The photo-evaporation database contains nuclear deexcitation data starting from a given nuclear level. Each file contains data for a given isotope, identified by Z and A. The database must first be downloaded from and stored in a local directory. The environment variable G4LEVELGAMMADATA must then be set to point to this directory. ************************************************** Each line contains a de-excitation *step* from a given energy level to a lower one (which might be the ground state). Notice that if multiple de-excitation channels are allowed for the starting energy level, these channels will be described in more lines (all having the same starting level). Each line contains 17 columns: 1) Energy of the starting nuclear level (keV) As mentioned before, it is possible to have more lines describing the same starting level, in the case where multiple de-excitation schemes are allowed. 2) Energy of the transition (keV) This is the energy difference between the initial and the final level. 3) Transition probability (%) Note1: if the probability is less than minProbability = 1e-8%, it is forced to be 1e-8%. Note2: transition probabilities from a given level do not always sum up to 100% exactly. They are re-normalized internally. 4) Polarity Spin-parity variation in the transition [never used in real simulation] 5) Level half-life (s) 6) Angular Momentum Spin of the initial level [never used in real simulation] 7) Total internal conversion probability Note: the value in item (3) is the *transition* probability, so the actual *gamma* probability is calculated taking into account the probability of internal conversion. 8-17) Partial conversion probabilities for K-shell L1-3 shells M1-5 shells Outer shells (shellID = 9 is used, when applicable) Note: if the nuclear excitation energy does not match any of the known levels, the *nearest* level is always considered. In G4RadioactiveDecay, metastable states are treated correctly if the excitation energy is within 2.0 keV of the values in $G4RADIOACTIVEDATA. For instance: take file $G4LEVELGAMMADATA/z28.a60 (Ni-60) Co-60 radioactive decay populates the 1332.5080-keV level of Ni-60 (0.12%) or the 2505.7480-keV level of Ni-60 (99.88%). Deexcitation from the 2505.7480-keV level is described in lines 6-8 of $G4LEVELGAMMADATA/z28.a60 (Ni-60) The nucleus will release 1) 347 keV with 7.6e-3% probability, ending up in the 2158-keV level (following de-excitation hence takes place, lines 2-4 of the file) 2) 1173 keV with 100% probability, ending up in the 1332-keV excited state (following de-excitation hence takes place, line 1) 2) 2505 keV with 2e-6% probability ending up in the ground state.