1.5.0 * From Oleg Performances improved - using DB write through cache - communications fully implemented in TCP 1.4.0 A lot of bug corrected 1.3.0 - Client features added : - Insert applications - Insert new users - cvs, html and xml output - Majority of the worker bugs corrected - Dispatcher fit 1 million job submission [...] 1.0.3 * Lot of improvements From Oleg - Added XW Monitor: Features - Graphical User Interface written in Java - view a detailed list of the workers connected - stop/start workers - stop/start trace collections on the worker - control of ACL - Added XW Tracer (Contribution from Anna Lawer and Ganglia project) - Each worker is able to monitor it's own acivity - Traces are stored by the server - Password are stored encrypted on the database - Added Support for execution of Java Classes on the worker (A. Djilali) - Switch to MinML instead of xp for the XmlParser - Added hsqldb driver for the Database interface - Support of the Subterfugue Sandbox - Added documentation for PovRay demo 1.0.2 - Added jdk 1.1.8 compatibility in the worker - Added two options in the ./configure --enable-keys and -enable-installworker - Added three small scripts to generate keys, install a custom worker and install the database - Added Documentation in texinfo and html format - Added a xtremweb.spec file to build rpm - Added Acess Control List in the server configuration file ( xw.conf) - Fixed the rmiregistry classpath 1.0.1 - Fix the jni.h not found in configure - Added Access Control List in the Xtremweb shell