/* MEDERNACH Emmanuel Aug 8, 2000 */ #include #include #include #include #include double sqrt(double d); /* TODO: Add support for 'error management' */ pid_t wait(int *status) ; void read_choice(int *choice) { if (choice == NULL) return ; (*choice) = -1; printf("Possible volumes are :\n"); printf("1: BOX\n"); printf("2: TUBS\n"); printf("3: CONE\n"); printf("4: PCON\n"); printf("5: PGON\n"); printf("6: PGON2\n"); printf("7: CONE2 (Emm)\n"); //printf("8: THINBOX (Emm)\n"); printf("8: TORUS2 (Emm)\n"); while (((*choice) < 1) || ((*choice) > 8)) { scanf("%d",choice); } } void write_ini(const char *init,int choice,double x,double y,double z,double dx,double dy,double dz) { FILE *fi= NULL; double Norm = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)) ; //printf("Norm = %f\n",Norm); fi = fopen(init,"w"); if (fi == NULL) { perror("Some problems towrite in the Init.fred file"); exit (1); } switch (choice) { case 1: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume BOX\n"); break; case 2: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume TUBS\n"); break; case 3: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume CONE\n"); break; case 4: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume PCON\n"); break; case 5: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume PGON\n"); break; case 6: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume PGON2\n"); break; case 7: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume CONE2\n"); break; case 8: fprintf(fi,"/fred/volume TORUS2\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"%d is not between 1 and 8\n",choice); exit(2); break; } fprintf(fi,"/fred/gun G4\n"); fprintf(fi,"/gun/position %f %f %f\n",x,y,z); fprintf(fi,"/gun/direction %f %f %f\n",dx/Norm,dy/Norm,dz/Norm); fprintf(fi,"/run/initialize \n"); fprintf(fi,"/run/beamOn\n"); fclose(fi); } int main (void) { pid_t son = -1; int status = 0; char init[]="Init.fred"; char *param [3]; int choice = -1 ; double posx,posy,posz; double dirx,diry,dirz; double startx,starty,startz; double beginx,beginy,beginz; double endx,endy,endz; double deltax,deltay,deltaz; double begindirx,enddirx,stepdirx; double begindiry,enddiry,stepdiry; double begindirz,enddirz,stepdirz; int TakeOtherPoint = 0; /* write an init file */ read_choice(&choice); posx = posy = posz = 0; dirx = diry = dirz = 1; printf("You could choose a delta <= 0 to have only a plane\n"); /* rotation in a cone for example could be performed */ /* to have only a y=0 plane to search */ printf("Choose a beginning, an end and a step for x (0 200 10)\n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&beginx,&endx,&deltax); printf("Choose a beginning, an end and a step for y (0 200 10)\n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&beginy,&endy,&deltay); printf("Choose a beginning, an end and a step for z (0 200 10)\n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&beginz,&endz,&deltaz); /* you could want to continue after a previous crash (X could hangs if swap is full) */ printf("you could want to continue after a previous crash\n"); printf("In this case just indicate from where do you want to start (x y z)\n\n"); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&startx,&starty,&startz); printf("you could now have a grid of direction to point\n"); printf("Choose a beginning, an end and a step for all direction (-30 30 1)\n"); printf("\nfor direction x : "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&begindirx,&enddirx,&stepdirx); printf("\nfor direction y : "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&begindiry,&enddiry,&stepdiry); printf("\nfor direction z : "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&begindirz,&enddirz,&stepdirz); /* we want also != step for each direction */ posx = startx ; posy = starty ; posz = startz ; printf("We start at %f %f %f\n",posx,posy,posz); while (posx < endx) { /* loop on x */ printf("Posx = %f\n",posx); while (posy < endy) { /* loop on y */ printf("Posy = %f\n",posy); while (posz < endz) { /* loop on z */ printf("\tPosz = %f\n",posz); TakeOtherPoint = 0; for (dirx=begindirx;(dirx