// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: shooter.cc,v 1.7 2006/06/29 18:15:46 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $ // // shooter - perform test shots. // /* gmake CXXFLAGS="-g -pg -a -lc_p " CPPVERBOSE=1 for the library gmake CXXFLAGS="-g -pg -a -lc_p -static " CPPVERBOSE=1 G4TARGET=shooter shooter (line by line profiling in detail) gprof -i -p -q -x -A -l `which shooter` > profile.shooter (normal profiling) gprof -p `which shooter` > profile.shooter */ #include "G4ios.hh" #include #include #include #include "G4GeometryManager.hh" #include "BuildBoxWorld.hh" #include "BuildCalorimeter.hh" #include "Shoot.hh" #include "G4GeometryManager.hh" #include "Shoot.hh" #include "G4Timer.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4PVReplica.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4Tubs.hh" G4int numShoot ; //1000000; const G4bool optimise= true; const G4double x0=1.12343*cm; G4VPhysicalVolume* BuildReplicaCal(G4Material* Air) { G4double xr=x0/4; G4int nr=20; G4int nl=20; G4double r1=20*xr,r2=21*xr,z1=10*x0,z2=11*x0; // Container G4Tubs *ecalTube=new G4Tubs("ECAL",0,r2,z2,0,360*deg); // End cap G4Tubs *leakTube=new G4Tubs("LEAK",0,r2,0.5*x0,0,360*deg); // Wrapper G4Tubs *latrTube=new G4Tubs("LATR",r1,r2,z1,0,360*deg); // Main calorimeter block G4Tubs *blocTube=new G4Tubs("BLOC",0,r1,z1,0,360*deg); G4Tubs *blocTubeR=new G4Tubs("BLOCR",0,r1/nr,z1,0,360*deg); G4Tubs *blocTubeRZ=new G4Tubs("BLOCRZ",0,r1/nr,z1/nl,0,360*deg); G4double zc=0.5*(z1+z2); G4LogicalVolume *ecalLog=new G4LogicalVolume(ecalTube,Air, "ecalLog",0,0,0); G4LogicalVolume *leakLog=new G4LogicalVolume(leakTube,Air, "leakLog",0,0,0); G4LogicalVolume *latrLog=new G4LogicalVolume(latrTube,Air, "latrLog",0,0,0); G4LogicalVolume *blocLog=new G4LogicalVolume(blocTube,Air, "blocLog",0,0,0); G4LogicalVolume *blocRLog=new G4LogicalVolume(blocTubeR,Air, "blocRLog",0,0,0); G4LogicalVolume *blocRZLog=new G4LogicalVolume(blocTubeRZ,Air, "blocRZLog",0,0,0); G4PVPlacement *ecalPhys=new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(), "ecalPhys", ecalLog, 0,false,0); // Position end caps, wrapper and calorimeter bloc within ecal // G4PVPlacement *leakPhys= new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,-zc), "leakPhys", leakLog, ecalPhys,false,0); // G4PVPlacement *leakPhys2= new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,zc), "leakPhys", leakLog, ecalPhys,false,1); // G4PVPlacement *latrPhys= new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(), "latrPhys", latrLog, ecalPhys,false,0); G4PVPlacement *blocPhys=new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(), "blocPhys", blocLog, ecalPhys,false,0); // Create replicas G4PVReplica *blocPhysR=new G4PVReplica("blocRepR", blocRLog,blocPhys, kRho,nr,r1/nr,0); // G4PVReplica *blocPhysRZ= new G4PVReplica("blocRepRZ", blocRZLog,blocPhysR, kZAxis,nl,2*z1/nl); return ecalPhys; } /* to change accuracy : fieldMgr->GetChordFinder()->SetDeltaChord( G4double newValue); */ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { G4ThreeVector origin(0,0,0),pMX(-500,0,0); G4ThreeVector vx(1,0,0); G4ThreeVector vy(0,1,0); G4VPhysicalVolume *myTopNode=0; G4double Field = 0.*tesla; enum GeomType { BOX, CALOLOOP, CALOREP} GeomType; G4int i; G4bool useField = false; /* Default Value */ GeomType = BOX ; numShoot = 1000000 ; /* Command line parsing */ for (i=1;i>> Based on original benchmark test by P.Kent" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "Options (as arguments):" << G4endl << "-event " << G4endl << " number of events for the test. Default is 1000000" << G4endl << "-geom " << G4endl << " where can be:" << G4endl << " box - simple box (default)" << G4endl << " caloloop - calorimeter made by a loop of placements" << G4endl << " calorep - calorimeter made of replicas" << G4endl << "-magn " << G4endl << " activates magnetic field (value in tesla units). Default is OFF" << G4endl << G4endl; // Build the geometry G4cout << "Geometry type:"; switch (GeomType) { case BOX: G4cout << " Box only." << G4endl ; myTopNode=BuildBoxWorld(); break; case CALOLOOP: G4cout << " Calorimeter made of placements." << G4endl ; myTopNode=BuildCalorimeter(); break; case CALOREP: G4cout << " Calorimeter made of replicas." << G4endl ; myTopNode=BuildReplicaCal(0); break; } G4GeometryManager::GetInstance()->CloseGeometry(true); if (!useField) { G4cout << "--> Magnetic Field is disabled !" << G4endl ; G4cout << G4endl << "Shooting from " << origin << " along " << vx << G4endl; ShootVerbose(myTopNode,origin,vx); Shoot(numShoot,myTopNode,origin,vx); G4cout << G4endl << "Shooting from " << origin << " along " << vy << G4endl; ShootVerbose(myTopNode,origin,vy); Shoot(numShoot,myTopNode,origin,vy); G4cout << G4endl << "Shooting from " << pMX << " along " << vx << G4endl; ShootVerbose(myTopNode,pMX,vx); Shoot(numShoot,myTopNode,pMX,vx); } else { // Field = 0.1 * tesla ; G4double DeltaChord = 1.0e-2 * mm ; G4cout << "--> Magnetic Field test with " << Field/tesla << " Tesla" << G4endl ; G4cout << G4endl << "Shooting from " << origin << " along " << vx << G4endl; ShootVerbose(myTopNode,origin,vx); MagneticShoot(numShoot,myTopNode,origin,vx,Field,DeltaChord); G4cout << G4endl << "Shooting from " << origin << " along " << vy << G4endl; ShootVerbose(myTopNode,origin,vy); MagneticShoot(numShoot,myTopNode,origin,vy,Field,DeltaChord); G4cout << G4endl << "Shooting from " << pMX << " along " << vx << G4endl; ShootVerbose(myTopNode,pMX,vx); MagneticShoot(numShoot,myTopNode,pMX,vx,Field,DeltaChord); } G4GeometryManager::GetInstance()->OpenGeometry(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }