$Id: History,v 1.35 2010/11/10 09:16:33 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- November, 9th, 2010 M.Asai (geomdiv-V09-03-02) - Introducing G4ReplicatedSlice, allowing for gaps in between divided daughter volumes. September, 6th, 2010 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V09-03-01) - Removed obvious else statement in constructors of G4PVDivision. July, 2nd, 2010 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V09-03-00) - Improved logic in G4PVDivision constructors and in method G4PVDivisionFactory::CreatePVDivision() in case of invalid construct. - Properly initialise Boolean flag 'bDivInTrap' in G4VParameterisationTrd constructor. - G4ParameterisationTrd: disabled unreachable error message in method G4ParameterisationTrdX::CheckParametersValidity(). - Removed uninitialised member in G4ParameterisationTrdX and correction in method ComputeSolid(). - Get rid of unnecessary virtual specification for leaf classes in the hierarchy... May, 20th, 2009 I.Hrivnacova (geomdiv-V09-02-00) - Allow for generic divisions along Z for polyhedras and polycones; now divisions can happen along z-axis with width and offset, which fulfil the condition that division does not span over more than one segment. - Fixed initialization of division in Phi for polyhedras to not take into account user defined width. - Fixed initialization of arrays in unit test: changed polycone definition so that division does not give exception and added polyhedra, which was not present. December, 3rd, 2008 P.Arce (geomdiv-V09-01-02) - Added division along X of TRD (that results in TRAP's). Changed G4PVDivision to allow divisions solids to have type different than mother. August, 18th, 2008 T.Nikitina (geomdiv-V09-01-01) - Corrected initialisation for 'fnReplicas' and 'fwidth' data members in CheckAndSetParameters(), to make use of precomputed values retrieved from parameterisations; simplified method signature. July, 25th, 2008 I.Hrivnacova (geomdiv-V09-01-00) - Corrected error message in G4VDivisionParameterisation::CheckNDivAndWidth(). May, 18th, 2007 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V08-03-01) - Use kAngTolerance from G4GeometryTolerance class. - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-03". May, 11th, 2007 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V08-03-00) - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance constant in G4VDivisionParameterisation. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. June 8th, 2006 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V08-00-03) - Added CLHEP namespace to unit tests where missing. March 7th, 2006 P.Arce (geomdiv-V08-00-02) - Revised text in G4Exceptions thrown by various classes. February 3rd, 2006 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V08-00-01) - Cache information about axis of division and provided accessor method GetDivisionAxis() in G4PVDivision. January 10th, 2006 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V08-00-00) - Added missing setting of mother-logical pointer in constructors of G4PVDivision. Fixes problem report #829. - Added checks for illegal constructs of G4PVDivision (NULL pointer to mother logical and self-placement). - Fixed check for generic construct in G4ParameterisationPolycone and G4ParameterisationPolyhedra: allow it for the automatic replicated instance. November 16th, 2005 J.Apostolakis (geomdiv-V07-01-02) - Adapted to revision of G4VPhysicalVolume that identifies some regular structures: added two methods for G4PVDivision (IsRegularStructure() and GetRegularStructureId()). November 9th, 2005 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V07-01-01) - Migration to from deprecated for the unit test ExDivisions. November 2nd, 2005 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V07-01-00) - Protected case of generic construct for G4Polyhedra and G4Polycone currently NOT supported for divisions. - Coworks with tag "geom-specific-V07-01-05". June 6th, 2005 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V07-00-00) - Fixed compilation problems on unit test. December 2nd, 2004 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V06-02-02) - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. August 26th, 2004 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V06-02-01) - G4PVDivision.cc: removed unnecessary debub printout in CheckAndSetParamenters(). June 15th, 2004 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V06-02-00) - Removed unnecessary forward declaration of HepTransform3D from G4ParameterisationBox.hh and G4VDivisionParameterisation.hh. May 17th, 2004 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V06-01-01) - Corrected handling of offset in Z for reflection. May 13th, 2004 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V06-01-00) - Added support for reflection of divided volumes (courtesy of I.Hrivnacova): o Added concrete istance of division-factory G4PVDivisionFactory for the creation of volume divisions on demand. o Enhanced unit-test suite "ExDivisions" to support reflections with additional input argument for positioning type (normal/reflected). o Coworks with tags: geommng-V06-01-00, geomvol-V06-01-00 and geom-bool-V06-01-00. Nov 19th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-07) - Moved verbose output between G4DIVDEBUG compilation flag. - Added testing framework for divisions to be used also as base for user's example. - General cleanup. Nov 18th, 2003 P.Arce (geomdiv-V05-02-06) - Added divisions in X and Y for G4Para. - Added divisions in Z for G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra. - Fixed handling of offsets and added more checks. Nov 4th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-05) - Fixes in the logic of resetting parameters in ComputeDimension() for polycones and polyhedra. Requires tag "geom-specific-V05-02-05". - Implementation NOT yet complete for division in Z for polycones and for division in Phi and Z for polyhedra. Oct 31st, 2003 P.Arce (geomdiv-V05-02-04) - First implementation for G4Polyhedra. Oct 31st, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-03a) - Fixed compilation errors on Windows. Oct 24th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-03) - Completed implementation for Para, Trd. (by P.Arce) - Corrections for cons and tubs. - First trial implementation for polyhedra. - Migrated calls to G4Exception to new scheme. - Added G4Orb to dummy parameterisations. Sep 30th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-02) - Removed concrete implementation of Setup() method, according to changes made to base class G4VPhysicalVolume. - Updated GNUmakefile for unit tests, according to new structure introduced in "geometry-V05-02-00". Jul 4th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-01) - Removed useless test header... Jun 16th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomdiv-V05-02-00) - Code cleanup and restructured. - Created. Original implementation by P.Arce Dubois (University of Cantabria, CMS).