This G4 Graphics Driver creates a HepRep File suitable for viewing by the HepRApp, Wired4 or FRED Event Display clients. It requires no external packages. The HepRep graphics format is further described at Two different drivers are available for either HepRep1 or HepRep2. Driver: HepRepFile ------------------ The version of HepRep produced by this driver is HepRep Version 1. Writes files with file extension .heprep. First file is written to current directory and is named G4Data0.heprep. Subsequent files increment the number, as in G4Data1.heprep, G4Data2.heprep... To specify a different output file directory (instead of current directory), set G4HEPREPFILE_DIR To specify a different output file name (instead of G4Data), set G4HEPREPFILE_NAME To repeatedly overwrite the same output file (instead of having incremental numbers at the end of the file name), set G4HEPREPFILE_OVERWRITE By default, invisible objects are not culled but are left in the heprep file with their visibility initially set to false (so that you can subsequently choose to make them visible from within the heprep browser). To force culling of invisible objects, set G44HEPREPFILE_CULL View the file using the HepRApp HepRep Browser, available from: HepRApp can read xml files in zipped format as well as unzipped, so you can save space by applying gzip to the xml file. This will reduce the file to about five percent of its original size. Joseph Perl 15 November 2007 Driver: HepRepXML ----------------- The version of HepRep produced by this driver is HepRep Version 2. This driver can write both Binary HepRep (.bheprep) and XML HepRep (.heprep) files. Binary HepRep files are a one-to-one translation of XML HepRep files, but they are considerably shorter and faster to parse by a HepRepViewer such as WIRED 4. You can view the files using the WIRED 4 Event Display, available from: Both Binary HepRep and XML HepRep can be compressed using the standard zlib library if linked into Geant4 using G4LIB_USE_ZLIB. If a standard zlib is not available (WIN32-VC for instance) you should also set G4LIB_BUILD_ZLIB to build G4zlib included with Geant4. HepRep files (Binary and XML) can contain multiple HepRep events/geometries. If the file contains more than one HepRep it is not strictly XML anymore. Files can be written in, .heprep.gz or .heprep format and their binary versions, .bheprep.gz or .bheprep. The is the default for file output, the .heprep is the default for stdout and stderr. (Optional) To set the filename with a particular extension such as:, .heprep.gz, .heprep,, .bheprep.gz or .bheprep use for instance: /vis/scene/create (Optional) To create separate files for each event, you can set a suffix such as "-0001" to start writing files from to (or up), while "-55-sub" will start write files to (or up). /vis/heprep/setEventNumberSuffix -0001 (Note: suffix has to contain at least one digit) (Optional) To route the HepRep XML output to stdout (or stderr), by default uncompressed, use: /vis/scene/create stdout To select the driver, where the file if not create by scene is set to, use: /vis/open HepRepXML (Optional) To write a geometry, use: /vis/viewer/flush (Optional) To signal a change in geometry (to be written with the next event), use: /vis/viewer/refresh To write 10 events (and geometries), use: /run/beamOn 10 (Optional) To accumulate multiple (5) G4 events into one HepRep event, use: /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate /run/beamOn 5 /vis/viewer/update (Optional) To add attributes to each point on a trajectory, use: /vis/heprep/addPointAttributes 1 Be aware that this may increase the size of the output dramatically. (Optional) You may use the commands: /vis/viewer/zoom to set an initial zoom factor /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi to set an initial view point /vis/heprep/setCoordinateSystem uvw to change the coordinate system, where uvw can be "xyz", "zxy", ... (Optional) You may decide to write .zip files with events and geometry separated (but linked). This results in a smaller zip file, as the geometry is only written once. Use the command: /vis/heprep/appendGeometry false (Optional) To close the file, remove the SceneHandler, use: /vis/sceneHandler/remove scene-handler-0 Limitations: Only one SceneHandler can exist at any time, connected to a single Viewer. Since the HepRep format is a model rather than a view this is not a real limitation. In WIRED 4 you can create as many views (SceneHandlers) as you like. 1 June 2005