GETTING STARTED Requirements: Java 1.5 or latest Compilation: Edit build/build.conf file and fill all field marked "*** MUST BE FILLED ***"" in the directory build, execute the following commands : - make To rebuild all: - make clean - make Installation: note that the build/build.conf have to be correctly filled in the directory build, execute - make installDB - make install Uninstallation: note that the build/build.conf have to be correctly filled - make clean - make uninstall As installation has correctly completed, everything is in the install directory as defined in build.conf as follow: ~InstallDir/bin : XtremWeb scripts ~InstallDir/conf : XtremWeb config files There are three of them; they have been automatically filled by the install process xtremweb.server.conf xtremweb.worker.conf xtremweb.client.conf ~InstallDir/doc : XtremWeb documentations ~InstallDir/lib : XtremWeb Java JAR files Launch the dispatcher: in the directory bin of your install directory, execute ./xtremweb.server Launch the worker: in the directory bin of your install directory, execute ./xtremweb.worker How to use the client: in the directory bin of your install directory, execute ./xtremweb.client -h to known how to use it.