// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4tgrVolumeMgr.cc,v 1.10 2010/10/13 07:56:56 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-ref-00 $ // // // class G4tgrVolumeMgr // History: // - Created. P.Arce, CIEMAT (November 2007) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4tgrVolumeMgr.hh" #include "G4tgrUtils.hh" #include "G4tgrMaterialFactory.hh" #include "G4tgrRotationMatrixFactory.hh" #include "G4tgrFileReader.hh" #include "G4tgrMessenger.hh" #include "G4tgrSolid.hh" #include "G4tgrSolidBoolean.hh" G4tgrVolumeMgr* G4tgrVolumeMgr::theInstance = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrVolumeMgr::G4tgrVolumeMgr() { } //------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrVolumeMgr::~G4tgrVolumeMgr() { delete theInstance; } //------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrVolumeMgr* G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetInstance() { if( !theInstance ) { theInstance = new G4tgrVolumeMgr; } return theInstance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrSolid* G4tgrVolumeMgr::CreateSolid( const std::vector& wl, G4bool bVOLUtag ) { G4tgrSolid* sol = FindSolid( wl[1] ); if( sol ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Solid already exists... " + wl[1]; G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::CreateSolid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } std::vector wlc = wl; if( bVOLUtag ) { wlc.pop_back(); } G4String wl2 = wlc[2]; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < wl2.length(); ii++ ) { wl2[ii] = toupper( wl2[ii] ); } if( (wl2 == "UNION") || (wl2 == "SUBTRACTION") || (wl2 == "INTERSECTION") ) { //---------- Boolean solid //---------- Create G4tgrSolidBoolean and fill the solid params sol = new G4tgrSolidBoolean( wlc ); } else { //---------- Create G4tgrSolidSimple and fill the solid params sol = new G4tgrSolid( wlc ); } return sol; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::RegisterMe( G4tgrSolid* sol) { if( theG4tgrSolidMap.find( sol->GetName() ) != theG4tgrSolidMap.end() ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Cannot be two solids with the same name... " + sol->GetName(); G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::RegisterMe()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } theG4tgrSolidMap.insert(G4mapssol::value_type(sol->GetName(), sol) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::UnRegisterMe( G4tgrSolid* sol ) { if( theG4tgrSolidMap.find( sol->GetName() ) != theG4tgrSolidMap.end() ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Cannot unregister a solid that is not registered... " + sol->GetName(); G4Exception("G4tgrSolidMgr::unRegisterMe()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } else { theG4tgrSolidMap.erase( theG4tgrSolidMap.find( sol->GetName() ) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::RegisterMe( G4tgrVolume* vol) { theG4tgrVolumeList.push_back( vol ); if( theG4tgrVolumeMap.find( vol->GetName() ) != theG4tgrVolumeMap.end() ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Cannot be two volumes with the same name... " + vol->GetName(); G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::RegisterMe()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } theG4tgrVolumeMap.insert(G4mapsvol::value_type(vol->GetName(), vol) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::UnRegisterMe( G4tgrVolume* vol ) { std::vector::iterator ite; for(ite = theG4tgrVolumeList.begin(); ite != theG4tgrVolumeList.end(); ite++) { if((*ite) == vol ) { break; } } if( ite == theG4tgrVolumeList.end() ) { G4String ErrMessage = "Cannot unregister a volume not registered... " + vol->GetName(); G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::unRegisterMe()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } else { theG4tgrVolumeList.erase( ite ); } theG4tgrVolumeMap.erase( theG4tgrVolumeMap.find( vol->GetName() ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::RegisterParentChild( const G4String& parentName, const G4tgrPlace* pl ) { theG4tgrVolumeTree.insert(G4mmapspl::value_type(parentName, pl) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrSolid* G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindSolid( const G4String& volname, G4bool exists ) { G4tgrSolid* vol = 0; G4mapssol::iterator svite = theG4tgrSolidMap.find( volname ); if( svite == theG4tgrSolidMap.end() ) { if( exists ) { for( svite = theG4tgrSolidMap.begin(); svite != theG4tgrSolidMap.end(); svite++ ) { G4cerr << " VOL:" << (*svite).first << G4endl; } G4String ErrMessage = "Solid not found... " + volname; G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindSolid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } } else { vol = const_cast((*svite).second); } return vol; } //------------------------------------------------------------- G4tgrVolume* G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindVolume( const G4String& volname, G4bool exists ) { G4tgrVolume* vol = 0; G4mapsvol::iterator svite = theG4tgrVolumeMap.find( volname ); if( svite == theG4tgrVolumeMap.end() ) { if( exists ) { for( svite = theG4tgrVolumeMap.begin(); svite != theG4tgrVolumeMap.end(); svite++ ) { G4cerr << " VOL:" << (*svite).first << G4endl; } G4String ErrMessage = "Volume not