MACRO SINGLESOLID [FILE] * Author: Oliver Link, * Description: * 1. Only a single hbk file [file] will be analysed and plotted. * 2. The user can specify the range to be analysed [xmin] [xmax] * and change the number of bins [n] . See USER INPUT below * 3. Analyse the hbkook : checksinglesolid [file] * 4. Plotting data (stored in vectors). * Macro: plot [psfile] [title] [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax] * -> Prepares two postscript files * file = hbk/yourfile.hbk * ---> , * * the macros are similar to SINGLE macro ( set m = 1 ) * except the plot macro : you have to give a title * * 31.May: * - added an argument in order to specifiy the name of * the hbook file directly, e.g * exec singlesolid hbk/yourfile.hbk * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** *************** USER INPUT ************************ ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ** fix the number of bins and analysis range nbins = 200 xmin = 1e-14 xmax = 1e5 string = basename [file] .hbk base = $shell([string]) *goto plot | if you want to go directly to the plot section | and thus skipping the checksolids macro. | You have to process the checksolids macro at least once. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ********************** initialization *************************** ** delete old histograms and vectors, init some paw settings hi/del 0 | delete all histos v/del * | delete all vectors cut 0 - | delete all cuts opt logx opt nstat opt ngrid opt nfit opt grid ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ********************** create binning **************************** ve/cre x([nbins]) r ve/cre widths([nbins]) r ve/cre vlogdx([nbins]) r ve/cre xerr([nbins]) r ve/cre XHigh([nbins]) r ve/cre XLow([nbins]) r div = [xmax]/[xmin] do i=1,[nbins] xcenter = $rsigma([xmin]*[div]**(([i]-0.5)/[nbins])) dx = $rsigma([xmin]*[div]**([i]/[nbins])*(1-[div]**(-1/[nbins]))) xiLow = $rsigma([xmin]*[div]**(([i]-1)/[nbins])) xiHigh = $rsigma([xmin]*[div]**([i]/[nbins])) logdx = $rsigma(log10([xiHigh])-log10([xiLow])) ve/inp x([i]) [xcenter] ve/inp widths([i]) [dx] ve/inp vlogdx([i]) [logdx] ve/inp XLow([i]) [xiLow] ve/inp XHigh([i]) [xiHigh] enddo vscale widths 0.5 xerr ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ********************** analyse data ****************************** exec checksinglesolid [file] ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ********************** plot data ******************************** plot: * set fonts and precission set *fon -132 set TXFP -132 * set vsiz 0.45 set asiz 0.7 * margins set ymgl 2.5 set ymgu 2.0 set xmgl 3.0 set xmgr 1.0 * I'm extrating the basename of the bhook file * and use it as the name of the postscript file .. title = [base] | or something else to describe your data psfile = [base] exec plot [psfile] [title] [xmin] [xmax] 0 0.15 psfile = [base] exec plot [psfile] [title] [xmin] 1e-7 0 0.15 return ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ********************** macros ************************************ MACRO PLOT [psfile] [title] [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax] * this macro generates the plot x vs. y * [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax] is the plot range * [psfile] name of the postscript file * [title] a text describing the data points nbins = $vdim(x,1) | number of bins m = 1 | only one solid mess [psfile] [title] * open postscript file for/file 70 [psfile] meta 70 -114 null [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax] atitle 'dist (mm)' 'events/bin (variable size)' do j=1,[m] icolor = $rsigma(mod([j],7)+1) isym = $rsigma(mod([j],11)+ 20) posy = 97 - [j]*3 set hcol [icolor] set pmci [icolor] set plci [icolor] g/h/e x y[j] xerr e[j] [nbins] [isym] 0.2 exec logsymbol 75 [posy] [title] [isym] enddo * close postscript close 70 Return ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** MACRO CHECKSINGLESOLID [file] * loops over all solids (hbook files in folder hbk) * operates on ntuple 1 in hbook [file] * calculates the number of events per bin * and stores the values in a vector y[solidnum] * [solidnum] is a unique (integer) number to identify the solid * create a counter histogram idc = 12345 1d [idc] 'counter' 1 0 1 nbins = $vdim(x,1) | number of bins m = 1 | number of solids do solidnum=1,[m] * create vector for data ve/cre y[solidnum]([nbins]) r ve/cre e[solidnum]([nbins]) r mess process [file] hi/file 1 [file] hi/op/reset [idc] nt/proj [idc] 1.0.5 norm = $hinfo([idc],'entries') do i=1,[nbins] hi/op/reset [idc] nt/proj [idc] 1.0.5 XLow([i])