SolidsChecker Test SolidsChecker test is random shooting test allowing one to use random shooting with large statistics for testing of G4 solid tracking functions. Detector messenger allows one to select a solid from the following list: G4Box /mydet/SelectDetector Box G4Tubs /mydet/SelectDetector Tube G4Cons /mydet/SelectDetector Cone etc ... (se file) /event/printModulo command allows us to fix the number of event where tracking functions show wrong behaviour. For those events the trackin verbose level should be increased to observe the details of steps. See runCheck.mac file for details. After compilation the test can be run by: SolidsChecker runCheck.mac runCheck.mac macro file here is some example of macro file: # # Macro file of "" # for Optical photons geometry test # /run/initialize #/geometry/test/recursive_test /particle/list #/tracking/verbose 1 # #/mydet/SelectDetector Cone # /mydet/SelectDetector Sphere # /event/printModulo 100000 /run/beamOn 1000000 /event/printModulo 10000 #/tracking/verbose 3 /run/beamOn 100000 # #/run/beamOn 353561 Torus #/run/beamOn 6236 Cone # #/event/printModulo 10000 #/run/beamOn 100000 #/event/printModulo 100000 #/run/beamOn 1000000