// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4PomeronCrossSection.cc,v 1.6 2006/11/07 12:51:39 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-ref-09 $ // #include "G4PomeronCrossSection.hh" G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection() {;} G4PomeronCrossSection::~G4PomeronCrossSection() {;} //********************************************************************************************** G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition * particle) { G4int Encoding = std::abs(particle->GetPDGEncoding()); if (std::abs(particle->GetBaryonNumber())!=0) InitForNucleon(); else if (Encoding/100== 3 || Encoding/10 == 3) InitForKaon(); else InitForPion(); } //********************************************************************************************** G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4Proton * ) { InitForNucleon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4Neutron * ) { InitForNucleon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4PionPlus * ) { InitForPion(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4PionMinus * ) { InitForPion(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4PionZero * ) { InitForPion(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4KaonPlus * ) { InitForKaon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4KaonMinus * ) { InitForKaon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4KaonZero * ) { InitForKaon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4KaonZeroLong * ) { InitForKaon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4KaonZeroShort * ) { InitForKaon(); } G4PomeronCrossSection::G4PomeronCrossSection(const G4Gamma * ) { InitForGamma(); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetTotalCrossSection(const G4double s) { G4double FZ2= Expand(Z(s)/2); return SigP(s) * FZ2; } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetElasticCrossSection(const G4double s) { return SigP(s)/pomeron_C *(Expand(Z(s)/2) - Expand(Z(s))); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetDiffractiveCrossSection(const G4double s) { return ( pomeron_C -1) * GetElasticCrossSection(s); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetInelasticCrossSection(const G4double s) { return GetTotalCrossSection(s) - GetElasticCrossSection(s); } //-------------------------Probabilities ---------------------------- G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetTotalProbability(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare) { return 2/pomeron_C*(1-std::exp(-1*Eikonal(s,impactsquare))); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetDiffractiveProbability(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare) { return (pomeron_C-1)/pomeron_C * (GetTotalProbability(s,impactsquare) - GetNondiffractiveProbability(s,impactsquare)); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetNondiffractiveProbability(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare) { return (1-std::exp(-2*Eikonal(s,impactsquare)))/pomeron_C; } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetElasticProbability(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare) { return (GetTotalProbability(s,impactsquare) - GetInelasticProbability(s,impactsquare)); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetInelasticProbability(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare) { return GetNondiffractiveProbability(s,impactsquare) + GetDiffractiveProbability(s,impactsquare); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::GetCutPomeronProbability(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare, const G4int nPomerons) { G4double factorial=1; for (G4int i=2; i<= nPomerons ; i++) { factorial *= i; } return std::exp(-2*Eikonal(s,impactsquare))/pomeron_C* std::pow(2*Eikonal(s,impactsquare),nPomerons)/factorial; } // ---------------Temporary --- GF void G4PomeronCrossSection::Setgamma(const G4double agam) { pomeron_Gamma=agam/GeV/GeV; } //----------------- private/Implementation methods void G4PomeronCrossSection::InitForNucleon() { // pomeron_S= 3.0*GeV*GeV; pomeron_S= 2.7*GeV*GeV; // pomeron_Gamma= 2.16/GeV/GeV; // pomeron_Gamma= 3.96/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma= (2.6+3.96)/GeV/GeV; pomeron_C= 1.4; pomeron_Rsquare= 3.56/GeV/GeV; // pomeron_Alpha= 1.0808; pomeron_Alpha= 0.9808; pomeron_Alphaprime= 0.25/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma_Hard = 0.0002/GeV/GeV; // Note! if pomeron_Gamma_Hard != 0 to fit total pp-crosscection // pomeron_Gamma_Soft shold be 2.35/GeV/GeV pomeron_Alpha_Hard = 1.47; } void G4PomeronCrossSection::InitForPion() { pomeron_S= 1.5*GeV*GeV; // pomeron_Gamma= 1.46/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma= 2.17/GeV/GeV; pomeron_C= 1.6; pomeron_Rsquare= 2.36/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Alpha= 1.0808; pomeron_Alphaprime= 0.25/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma_Hard = 0.0002/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Alpha_Hard = 1.47; } void G4PomeronCrossSection::InitForKaon() { pomeron_S= 2.3*GeV*GeV; // pomeron_Gamma= 1.31/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma= 1.92/GeV/GeV; pomeron_C= 1.8; pomeron_Rsquare= 1.96/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Alpha= 1.0808; pomeron_Alphaprime= 0.25/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma_Hard = 0.0002/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Alpha_Hard = 1.47; } void G4PomeronCrossSection::InitForGamma() { pomeron_S= 1.7*GeV*GeV; // pomeron_Gamma= 1.42/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma= 2.07/GeV/GeV; pomeron_C= 1.7; pomeron_Rsquare= 2.16/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Alpha= 1.0808; pomeron_Alphaprime= 0.25/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Gamma_Hard = 0.0002/GeV/GeV; pomeron_Alpha_Hard = 1.47; } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Expand(G4double z) { G4double sum=1.; G4double current=1.; for (G4int j=2; j<21; j++ ) { current *= -z *(j-1)/sqr(j); sum+=current; } return sum; } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Power(const G4double s) { return pomeron_Gamma *std::pow(s/pomeron_S, pomeron_Alpha -1); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Z(const G4double s) { return 2*pomeron_C * Power(s) / Lambda(s); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Lambda(const G4double s) { return pomeron_Rsquare+pomeron_Alphaprime*std::log(s/pomeron_S); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::SigP(const G4double s) { return 8 * pi * hbarc_squared * Power(s); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Eikonal(const G4double s, const G4double impactsquare) { return Z(s)/2 * std::exp(-impactsquare/(4*Lambda(s)*hbarc_squared)); } //************************************************************************************************* inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::PowerSoft(const G4double s) { return pomeron_Gamma *std::pow(s/pomeron_S, pomeron_Alpha -1); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::PowerHard(const G4double s) { return pomeron_Gamma_Hard*std::pow(s/pomeron_S, pomeron_Alpha_Hard -1); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::LambdaSoft(const G4double s) { return pomeron_Rsquare+pomeron_Alphaprime*std::log(s/pomeron_S); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::LambdaHard(const G4double /*s*/) { return pomeron_Rsquare; //+pomeron_Alphaprime*std::log(s/pomeron_S); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Zsoft(const G4double s) { return 2*pomeron_C*PowerHard(s) / LambdaSoft(s); } inline G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::Zhard(const G4double s) { return 2*pomeron_C*PowerHard(s)/LambdaHard(s); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::SoftEikonal(G4double s, G4double impactsquare) { return Zsoft(s)/2*std::exp(-impactsquare/LambdaSoft(s)/hbarc_squared/4); } G4double G4PomeronCrossSection::HardEikonal(G4double s, G4double impactsquare) { return Zhard(s)/2*std::exp(-impactsquare/LambdaHard(s)/hbarc_squared/4); } //*************************************************************************************************