found... " + volname; G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindVolume()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } else { G4String WarMessage = "Volume does not exists... " + volname; G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindVolume()", "SearchFailed", JustWarning, WarMessage); } } else { vol = const_cast((*svite).second); } return vol; } //------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindVolumes( const G4String& volname, G4bool exists ) { std::vector vols; G4mapsvol::iterator svite; for( svite = theG4tgrVolumeMap.begin(); svite != theG4tgrVolumeMap.end(); svite++ ) { if( G4tgrUtils::AreWordsEquivalent( volname, (*svite).second->GetName()) ) { vols.push_back(const_cast((*svite).second) ); } } if( vols.size() == 0 ) { if( exists ) { for( svite = theG4tgrVolumeMap.begin(); svite != theG4tgrVolumeMap.end(); svite++ ) { G4cerr << " VOL:" << (*svite).first << G4endl; } G4String ErrMessage = "Volume not found... " + volname; G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindVolumes()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, ErrMessage); } else { G4String WarMessage = "Volume does not exists... " + volname; G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::FindVolumes()", "SearchFailed", JustWarning, WarMessage); } } return vols; } //------------------------------------------------------------- const G4tgrVolume* G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetTopVolume() { //--- Start from any G4tgrVolume and go upwards until you get to the top. // Check that indeed all volumes drive to the same top volume const G4tgrVolume* topVol = 0; G4mapsvol::const_iterator itetv; for( itetv = theG4tgrVolumeMap.begin(); itetv != theG4tgrVolumeMap.end(); itetv++ ) { const G4tgrVolume* vol = (*itetv).second; #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << " G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetTopVolume() - Vol: " << vol->GetName() << " no place = " << vol->GetPlacements().size() << G4endl; } #endif while( vol->GetPlacements().size() != 0 ) { vol = FindVolume((*(vol->GetPlacements()).begin())->GetParentName(), 1); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 ) { G4cout << " G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetTopVolume() - Vol: " << vol->GetName()<< " N place = " << vol->GetPlacements().size() << G4endl; } #endif } if ( (topVol != 0) && (topVol != vol) && (topVol->GetType() != "VOLDivision") && (vol->GetType() != "VOLDivision") ) { G4Exception("G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetTopVolume()", "Two world volumes found, second will be taken", JustWarning, (G4String("Both volumes are at the top of a hierarchy: ") + topVol->GetName() + " & " + vol->GetName() ).c_str()); } topVol = vol; } return topVol; } //------------------------------------------------------------- std::pair G4tgrVolumeMgr::GetChildren( const G4String& name ) { std::pair dite; dite = theG4tgrVolumeTree.equal_range( name ); return dite; } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::DumpVolumeTree() { G4cout << " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ DUMPING G4tgrVolume's Tree " << G4endl; const G4tgrVolume* vol = GetTopVolume(); DumpVolumeLeaf( vol, 0, 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::DumpVolumeLeaf( const G4tgrVolume* vol, unsigned int copyNo, unsigned int leafDepth) { for( size_t ii=0; ii < leafDepth; ii++ ) { G4cout << " "; } G4cout << " VOL:(" << leafDepth << ")" << vol->GetName() << " copy No " << copyNo << G4endl; //---------- construct the children of this VOL std::pair children = GetChildren( vol->GetName() ); G4mmapspl::const_iterator cite; leafDepth++; for( cite = children.first; cite != children.second; cite++ ) { //---- find G4tgrVolume pointed by G4tgrPlace const G4tgrPlace* pla = (*cite).second; const G4tgrVolume* volchild = pla->GetVolume(); //--- find copyNo unsigned int cn = pla->GetCopyNo(); DumpVolumeLeaf( volchild, cn, leafDepth ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------- void G4tgrVolumeMgr::DumpSummary() { //---------- Dump number of objects of each class G4cout << " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Dumping Detector Summary " << G4endl; G4cout << " @@@ Geometry built inside world volume: " << GetTopVolume()->GetName() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4tgrVolume's: " << theG4tgrVolumeMap.size() << G4endl; G4mapsvol::const_iterator cite; unsigned int nPlace = 0; for( cite = theG4tgrVolumeMap.begin(); cite != theG4tgrVolumeMap.end(); cite++ ) { nPlace += ((*cite).second)->GetPlacements().size(); } G4cout << " Number of G4tgrPlace's: " << nPlace << G4endl; G4tgrMaterialFactory* matef = G4tgrMaterialFactory::GetInstance(); G4cout << " Number of G4tgrIsotope's: " << matef->GetIsotopeList().size() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4tgrElement's: " << matef->GetElementList().size() << G4endl; G4cout << " Number of G4tgrMaterial's: " << matef->GetMaterialList().size() << G4endl; G4tgrRotationMatrixFactory* rotmf = G4tgrRotationMatrixFactory::GetInstance(); G4cout << " Number of G4tgrRotationMatrix's: " << rotmf->GetRotMatList().size() << G4endl; //---------- Dump detail list of objects of each class DumpVolumeTree(); matef->DumpIsotopeList(); matef->DumpElementList(); matef->DumpMaterialList(); rotmf->DumpRotmList(); }