4int rc= UI-> ApplyCommand(command); G4int commandStatus = rc - (rc%100); switch(commandStatus) { case fCommandSucceeded: break; case fIllegalApplicationState: G4cerr << "illegal application state -- command refused" << G4endl; break; default: G4cerr << "command refused (" << commandStatus << ")" << G4endl; break; } // thread is joined if(threadID) { pthread_join(threadID, 0); threadID= 0; } return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ExecuteBeamOnThread(const G4String& command) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { G4bool threadStatus= CheckThreadStatus(); if (threadStatus) { if(isMaster) { G4cout << "G4MPIsession:: beamOn is still running." << G4endl; } } else { // ok static G4String cmdstr; cmdstr= command; G4int rc= pthread_create(&threadID, 0, (Func_t)thread_ExecuteThreadCommand, (void*)&cmdstr); if (rc != 0) G4Exception("G4MPIsession:: failed to create a beamOn thread."); } } ///////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::JoinBeamOnThread() ///////////////////////////////////// { if(threadID) { pthread_join(threadID, 0); threadID= 0; } } // ==================================================================== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4String G4MPImanager::BcastCommand(const G4String& command) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { enum { BUFF_SIZE= 512 }; static char sbuff[BUFF_SIZE]; command.copy(sbuff,BUFF_SIZE); G4int len= command.size(); sbuff[len]='\0'; // no boundary check // "command" is not yet fixed in slaves at this time. // waiting message exhausts CPU in LAM! //COMM_G4COMMAND.Bcast(sbuff, ssize, MPI::CHAR, RANK_MASTER); // another implementation if( isMaster ) { for (G4int islave=1; islave< size; islave++) { COMM_G4COMMAND.Send(sbuff, BUFF_SIZE, MPI::CHAR, islave, TAG_G4COMMAND); } } else { // try non-blocking receive MPI::Request request= COMM_G4COMMAND.Irecv(sbuff, BUFF_SIZE, MPI::CHAR, RANK_MASTER, TAG_G4COMMAND); // polling... MPI::Status status; while(! request.Test(status)) { Wait(100); } } return G4String(sbuff); } // ==================================================================== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ExecuteMacroFile(const G4String& fname, G4bool qbatch) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { G4bool currentmode= qbatchmode; qbatchmode= true; G4MPIbatch* batchSession= new G4MPIbatch(fname, qbatch); batchSession-> SessionStart(); delete batchSession; qbatchmode= currentmode; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::BeamOn(G4int nevent, G4bool qdivide) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { G4RunManager* runManager= G4RunManager::GetRunManager(); if(qdivide) { // events are divided G4double ntot= masterWeight+size-1.; G4int nproc= G4int(nevent/ntot); G4int nproc0= nevent-nproc*(size-1); if(verbose>0 && isMaster) { G4cout << "#events in master=" << nproc0 << " / " << "#events in slave=" << nproc << G4endl; } status-> StartTimer(); // start timer if(isMaster) runManager-> BeamOn(nproc0); else runManager-> BeamOn(nproc); status-> StopTimer(); // stop timer } else { // same events are generated in each node (for test use) if(verbose>0 && isMaster) { G4cout << "#events in master=" << nevent << " / " << "#events in slave=" << nevent << G4endl; } status-> StartTimer(); // start timer runManager-> BeamOn(nevent); status-> StopTimer(); // stop timer } } /////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::WaitBeamOn() /////////////////////////////// { G4int buff= 0; if (qbatchmode) { // valid only in batch mode if(isMaster) { // receive from each slave for (G4int islave=1; islave< size; islave++) { MPI::Request request= COMM_G4COMMAND.Irecv(&buff, 1, MPI::INT, islave, TAG_G4STATUS); MPI::Status status; while(! request.Test(status)) { Wait(1000); } } } else { buff= 1; COMM_G4COMMAND.Send(&buff, 1, MPI::INT, RANK_MASTER, TAG_G4STATUS); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::Print(const G4String& message) ///////////////////////////////////////////////// { if(isMaster){ std::cout << message << std::flush; } else { if(qfcout) { // output to a file fscout << message << std::flush; } else { // output to stdout std::cout << rank << ":" << message << std::flush; } } } /////////////////////////////////// void G4MPImanager::ShowHelp() const /////////////////////////////////// { if(isSlave) return; G4cout << "Geant4 MPI interface" << G4endl; G4cout << "usage:" << G4endl; G4cout << " [options] [macro file]" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << " -h, --help show this message." << G4endl; G4cout << " -v, --verbose show verbose message" << G4endl; G4cout << " -i, --init=FNAME set an init macro file" << G4endl; G4cout << " -o, --ofile[=FNAME] set slave output to a flie" << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; }